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What's With This Face-Rubbing

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Our new boy Ajax has an odd behavior that I haven't seen mentioned here before. He often likes to rub his face on me, my legs or hip or whatever he can reach. It's not excessive, just occasional. Does he do that because his face is itchy? Or he was a cat in a previous life?


He's a VERY snuggly, cuddly, physical boy, so maybe it's just another way to get some physical affection. He does it to my husband too. Is it normal with some greys?

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

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Guest MyBoys

Sounds like your boy Ajax is in love :lol: If he is not rubbing furniture or rubbing his face on the carpet like he is itchy I would not be to concerned. He is probably putting his scent on you because you belong to him now :love2 My Henry does this to me quite often, he is my momma's boy and is always making sure I am in his reach.

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Guest Furmom

Camp nuzzles - me, Bee (grey), Joiya (non grey) we were told it could be seen in a few different ways - 1) paying respect to the pack by loving on them or 2) being a pest for attention - we like to think 1 :)

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Okay, thanks! :colgate Ajax is definitely a pest for attention, but I can't imagine how it will ever get annoying. If I'm sitting on the edge of a chair, he'll stand between my legs and lean his shoulder against me so I have no choice but to hug and love on him. I guess the face rubbins are similar. And no, he never rubs against the floor or furniture, just us.

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Guest Slapshot

Our new boy Ajax has an odd behavior that I haven't seen mentioned here before. He often likes to rub his face on me, my legs or hip or whatever he can reach. It's not excessive, just occasional. Does he do that because his face is itchy? Or he was a cat in a previous life?


He's a VERY snuggly, cuddly, physical boy, so maybe it's just another way to get some physical affection. He does it to my husband too. Is it normal with some greys?

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

A lot of Greyhounds face-rub. Spencer & Buzz both do it and I take it as a sign of affection. Although occasionally I do think they do it to wipe off their messy mouths or gooky eyes! :lol

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Guest Slapshot

Our boy does the same thing. I take it as he wants to get his scent on us and that he's happy because he only does it when we come in the door or he wants our attention.

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Guest greyt_learner

Puck used to do this to me every time I picked up his leash:) - I had to wait for him to stop before I could slip his collar on. Strangely, it's one of the things I miss most about him:)

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Guest caelanarcher

Aaron's' just started doing this too, except he doesn't rub; he headbuts until I start rubbing. On a really good face-rub, I can even get ear-groany sounds from him. It's really adorable.

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Guest pennmorgan

Olivia only occasionally does it to me, but she ALWAYS rubs her face all over her bed after she eats. She wolfs down her food, then walks over to her bed and plops her face down, rubbing it every which way, while her butt sticks up in the air. I figure she's a dainty princess who doesn't want to have any food on her face for when she gets her glamour shots taken.

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My Lizzie is a big face rubber....House doesn't do a bad job, either!!! As long as I'm not wearing white pants or in the process of "tanning" my legs, it's all good!!!


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Treasure enthusiastically rubs her face, also. It's really funny!

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest PawPrint

Zowie is always rubbing her face... in fact!! She likes it when you massage her muzzle! She'll sit there and take that in all day. And when she gets excited, the carpet gets it!! LOL

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Guest TeddysMom

What I think is hilarious is when the greyhound stick their heads between my legs while I'm walking and rub their muzzles against my thighs. I think Teddy would pick me up if he could. I've had a lot of dogs in and out of my life and have never seen this behaviour. Greys are so funny, I love them so much. :lol:lol

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Opie is a face rubber too. Every morning he comes and wakes me up by looking directly in my face and then rubbing all over my pillow until I wake up and start petting him. When we come home from work and sit down at DH's computer (our ritual when we walk in the door) to say hello to him he rubs all over my chest and my armpits!

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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Guest Tokolos

Sprinkles does it all the time. At first, I thought he was treating me like a napkin, but he seems to do when he wants attention or just to be loving.

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Guest GreyFan09

Olivia only occasionally does it to me, but she ALWAYS rubs her face all over her bed after she eats. She wolfs down her food, then walks over to her bed and plops her face down, rubbing it every which way, while her butt sticks up in the air. I figure she's a dainty princess who doesn't want to have any food on her face for when she gets her glamour shots taken.


Comet does this too after he eats, but he usually rubs his face on the carpet like its a giant napkin. lol.gif

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Guest Stripeyfan

Kelly does this whenever you've come back from somewhere or when you go downstairs first thing in the morning - he rubs his face all over you and gets so enthusiastic he almost shoves you over. I think it's some sort of greeting and it sure is cute. :wub:

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