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Zyrtec And Greyhounds

Guest freightsmom

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Guest freightsmom

I know we can give our hounds Benadryl but is Zyrtec ok as well? The dermatologist recommended 10 mg once a day for Freightliner (weight 82 lbs) until we can get his allergy tests done next month.



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If it was a VET dermatologist who recommended, I would go with it.


Otherwise, check with your Vet.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Not sure, but I have given George generic Chlor-Trimenton with my vet's blessing. No problems.


I found for George two Benadryl twice a day was VERY helpful.


FYI, allergy testing in dogs is somewhat iffy in terms of a useful result. And the shots don't always work. Here's an article: Allergy Link


I opted to simply control the symptoms in my last dog, a mixed breed, because my neighbor, with an English Bulldog, spent a small fortune on his dog and shots, and the dog itched anyway.


I'm not sure what the statistics are on inhalant allergies, but I then adopted a Greyhound with allergies! I've narrowed it down to most likely ragweed, based on his itching kicking in right when the pollen reports were citing high levels of ragweed pollen in the air. The Benadryl has been pretty effective, and I also had a long sleeved shirt made for him because when he scratches himself, he was really damaging his skin. The t-shirt prevents that. And I think he likes it! He runs over to me when I pick it up.


Good luck!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I use the expensive zyrtec for myself and the cheap allergy pills for the dogs, but I do know of a non grey who used Zyrtec. Claritin and the normal Benedryl did not work for this pup, so I wonder if they are like us humans and you have to figure out what works the best?




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Guest freightsmom

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I forgot to mention this was his vet dermatologist who recommended it. Even though she's knowledgeable with sight hounds, I'm always cautious anyway. That's why I like to ask ya'll.


Unfortunately, we have spent the last year with Freight trying all the other methods of controlling whatever he is allergic to. In June, the licking escalated until he had bleeding wounds on his legs and feet. Just breaks my heart....


So, the vet and I decided to stop the prednisone (he was still licking while on it) and start the Zyrtec until we can do the allergy test. I'm not keen on putting him through that but I feel like I have to do something for him. He can't go through the rest of his life licking himself bloody.


Will let you know how the Zyrtec does, maybe it will be the magic pill that keeps him from licking and we will not have to do the allergy test.

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I had a shepherd mix a few years back that was allergic to EVERYTHING green, and 2 kinds of dust mites. (yes, I did the allergy testing). Tried the shots too, for 2 years, with very minimal sucess. What seemed to help him most was Chlorpheneramine 4 mg

3 times a day, and wiping him down with a wet towel when he came in, to get the pollen & such off of him (at least some of it).....

that, by the way, was suggested by a vet at the allergy lab.


Allergies can make them absolutely miserable....hope the Zyrtec helps.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Just an FYI, Costco now has generic Zyrtec for an amazingly low price; I don't remember what we paid for ours but it was probably less than 1/4th or better of the cost of the name brand.

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Just an FYI, Costco now has generic Zyrtec for an amazingly low price; I don't remember what we paid for ours but it was probably less than 1/4th or better of the cost of the name brand.


$10-$16 for 365 pills. :) I have a bottle at work and at home :lol




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