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Apollo May Have His Amp On Friday

Guest bigorangedog

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wow, i just saw this. whoa, i can't begin to imagine this past year for you :grouphug


glad things went well with Apollo.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest bigorangedog

Thanks, everybody! We are getting ready to go visit him now. It's possible he can come home, but I really doubt he'll be ready today. We'll see how he is feeling...

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Guest bigorangedog

Apollo came home with us this evening. His mobility is not great, but it is better than Whitey's was at this stage. He was just too nervous at the vet. He's still unhappy, but at least he is calmer here in his usual bed by the window. He's just been home about a half hour, but ate 3 KFC chicken strips and is starting to settle down. He is growling at any of the others who come near him, but I can't say I blame him (Hank tried to grab a chicken strip). He has a big bandages and a Fentanyl patch that they *stapled* on -- which I am not a fan of, but I have a staple remover. We'll see how the night goes. Hoping he (and we) will get some sleep, but am not holding my breath. I have Valium if we need it (Apollo I mean...mostly!).

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Guest Energy11

Apollo came home with us this evening. His mobility is not great, but it is better than Whitey's was at this stage. He was just too nervous at the vet. He's still unhappy, but at least he is calmer here in his usual bed by the window. He's just been home about a half hour, but ate 3 KFC chicken strips and is starting to settle down. He is growling at any of the others who come near him, but I can't say I blame him (Hank tried to grab a chicken strip). He has a big bandages and a Fentanyl patch that they *stapled* on -- which I am not a fan of, but I have a staple remover. We'll see how the night goes. Hoping he (and we) will get some sleep, but am not holding my breath. I have Valium if we need it (Apollo I mean...mostly!).



Now, don't underestimate sharing that Valium with Apollo! :-) The night Curfew has his last "episode," we both took a 5 mg Valium!


All kidding aside, I am glad he is home with you, and on the mend! Many hugs! Dee

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You guys have been on my mind all day-I'm glad to hear that Apollo is doing as well as expected. Sending much love and healing light to Apollo-I hope you all have a restful night and that he'll be feeling better bit by bit in the coming days. Hugs to all of you!

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Guest bigorangedog

Well, it has been quite a day here. Apollo has been quite agitated most of the day, a lot of panting and whining. Seemed more like dysphoria to us than pain -- his ears were up, eyes looking all around. He would have brief periods where he would settle for a little while and then back up panting again. He's been drinking a ton, but not really eating. Maybe 1/4 can of food.


Then, around 4:30pm (half hour after his afternoon meds of aminocaproic acid, tramadol, and a valium) he got SUPER restless and just could not settle down. He was up pacing from one side of the room to the other, just could not get comfortable and was very anxious. It definitely seems psychological to us, especially since he mobility is surprisingly good. He's wobbly of course, but he can get himself up and cross the room with little problem. Although we run behind him trying to keep a hand on the harness in case he starts to turf out.


On top of the pacing, he's got much more bruising and swelling than Whitey had.


So, we called the vet (I love that I have my vet's home phone and can call her on a Sunday evening!) and she had us take off the Fentanyl patch and give him 12mg of Ace.


Well, the Ace KNOCKED HIM OUT. I'm sure he had to be exhausted, but he's totally out of it. Tongue out, 3rd eyelid up, zonked. His heart rate is slow but normal, around 65. His breathing also slow but normal. At this point we are mostly worried about the bleeding/bruising. It has gotten worse, and his groin area especially is very dark and puffy.


I facebooked a photo of it to my vet and am waiting for a call back from her to see how worried I should be. I'm figuring that she's putting her kids to bed, since that's what my DH is doing while I supervise Apollo... Hoping not to have to pack him up and take him in tonight. His response to the surgery has just been so different from Whitey's that I'm not quite sure when to worry...

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I wish I could give you some words of advice or comfort, but since I have no veterinary training, I can only send hugs and healing thoughts your way. Wrapping both of you in a big hug and praying that Apollo is on his way to healing and feeling much, much better.

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Guest Energy11

I wish I could give you some advice. I have never been through an amputation, so I wouldn't know what to expect. From a pure medical point of view, it does sound like there maybe some concern about the bruising/swelling you are describing. One GOOD thing is, he is already on aminocaproic acid, which helps control the bleeding.


I think it is totally AMAZING that you have your vet's home number and permission to use it. I can do that with my former vet/employer, Dr. Beau, too, but we are also close friends.


Here's hoping you don't have to rush him in tonight, and that he and you guys have a restful night, and it is just normal bruising from the surgery! Many hugs and prayers!

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Guest bigorangedog

Well, my fabulous vet FB messaged me back after looking at the photo. She said that it doesn't look as bad as she thought it was going to! Wow. She said this is within normal range for a grey post-amp, and that Whitey's did not look as bad because he was less active in the first few days (which is true - White basically did not move for 3 days). She also said he's totally knocked out from the Ace because his body desperately needs the rest. So she told me to quit worrying. :blush


But thought I would post the pic that I sent to her, so y'all can see how awful it looks. And this is *better* than the vet thought it would look. Sorry for the crotch shot!! ;)



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Guest mcsheltie

Tramadol can make them agitated. Your description of psychological fits. Sometimes they get a glazed eye/whacked out look and pant and pace... I haven't any experience with Fentanyl. I have heard enough to make me ask for something else.


Are you doing Amicar every eight hours? If not, that would help with the bleeding.


Good luck!

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

Morgan was extremely restless after his amputation which I mistook for pain. It turned out he didn't tolerate opiate pain killers. Of course, it took us a week to figure it out and at that point, we could just take him off.


re: the bleeding. Morgan had very little bleeding, but Demon's was worse than Apollo's. I'm glad Apollo is on Amicar.

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