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Our Grey, Ranger, who is 12 this month, went to the Vet yesterday for a thorough check up. To make a long story short, my Vet kept him there for the day to run blood work and I asked him to do a chest x-ray. His heart rate was pretty elevated at 180 and probably got up to around 200 during the day there. He was also panting most of the day at the Vet's. I'm sure at least some of that was stress.


Blood work came back and it all looks pretty normal. There is some sign on kidney problems but values are low. Urine was checked and there was a little protein in the urine, but again, not too elevated. Stool sample was normal.


He was given a very light sedative to get the chest x-ray. When I picked Ranger up, he was still panting like crazy. When I brought him home, he seemed to be weak in the rear and his rear legs were kind of pulled up under him. He did, again, consume a lot of water but refused to eat, even chicken. After some massage for about 45 mins. he seemed to calm down and went to sleep. Got him up later in the evening to let him out before bed. He seemed to be walking fine but, again, consumed a large amount of water.


Took him back this morning for my Vet to check a BP. At first it was pretty high but after a bit came down to about 150/100 (still on the high side).


Out of desperation, I picked up a case of canned ID to see if Ranger would at least eat that, he has in the past. I think he maybe ate about 1/4 can then walked away.


My Vet seems something is obviously wrong with this dog but can't narrow it down. Ranger is down to 54 lbs!!!! He should be at least between 65-70 lbs.


Asked about thyroid and it was a little on the low side but the Vet said if he gave him meds for that, he would certainly lose more weight.


The only other thing he suggested was possibly getting an ultrasound of his heart. He doesn't do that at his clinic and I don't know if anyone in town does. It would probably necessitate a trip to Sacramento, which would be difficult for me to do.


White count is not elevated. Actually, his blood work looks pretty good.


Any ideas????


I did send an e-mail to Dr. Stack. Does she answer e-mails or do consults with other Vets? Has anyone consulted with her before?


I'm very worried.



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I'd do a consultation at Ohio State. You can fax them his blood work. Google Greyhound Health and Wellness Program for the form to complete and the fax number. I think with the form they are processing the requests better.


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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There definitely seems to be something going on. I second the idea of OSU consultation as it seems that your vet has tried multiple things. In the meantime, have you tried other foods to entice him to eat? Specifically home made food such as boiled chicken and rice? I know a lot of pups like eggs whether they be boiled or scrambled. Our pups get a filet of broiled salmon weekly and they love that as well. A lot of people have used Ensure nutritional shake to help add pounds back on their pups.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest KennelMom

I'm missing something...did all the symptoms start yesterday while he was at the vet, or has this been going on? Which symptoms started and when?

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Asked about thyroid and it was a little on the low side but the Vet said if he gave him meds for that, he would certainly lose more weight


Obviously he doesn't know the effects of thyroid meds.


I'd start with a thyroid panel from Michigan State. I have the forms and directions for overnighting if you want.


What exactly are his blood values? Were they done in house or sent out?


Do you have an alternative vet close? You can email me if you want :)

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest lizmego

Need more info...what prompted the visit to the vet? Basic checkup? why did they need the dog all day? Without more info, I'd think Ranger overheated from stress. Was he losing weight and that's why you took him to the vet? If he's not eating, does he need a dental?

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Oh, he's been a little *off* for a while. Eats then doesn't eat but really no other symptoms.


I took him in in October or November and had all the blood work done, etc. Vet suggested I try the Pepcid, which I did.


Unfortunately, I am dealing with some ongoing health problems myself and had to have some surgery or I would have taken him in a week or two ago. Doctors can't diagnose what's wrong with me either!!!! :blink:


I don't know that my Vet will use the info but I took the contact information for Ohio State and for Dr. Stack back to his office this morning.



I took the Ohio State information to my Vet. Didn't get a chance to talk to him, he's been very busy.


I gave him the web sit and the telephone and Fax numbers to contact a Vets to use for consultation. Hope he uses it!!


There definitely seems to be something going on. I second the idea of OSU consultation as it seems that your vet has tried multiple things. In the meantime, have you tried other foods to entice him to eat? Specifically home made food such as boiled chicken and rice? I know a lot of pups like eggs whether they be boiled or scrambled. Our pups get a filet of broiled salmon weekly and they love that as well. A lot of people have used Ensure nutritional shake to help add pounds back on their pups.



Forgot about the Ensure. I'll ask my Vet about that. Oh, I've done the chicken and rice often. Never thought of salmon. Does that give them the runs? He has had a lot of gas but it may be the Blue Senior food. I've never fed him eggs.


Need more info...what prompted the visit to the vet? Basic checkup? why did they need the dog all day? Without more info, I'd think Ranger overheated from stress. Was he losing weight and that's why you took him to the vet? If he's not eating, does he need a dental?


Took him to the Vet cause nothing I have been doing at home is working and he continues to lose weight and just looks unthrifty although he really isn't acting sick.


Not his teeth as I had his dental done a few months ago and the Vet and I checked. He kept him all day to do the bloodwork and the x-rays.


