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Is It Possible To Achieve "seizure-free"?

Guest greythounds

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Guest greythounds

Here's BB--our special boy!



We love him so--his name---BB--was when we first got him--Brindle Boy--yes, I know not very imaginative. We expected to foster him--very funny! He stayed and about a year ago he developed a seizure disorder. He has been on ever-increasing doses of phenobarbital and is currently on 98 mg with one and one-half every morning and two at bedtime. His current weight is at 90 pounds. His seizures are still occurring about every 6 weeks and mostly at night. He tends to have one and a few hours later another one. They are tonic-clonic, lasting about a minute or less. We give him valium 5mg and a generous feeding after his seizures. We do not have specialists in this area. Are there any new medications or studies--does adding potassium bromide help? BB is 3-years old. You can read about his illustrious racing career if you check out his racing name "Artex Borat" on Greyhound Data. We ultimately decided that BB stands for Brian Boru--who was a Celtic King! Thanks!! Linda (A Place for Us Greyhounds--Lubbock)

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Guest Energy11

I'd definitely ask your vet about the Potassium Bromide.


I keep injectable Valium (liquid) here, 10 mg, loaded into a syringe, which can be used (without the needle of course), trans-rectally, during a seizure. Ask you vet for this, and some syringes, and use it during a seizure. It should stop it pretty quickly!


Will he ever be seizure-free???? Hard to say. Depends on what is causing these seizures.


He can live a good long live with a seizure disorder, though! :-)) Just a matter of the right combinations of meds, and knowing the triggers, of any.


Lots of love and good luck! Dee, and The Five

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Ryan is on pb and KBr. He used to still have occasional seizures and for a while, he'd have at least one a month. His seizures last at 5 mins and then he'll have another within a couple of days.

He's not had a seizure in 16 months (following the once a month for 8 months)


Having a seizure every 6 weeks doesn't seem controlled to me. Time to check his med levels and either increase the pb or add another med to go with it (KBr is usually the second choice, but there are others as well - gabapentin is another option)


Aim for control, not seeing another seizure is a bonus.



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Absolutely! Saint will be celebrating 5 years seizure on October 26th! He is a 94lb. boy and we started out on Phenobarbital also. We reached 3 98mg. tablets in the morning and 3 at night and he was still having seizures so we added Potassium Bromide, two weeks after adding the PB Saint stopped seizing and hasn't done it again. Work with your vet, some vets are happy with dogs just seizing once a month or so but I wasn't happy with that and my vet was willing to continuing working with me until we were able to control Saint's seizures. BTW his liver values are excellent despite being on the meds for 5 years!



This is our Saint. He is almost 9 years old now.




Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11
Absolutely! Saint will be celebrating 5 years seizure on October 26th! He is a 94lb. boy and we started out on Phenobarbital also. We reached 3 98mg. tablets in the morning and 3 at night and he was still having seizures so we added Potassium Bromide, two weeks after adding the PB Saint stopped seizing and hasn't done it again. Work with your vet, some vets are happy with dogs just seizing once a month or so but I wasn't happy with that and my vet was willing to continuing working with me until we were able to control Saint's seizures. BTW his liver values are excellent despite being on the meds for 5 years!



This is our Saint. He is almost 9 years old now.



HE IS SOOO HANDSOME! It is very good to know, with that amount of Phenobarb, Saint's liver is fine. Curfew is taking 97.2 mg. twice a day, and is in the low theraputic range of his levels, but doing VERY well. How often do you have Saint's levels drawn? Hug him for me, please! :wub::wub:




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He has his levels checked twice a year. So far everything is absolutely perfect, especially since he's been taking the meds since just before his 4th birthday! His seizures were so violent that I was not going to be happy with just a seizure every 4 weeks. I'm epileptic and so are my son and daughter. Kevin was the hardest of the 3 of us to find a med and control his seizures but he is finally seizure free also, so I knew we could control Saints if we just kept working at it!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11
He has his levels checked twice a year. So far everything is absolutely perfect, especially since he's been taking the meds since just before his 4th birthday! His seizures were so violent that I was not going to be happy with just a seizure every 4 weeks. I'm epileptic and so are my son and daughter. Kevin was the hardest of the 3 of us to find a med and control his seizures but he is finally seizure free also, so I knew we could control Saints if we just kept working at it!

