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Dizzy Hound?

Guest MaxAndMazy

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Guest MaxAndMazy

Hi Everyone!

I haven't been on in a while (hence why I had to renew my account!) because life with 2 greys and 2 little girls is pretty busy. This morning when we called Max for breakfast, he got up and looked like he does when he hunts flies and seemed dizzy and wobbly for about a minute. It looked neurological to me, but I'm not a vet. He seems fine now. What could cause this? Should we take him in to the vet today or watch and see if he has any other episodes?


Nance (Mom to Max & Mazy, and 2 skin kids)

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Guest Energy11

Sorry to hear about your Max. Yes, I'd definitely see the vet. Probably could have been a TIA (mini-stroke), and yes, it does sound neurological in nature.


Better safe than sorry on something like this, and this will give you peace of mind as well. I'd just describe what saw to the vet.


Good Luck!

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my doxie had that when she got older. it was called vestibular disease. The attacks last from 30 minutes to hours. If they last for days u need to see a vet. You just have to make sure when they are having those "around" attacks u watch so they don't bump into anything. I don't think our vet gave the dog any meds for it but our dog was older. gl And yes, it is neurological. I would def see a vet. They will be able to help him out.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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my doxie had that when she got older. it was called vestibular disease. The attacks last from 30 minutes to hours. If they last for days u need to see a vet. You just have to make sure when they are having those "around" attacks u watch so they don't bump into anything. I don't think our vet gave the dog any meds for it but our dog was older. gl And yes, it is neurological. I would def see a vet. They will be able to help him out.

This was my first thought too. My 11 year had one episode, went to ER, came home and no more issues.



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Guest MaxAndMazy

The vet thinks it's his heart :(. He doesn't have a murmor, but it doesn't sound as strong and clear as it should. He also has a cough - which is another indicator of heart troubles. They took a full blood panel and will call us with the results as soon as they come in. If he continues to have dizzy spells, they will do a chest xray. He's only 8. :(

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Guest Energy11
The vet thinks it's his heart :( . He doesn't have a murmor, but it doesn't sound as strong and clear as it should. He also has a cough - which is another indicator of heart troubles. They took a full blood panel and will call us with the results as soon as they come in. If he continues to have dizzy spells, they will do a chest xray. He's only 8. :(



Wow, I am sorry to hear that, but please do remember, there are LOTS of good medications out there for heart trouble. Did the vet do an ECG? If not, that is very very important. Also, the vets needs to check Max's blood pressure, as well. When my Curfew had his incident (we think a stroke) 18 months ago, the vet here did both an ECG and BP testing to rule out heart problems. His BP was always extremely high, even for being at the vets, so he is on medication for that now.


My friend's grey passed away from a massive heart attack at only six, BUT, she was never diagnosed prior. At least you have a "head's up" with Max. Please be SURE to get that ECG as well as the BP and x-ray.


Good Luck, and lots of love!

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Please make sure Max is safe from your other dog when he has these dizzy spells. If you're not going to be home with him, you may need to muzzle your other dog (unless the dogs are individually crated). Sometimes, even when dogs get along together normally, the healthy dog(s) will turn on the weaker, more vulnerable dog.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest MaxAndMazy

Good point KF in Georgia! I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm with them a lot of the day. I've noticed that Mazy is trying to be more dominant over Max lately (which is funny if you know Mazy). We've got muzzles and crates and will use them accordingly.



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Guest caiteag

I am just seeing this Nancy.. if there is anything we can do for you guys, please let me know. You know how much we love all of you, and how special Max is to us...


Sending lots of good thoughts and love for darling Max...

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The vet thinks it's his heart :( . He doesn't have a murmor, but it doesn't sound as strong and clear as it should. He also has a cough - which is another indicator of heart troubles. They took a full blood panel and will call us with the results as soon as they come in. If he continues to have dizzy spells, they will do a chest xray. He's only 8. :(


We had a greyhound with this who was 9 or 10 when it started. She would actually pass out -- even while eating. Everyone thought she was having seizures until we figured out that her heart rate was 180 while she was keeling over; it was normal otherwise. We took her off seizure meds and put her on heart medicines to stabilize the heart beat and she was OK after that. She eventually died from cancer, not heart problems.


When you say fly hunting, do you mean fly-biting? If so, that's a petit mal seizure which may or may not be related to the heart problems. It can be complicated!


We also had another dog with heart problems when he had Lyme disease so that's another thing to check for.


We we lucky regarding aggression from the other three dogs. They would just look at her worriedly when she was passed out on the floor.


Good luck; I empathize with you.

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Guest MaxAndMazy

Thanks for your thoughts everyone. MZH - by fly hunting I meant that he was focused intently on something. Now knowing that it was low blood pressure it makes sense that he was trying to focus. Plus he could have been seeing black spots (I know I do with low bp) and gotten confused thinking they were flies. He wasn't biting the air. I don't think that Mazy will become aggressive, but we will not take any risks.

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Guest MaxAndMazy

The blood work was fine - they are still waiting on the thyroid test to come back. His WBC were a little low - but on the 'normal' side of low. We have decided to do the chest x-ray so we know more about what we are dealing with - and hopefully be able to extend his life. He has been the same goofy Max we've always known today. :) I really like our vet and respect him. It's a wonderful clinic all around!

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Many prayers for Max, one of our boys had a heart condition that we found out about when he was 8 years old also, after getting him on the right medication our boy was with us until he was almost 15 years old.

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Guest MaxAndMazy

Thanks MyBoys... that is REALLY great to hear! Max has been with us for over 6 years... and our other grey Mazy would not do well without him! He is my adult heart doggie..

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Guest MaxAndMazy

His x-rays were normal - no enlarged heart, and no fluid in the lungs. The vet thought he was much better when he saw him for the x-rays. He has never had ear problems. He has gained 2lbs since his last checkup, but his thyroid is normal... we attribute the weight gain to the baby starting solid food and tossing it onto the floor. So - good news all around. We are to keep an eye on him and if he has any more episodes, we will take him in. Thanks for your advice and thoughts!

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