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Kelly Update!

Guest Stripeyfan

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Guest Stripeyfan

Well we're back from the vet, she thinks Kelly has cystitis - poor boy! sad.gif There were traces of blood in his pee sample, which looked pretty yucky. He's had a shot of metacam to reduce any discomfort/inflammation (as he's been a bit restless today) and has to have amoxicillin for 10 days. I was worried that it might be his kidneys that are the problem, as he was on pred for a very long time last year, but the vet says if it was, she'd expect to see other symptoms (such as increased thirst) before he got blood in his pee. So far, apart from the pee problems, he's been his usual silly self. However, if the ABs don't do anything, she will get him in for bloodwork straight away, no messing, which is good to know. (Last year, before Kelly's IBD was diagnosed, our old vet wanted to leave him another 6 weeks after he'd lost 20lb before they did any tests, which is why we changed to the practise we're with now.)


So thank you for the advice and healing thoughts so far, and I hope it's ok to ask for a few more!

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Spencer told me to tell his bud Kelly to feel better fast! :nod And I'm so glad you switched vets! I hadn't known the old vet made such a ridiculous proposal as waiting six weeks last year!!!

Lotsa healing thoughts wafting across the pond.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Stripeyfan

Greyhead - yes, SIX WEEKS. Our new vet had him in for the cobalamin/folate test within 24 hrs of us registering with them. If we'd stayed at the old vet I honestly don't think we'd've had a dog by the time they got round to doing the test. But then they did also totally deny his IBD could stem from parasite damage and said there was absolutely no way he could stay on a home cooked diet, he HAD to have prescription food from them even though that's what triggered full-blown IBD and meant our new vet had to prescribe prednisone to get it under control... blink.gif But anyhoo, they are but a bad memory now, thank goodness!


Thank you so much everyone for the good thoughts, and for keeping 'em coming, too. Really appreciate it. smile.gif

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KellyMrAlien.jpgKeep improving sweetie! :kiss2

Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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Poor Kelly! :( I hope the ABs do the trick.

FWIW, I've been adding a splash of cranberry juice to my 3 cats' food (they've each had cystitis over the last few years, despite food changes, etc.), and so far so good! They don't even seem to notice it. Maybe it could be part of a maintenance thing for Kelly.


Good luck!!


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest fringepup

Well we're back from the vet, she thinks Kelly has cystitis - poor boy! sad.gif There were traces of blood in his pee sample, which looked pretty yucky. He's had a shot of metacam to reduce any discomfort/inflammation (as he's been a bit restless today) and has to have amoxicillin for 10 days. I was worried that it might be his kidneys that are the problem, as he was on pred for a very long time last year, but the vet says if it was, she'd expect to see other symptoms (such as increased thirst) before he got blood in his pee. So far, apart from the pee problems, he's been his usual silly self. However, if the ABs don't do anything, she will get him in for bloodwork straight away, no messing, which is good to know. (Last year, before Kelly's IBD was diagnosed, our old vet wanted to leave him another 6 weeks after he'd lost 20lb before they did any tests, which is why we changed to the practise we're with now.)


So thank you for the advice and healing thoughts so far, and I hope it's ok to ask for a few more!


Hello. You were one of the first to offer your help and support to me when Willie was acting 'out of sorts' shortly after we adopted him and I didn't know what was going on with him. I just saw your post and wanted to let you know that you and Kelly will be in our prayers for a fast recovery. You have friends in Pennsylvania and we thank you! Sending hugs from Willie. :bighug

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Guest Stripeyfan

Poor Kelly! :( I hope the ABs do the trick.

FWIW, I've been adding a splash of cranberry juice to my 3 cats' food (they've each had cystitis over the last few years, despite food changes, etc.), and so far so good! They don't even seem to notice it. Maybe it could be part of a maintenance thing for Kelly.


Good luck!!


Xan, I have been wondering about cranberry juice or pills. We can't change Kelly's food because of his IBD - he can't even eat commercial dog food, so as a result his diet is very limited (chicken+rice+supplements) which may have contributed to this. Sorry if this is a daft question but do you just use the juice that comes in cartons from the supermarket?





Hello. You were one of the first to offer your help and support to me when Willie was acting 'out of sorts' shortly after we adopted him and I didn't know what was going on with him. I just saw your post and wanted to let you know that you and Kelly will be in our prayers for a fast recovery. You have friends in Pennsylvania and we thank you! Sending hugs from Willie. :bighug


Thank you. I hope Willie hasn't had any more problems. Did you ever find out what it was? It is so worrying when they start acting strangely and they can't tell you why! Kelly sends him a great big wag.


Thank you to everyone else for the good thoughts too. smile.gif

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Xan, I have been wondering about cranberry juice or pills. We can't change Kelly's food because of his IBD - he can't even eat commercial dog food, so as a result his diet is very limited (chicken+rice+supplements) which may have contributed to this. Sorry if this is a daft question but do you just use the juice that comes in cartons from the supermarket?


The juice is safe as long as it doesn't cause problems with his IBD--and it might, especially if it's been sweetened. And if you get a cranberry "cocktail," be careful about what the juice is mixed with: apple juice is fine for dogs, grape juice is not. But they also make cranberry supplements in pill/capsule form, and those might be more tolerable for him.


This site says the pill form (for women with cystitis) is as effective as the juice. They make a whole raft of cranberry supplements for dogs, but with Kelly's IBD, I'd just hunt for a supplement--human or canine--that doesn't carry a lot of other "stuff" along with the actual cranberry. I've bought people-versions when Jacey was having UTI issues (the vet said they were fine). I found the pills at WalMart or Target or someplace like that, right in with all the other vitamin supplements.


Good luck.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest fringepup

Poor Kelly! :( I hope the ABs do the trick.

FWIW, I've been adding a splash of cranberry juice to my 3 cats' food (they've each had cystitis over the last few years, despite food changes, etc.), and so far so good! They don't even seem to notice it. Maybe it could be part of a maintenance thing for Kelly.


Good luck!!


Xan, I have been wondering about cranberry juice or pills. We can't change Kelly's food because of his IBD - he can't even eat commercial dog food, so as a result his diet is very limited (chicken+rice+supplements) which may have contributed to this. Sorry if this is a daft question but do you just use the juice that comes in cartons from the supermarket?





Hello. You were one of the first to offer your help and support to me when Willie was acting 'out of sorts' shortly after we adopted him and I didn't know what was going on with him. I just saw your post and wanted to let you know that you and Kelly will be in our prayers for a fast recovery. You have friends in Pennsylvania and we thank you! Sending hugs from Willie. :bighug


Thank you. I hope Willie hasn't had any more problems. Did you ever find out what it was? It is so worrying when they start acting strangely and they can't tell you why! Kelly sends him a great big wag.


Thank you to everyone else for the good thoughts too. smile.gif


Actually, Willie had another "episode" in mid-January. We took him to vet and ordered bloodwork and a urinalysis. She did a lot of basic neuroloigical tests in the office and really gave him a good exam and saw no signs of any problem. Bloodwork and urinalysis all came back fine. She said at this point there is no diagnosis and she is going with anxiety. We are to monitor him and keep notes and/or video tape the next time. I hope we never see it again, but we both know what to do. Otherwise he is doing well and is the love of our lives! He is settling in with us and we are all anxiously awaiting nicer weather so we can play outside. Good to hear from you! We do hope Kelly is doing better. We will keep good thoughts and prayers your way! I told Willie he has a new friend! :bighug Big hug back to you all!

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