Yes, he was pretty stressed out over there. He is quite the *MaMa's* boy.


I think I would have a second opinion done by an internist.

Edited to add-- why didn't your vet take abdominal films if your pup havs a decreased appetite?


Um not sure why he didn't do abdominal x-rays. I think he was more concerned about the lungs and heart due to the hacking he has been doing. We did discuss the liver but forgot to ask him about that today.


My Vet bill!!! :eek


I think I would have a second opinion done by an internist.

Edited to add-- why didn't your vet take abdominal films if your pup havs a decreased appetite?


Um not sure why he didn't do abdominal x-rays. I think he was more concerned about the lungs and heart due to the hacking he has been doing. We did discuss the liver but forgot to ask him about that today.


My Vet bill!!! :eek


Asked about thyroid and it was a little on the low side but the Vet said if he gave him meds for that, he would certainly lose more weight


Obviously he doesn't know the effects of thyroid meds.


I'd start with a thyroid panel from Michigan State. I have the forms and directions for overnighting if you want.


What exactly are his blood values? Were they done in house or sent out?


Do you have an alternative vet close? You can email me if you want :)



Actually, used to send out thyroid panels to Michigan State for my Shelties. Forgot about that. I don't have copies of his blood work here but was looking at it with my Vet. The thyroid was "just" below the normal range and, from what I read, this can be normal for Greys.


He sent the blood out this time.


Alternative Vet? I'll wait on that as we just started this yesterday.

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Ok, I'm guardidly optimistic. I did give Ranger the Pepcid a while ago. I went to the kitchen to cook up some brown rice to add to the chicken and ID food later.

Went out to the garage and came back in to see him back at his food bowl finishing the food he had left before. I tossed in a handful of the Blue kibble and he ate that also. I gave him one treat and he ate that too.


Of course, he has done this before, eaten then stopped but I'm hoping he will continue to eat something as this dog needs at least 10 lbs on him.


I think I'll start using the Pepcid twice a day again and see if that makes a difference.


Fingers crossed.

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Guest Energy11

Having just had a VERY sick dog (*not the same symptoms as Ranger ... but still .... I almost sent Goldie to The Bridge, based on her symptoms, and what the vets here THOUGHT she had!


I had a full thyroid panel done, AND it WAS sent to MSU! BUT ... I also sent it to Dr. Jean Dodds and my former vet./employer in Florida. BOTH said Goldie needed thyroid supplementation! She obviously did, because she did a 180 turn a round, and seems far, far better!


I'd suggest sending a FULL Panel to Dr. Dodds, just to rule out possible thyroid involvement. ... http://www.hemopet.org/


Good luck with all of this! GLAD Ranger is at least eating! Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!

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Guest HappyHarleysMom

Has your vet suggested an ultra sound on his abdomen?


I'm sending many many prayers your way for Ranger. I know what you're going through wanting him to eat and not knowing what is wrong. I'm so glad he ate, and hopefully will continue to do so.


Just FYI, Harley had IBD, but here are some things from when I was trying getting him to eat and put pounds on--to get calories in him, or jumpstart his eating. I don't know if it's helpful or not but here you go:


I tried chicken and fish, boiled. I tried pureeing when he didn't want it in pieces. Boiled whole wheat pasta, different shapes worked, like bow tie or spiral. Boil pasta in fat free low sodium chicken broth. Harley liked that one. Salmon worked. Dabbing Beechnut chicken/chicken broth baby food on his kibble. Pedialite with water added for electrolytes while he's not eating. Sweet potatoes, or sweet potato baby food - watch ingredients in baby food, make sure nothing added like onion powder. Baked white potatoes. The vet told me Ensure was an option but to watch that it doesn't cause diarrhea. Toasted bread. Harley liked potato bread toasted.


I hope Ranger is going to be ok. Sending many prayers.

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Asked about thyroid and it was a little on the low side but the Vet said if he gave him meds for that, he would certainly lose more weight


Obviously he doesn't know the effects of thyroid meds.


I totally agree. (But I'd use Jean Dodds instead of Michigan State.) ETA: You can learn a lot by searching "hypothyroid* " in the H&M archives. A lot has been said on the subject recently. It led me to start a thread myself, which I labeled "hypothyroidism".


Has Ranger been test for tick borne disease?


We have no ticks where I am and he doesn't really go anywhere anymore.

The only thing is, TBD's can be dormant a long time and then suddenly emerge to cause problems.


But I'm still interested Ranger's thyroid.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Having just had a VERY sick dog (*not the same symptoms as Ranger ... but still .... I almost sent Goldie to The Bridge, based on her symptoms, and what the vets here THOUGHT she had!


I had a full thyroid panel done, AND it WAS sent to MSU! BUT ... I also sent it to Dr. Jean Dodds and my former vet./employer in Florida. BOTH said Goldie needed thyroid supplementation! She obviously did, because she did a 180 turn a round, and seems far, far better!


I'd suggest sending a FULL Panel to Dr. Dodds, just to rule out possible thyroid involvement. ... http://www.hemopet.org/


Good luck with all of this! GLAD Ranger is at least eating! Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!



