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Meloxicam For Our Daniel

Guest JoyceJ

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As our first grey got older, he was on Metacam oral suspension to the tune of almost $80 a bottle (yes that was a few years back...). I much preferred (and saw better results) with that over Deramaxx.

Our #2 boy is now 11.5 and I would much prefer Metacam for him as well. Has anyone used the $4

meloxicam from Walmart instead of the oral suspension? If so what dosage? Your experience?

As always, thanks for your input.

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You can use Mobic (meloxicam) but, your pup needs to be big enough. Most hounds that weigh enough take 1/2 of a 7.5mg tablet by mouth once daily. Check with your vet to see if your pup is a canidate.


Thanks. Walmart has both the 7.5mg and the 15mg. Daniel weighs in at 72 pounds. Calling vet's office tomorrow.

Edited by JoyceJ
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You can use Mobic (meloxicam) but, your pup needs to be big enough. Most hounds that weigh enough take 1/2 of a 7.5mg tablet by mouth once daily. Check with your vet to see if your pup is a canidate.


Thanks. Walmart has both the 7.5mg and the 15mg. Daniel weighs in at 72 pounds. Calling vet's office tomorrow.


Please let me know what your vet says regarding dosage. Lucy is also 72 lbs and the vet said the Meloxicam would be fine, but he didn't tell me what dose, and I forgot to ask.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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I used meloxicam for one of our hounds and liked it a lot better than metacam. Aside from the price difference, he didn't seem to have the stomach upset he could get with metacam. Because I was using a 1/4 of a 15mg pill, I think they dissolved pretty quickly. And the pills are small to begin with - a little bigger than a birth control pill. I was really happy with the results :) .

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I just checked my medicine stash and found a bottle of the Meloxicam I had for Lewis. He was taking 7.5MG per day. After his OS diagnosis, the vet put him on Metacam but the liquid just wasn't working for him (he hated the taste). Someone here turned me on to Meloxicam. I was able to get it from the pharmacy, it was a lot cheaper and he was much happier taking a pill.




Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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DesiRay did very well with the liquid Metacam, but as you said....very expensive.


He's now taking 1/2 of a 7.5 mg tab once a day (he's 88 lb) & is doing fine. He takes it in a little piece of

pill pocket for a bedtime snack.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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DesiRay did very well with the liquid Metacam, but as you said....very expensive.

He's now taking 1/2 of a 7.5 mg tab once a day (he's 88 lb) & is doing fine. He takes it in a little piece of

pill pocket for a bedtime snack.


My vet does not want Daniel on the pills, citing numerous reports of "dogs not only having GI issues but also having preforated bowels" but stopping short of saying these issues were "caused" by the meloxicam. So I've picked up a small bottle of the Metacam suspension and will see if that helps.


In the meantime, I know lots of GT'ers have used accupuncture. But has anyone used laser therapy for their grey's lower back pain/discomfort?

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I have no experience with one of my dogs & therapy laser. However, I work at a vet clinic & can share a story that I

watched personally.


One of our clients has a 12 year old St.Bernard. I don't think I've ever seen one that old. Anyway, she got very ill

in the spring of 2009, and wound up having a major abdominal surgery. She wasn't walking well before, and at the time,

I wouldn't have given you 50 cents for her chances of getting up & around again.


But her mom wouldn't give her up; so she laid there on a bed on the floor of our treatment area for 4 solid days, peeing

& pooping on herself until finally one of our vets decided to try the therapy laser on her. Within a couple of days, she

was getting up with help & within a week getting around on her own.


18 months later, she's still going, comes in once every 2 weeks for her laser treatment, and now I can't even guess

how much longer she'll keep going. I'm amazed every time I see her.


FWIW: IMHO: I would certainly give it a try.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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I have no experience with one of my dogs & therapy laser. However, I work at a vet clinic & can share a story that I watched personally...................


18 months later, she's still going, comes in once every 2 weeks for her laser treatment, and now I can't even guess how much longer she'll keep going. I'm amazed every time I see her.


FWIW: IMHO: I would certainly give it a try.


From what I understand, initial treatments are like every other day and then spaced out from there. I'm going to give it a try unless the cost here is prohibative. Any general idea of per session costs?

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At my clinic, for a greyhound size, therapy laser treatments are $45 each....buy 6 get one free.

Our vets usually recommend doing 4 in a row, then 3 times a week, see how is goes & how much it's helping.

If all is going well, twice a week, then once a week, etc.etc.

The St.Bernard needs one every 2 weeks, but we also have a pug who only comes in once a month for treatment on his elbows, and

that seems to be enough.


We also use it on dogs who've had cruciate repairs, and it has really made a huge difference in their recovery time.


Just sayin.....I was VERY skeptical when we first got the thing (big investment), but now I'm a believer.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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