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Hind End Weakness


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Our girl just turned 13 a few weeks back and though she is in great shape overall, she has been showing some signs of hind end weakness (tripping over her back feet, her hind legs flailing out when she "runs", some hesitating on the stairs, etc.). Nothing too bad, but definitely showing some weakness.


We had her checked at the vet about a month ago and she isn't showing signs of pain. Vet said her joints/muscles/legs "felt" good and she had all her bloodwork, etc. done. All is good. Our vet said she was in "excellent" shape - especially for a 13 year-old dog.


So, my question is -- what else can we do for her? She still gets 2 daily walks, though we don't go near as far as we once did because she tires quickly - and we let her set the pace. She still (even though we discourage it greatly) likes to hop around when she gets excited and she hasn't cried/winced in pain at all.


She gets glucosamine/chondroitin supplements and fish oil supplements.


Any suggestions on how we can help her? Supplements? Food? Exercise? Therapy? Stretching? Is there anything I can do for her?



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When Alan's hind legs were weak, I took him for acupuncture. It did help him. I'm sure a lot of others here will chime in. Good luck.

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Guest Scouts_mom

My 14 yr old princess, Tia, is having the same problem with her hind legs. My vet has her on glucosamine, fish oil, Chinese herbs, prednisone, tramadol and we are starting another painkiller, gabapentin, this weekend as she has trouble sleeping thru the night. But I think the best thing I do for her is take her for acupuncture treatments. The woman who does it is a certified Vet who has also studied acupuncture, and Chinese medicine. She is working closely with my regular vet to be sure that Tia has a good quality of life in her old age.


This month we are going for weekly treatments ($80 a visit) and then I think we will do it only every few weeks for as long as Tia is with me. I am really seeing a difference.

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Thanks, everyone! I'm going to buy the Joint Health & Fresh Factors right now - she's been on Cosequin DS (chewable tablets) 3x per day, but I'm happy to switch if you all have had success with the Springtime product.


Also, my vet does do acupuncture - I'll call them next week to see if we can start her on it. I'm just trying to help her in any way possible and hopefully prevent this getting any worse. :)

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Beginning with a caveat -- I have never dealt with this.


I was at a day long seminar yesterday that Dr. Cuoto gave. He said that hind end weakness in greys is often caused by a thrombosis (formation of blood clot inside the blood vessel). The treatment is 1/4 to 1/2 of a baby aspirin every day. The aspirin eats away at the clot until near normal function of the blood vessel is restored. Since the aspirin has no bad side effects (at this dosage level I would presume), he felt that there was no reason not to try this regimen. If it works, great. If it doesn't, you haven't lost anything.


Might be worth a try.

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Guest KennelMom
Beginning with a caveat -- I have never dealt with this.


I was at a day long seminar yesterday that Dr. Cuoto gave. He said that hind end weakness in greys is often caused by a thrombosis (formation of blood clot inside the blood vessel). The treatment is 1/4 to 1/2 of a baby aspirin every day. The aspirin eats away at the clot until near normal function of the blood vessel is restored. Since the aspirin has no bad side effects (at this dosage level I would presume), he felt that there was no reason not to try this regimen. If it works, great. If it doesn't, you haven't lost anything.


Might be worth a try.


I was there too! Wasn't it great?!


I was intrigued by his info on the blood clots...we're going to be trying aspirin on our senior Bucky who's had some rear-end lameness that hasn't responded to anything we've tried.


RE joint supplements - There isn't a single best supplement...different dogs will do better/worse on different supplements so sometimes it's just a matter of trying out several until you find one that works. We've had the most success with the liquid Healthy Joints K-9 from Thomas Vet Supply. I don't know if the liquid formulation gives it better absorbtion that pill or powder supplements we've tried in the past. However, if the dog has something else going on (ie, Lumbosacral stenosis), the best supplement in the world really wont' make that much of a difference.


I've never tried chiro or acupuncture on our dogs, but lots of folks have had good results with that, so it may be worth a try.

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Which chondroitin is she on?


Joint Health & Fresh Factors are the best! Springtime


If you have quite a bit to use up, get MSM at the health food store (I buy Whole Foods brand when I need some).


Supplements, chiropractic and/or acupuncture will help.


Took your recommendation yesterday and ordered Fresh Factors. They are having free shippping until 12/16 and I also got 2 or 1. So thanks.




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