Thanks for the information. Gee, I went to a couple of Dr. Dodd's lectures years ago when I had Shelties. At that time, she was really lecturing on our dogs being over vaccinated, which made sense to me. She took a lot of flack for that, at the time. Well, how many years later is it and now they recommend fewer vaccines.

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My Vet called me after 7:00 last night. He had another type of test done on Ranger's urine and even though the blood work is low, there is high protein in his urine.

Long story, but I will be going to another Vet tomorrow to have an ultrasound done.


Ranger did eat maybe a can of the ID plus some chicken and rice last night and I started giving him the Pepcid again.


So far today, he has eaten maybe 3/4 of a can. Vet said he should probably be eating 1 1/2 - 2 cans per meal.


Other then that, he seems no worse and still wants to go for his walks and follows me from room to room.


I did write to Dr. Stack, who was nice enough to respond, and she also suggested an abdominal ultrasound. In dogs this age, best do kind of try to do a cancer hunt. Hope that's not the case and we can determine definitely what's going on and it can be managed.


12 just doesn't seem that old but I guess he is considered an old dog.


thanks to all for the help, support and suggestions.

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Doctors can't diagnose what's wrong with me either!!!!




We have no ticks where I am and he doesn't really go anywhere anymore


They can lay dormant for 5-7 years. Worth around $62 to get a full panel at Protatek.


Sending prayers!


forgot to add: I've had seniors with high protein and if the ratios are ok, we ignore it.

Edited by Burpdog

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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I can ask about the tick panel but really don't think that is the case.


Well, can't ignore this. He has lost too much weight and is just unthrifty, poor coat, etc. Something is going on, even the Vet sees that.


Nope still haven't found out what is wrong with me. Another ENT doc did more biopsies of my tongue and parotid a couple of weeks ago, nothing. He wants me to see an rheumatologist and a endocrinologist. Shoot, you have to wait months to get into see these specialists around here.

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I can ask about the tick panel but really don't think that is the case.

With all due respect, I really think it's worth getting a tick panel completed. Every time there are strange symptoms or things that don't make sense, I always think tick disease.


About ticks not being in your area, it doesn't matter. Shorty after I adopted Phoenix, I noticed that he became tired very easily. He couldn't even cross the street without resting. I finally found a vet who would send a blood sample out for testing, and sure enough he had a tick borne disease called babesia. The reason why I had so much difficulty finding a vet that would have him tested was because the offending tick (the brown tick) doesn't even live in Canada, which is where we live. Phoenix would have been infected sometime during his puppyhood or during his racing career. As Diane said, the disease can lay dormant for years. They can have a strange assortment of symptoms which often don't make sense.


These diseases can be fatal if untreated. I have no doubt that had I not had Phoenix tested and treated (with medication that had to be imported to Canada as it isn't available here), he would no longer be alive.

Edited by robinw

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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I can ask about the tick panel but really don't think that is the case.

With all due respect, I really think it's worth getting a tick panel completed. Every time there are strange symptoms or things that don't make sense, I always think tick disease.


About ticks not being in your area, it doesn't matter. Shorty after I adopted Phoenix, I noticed that he became tired very easily. He couldn't even cross the street without resting. I finally found a vet who would send a blood sample out for testing, and sure enough he had a tick borne disease called babesia. The reason why I had so much difficulty finding a vet that would have him tested was because the offending tick (the brown tick) doesn't even live in Canada, which is where we live. Phoenix would have been infected sometime during his puppyhood or during his racing career. As Diane said, the disease can lay dormant for years. They can have a strange assortment of symptoms which often don't make sense.


These diseases can be fatal if untreated. I have no doubt that had I not had Phoenix tested and treated (with medication that had to be imported to Canada as it isn't available here), he would no longer be alive.


I'll mention the tick panel. Hell, what my Vet bill is now, what's a bit more?



I would do an abdominal/heart ultrasound. That will give you good information quickly.


Yes, going to be asking for a heart and abdominal ultrasound.

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Abdominal/heart ultrasound and blood pressure check, and recheck the urine for bacteria. Spilling protein in the urine is more suggestive of kidney, heart, or plain old infection than anything else (altho other things are certainly possible). Hugs and best luck with your boy.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Having just had a VERY sick dog (*not the same symptoms as Ranger ... but still .... I almost sent Goldie to The Bridge, based on her symptoms, and what the vets here THOUGHT she had!


I had a full thyroid panel done, AND it WAS sent to MSU! BUT ... I also sent it to Dr. Jean Dodds and my former vet./employer in Florida. BOTH said Goldie needed thyroid supplementation! She obviously did, because she did a 180 turn a round, and seems far, far better!


I'd suggest sending a FULL Panel to Dr. Dodds, just to rule out possible thyroid involvement. ... http://www.hemopet.org/


Good luck with all of this! GLAD Ranger is at least eating! Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!


What were Goldie's thyroid levels? Do you have them or remember and who diagnosed it? MSU or Dr. Dodds?


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