You're a pretty awesome Gal, Miss Judy!!! Sending you HUGE HUG from here! :grouphug

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Guest greythounds

Wow--thanks for all of the advice. So it sounds as if adding potassium bromide is the next logical choice--his phenobarb levels were always therapeutic. The Greyhound health book recommends potassium bromide at 22 mg/kg every 12 hours--does that sound about right to all of you who have Greyts on this medication?

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At 94lbs. Saint takes 1 600mg. tablet, twice a day. You may be able to start out at less and increase as needed. Keep in mind that the potassium bromide may make your baby drink more than he normally would. It did Saint in the beginning and it may also make him quite stumbly for a few days until his body adjusts to the medication. Saint walked around like a drunken sailor for a couple of weeks and then was fine. The only residual affect he has is a little hind in weakness but it's nothing bad at all.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Ryan was on 1000mg 2x a day. We halved that and the vet went to 1x a day.

And like Judy said, expect a drunk dog for a bit until they adjust. Poor Ryan couldn't stand up without almost falling over. He was falling into doors/walls or anything else he was near.


Neither of the vets we've been with have carried it, I have to order it from a compounding pharmacy


We were also able to reduce the amt of pb he was on when we added the KBr

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Guest greythounds

I was aware that it would need to be compounded--BB's dose by weight would be about 900 mg twice a day--so should we start lower and go up or start high and go down? Are you able to check for therapeutic levels with this drug? I'm also thinking I should set up a time for him to start it when I am home a bit more--my teaching schedule is fairly flexible. Sweet boy--he's already kind of a goof! I do appreciate all of your responses and have been so worried about him. Ironically, my husband has a seizure disorder--go figure!

Edited by greythounds
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I'd start with what is appropriate for his weight and see if you can't get control. Saint's dosage was 1,000 mg. twice a day and was lowered to 600 mg. twice a day and he is still controlled. Saint has his phenobarbital and potassium bromide levels checked twice a year. He was on the high level on the potassium bromide last time so his dosage was lowered.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I do think that it is possible for some dogs to get to the point of being seizure free. After all, Judy and her Saint are a perfect example. :yay However, it has been my observation, from several years of membership on a canine epilepsy email group, that becoming seizure free is not in the cards for all dogs who have seizures. Still, the approach for the caretaker is the same--work hard with your vet to get the best control that you possibly can for your dog.


Let me share the 3 web sites that were immeasurably helpful to me when Piper's seizures started:






http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/ This site has an email support group you can join if you wish.


These web sites can provide you with the latest information about treating and managing canine epilepsy or other forms of seizures. The first site is fortunate in having a veterinary neurologist from Tennessee who chimes in to answer questions as well as a compounding pharmacist who offers information as well.


There are so very many things that can help with seizure control but none of them seem to be effective for all dogs. Part of the job you'll have with your vet is to figure out what to try and how to determine whether it helps with your specific dog's seizures. It can take quite a while spent in trial and error to find the right combo of things to help your dog. You just keep plugging away. Don't loose heart.


I will say that what appears to be wonderful control of seizures can depend on what your dog's seizures have been like in the past. I am thrilled with one or two seizures every 6-10 weeks because Piper was originally having clusters of multiple seizures at least one night every week. For others, that 6-10 week "schedule" might not be an improvement at all. At this point, Piper is over 3 months seizure free and I'm thrilled!


As Judy said, levels of both Phenobarbital and Potassium Bromide can be tested and doses tweaked as needed. I also test for Piper's liver function twice a year. The reason for that is that Phenobarbital can sometimes compromise liver function. If you catch that early by testing for liver issues, you and you vet can deal with it by changing meds and supporting the liver. Don't fret too much about that--most dogs do just fine on Pb and never have liver issues. It is just good practice to check regularly.


All of this is not meant to be discouraging at all. Lots and lots of dogs get complete seizure control. Some don't. Most of those at least get good improvement in terms of less severe seizures and/or a longer span of time between seizures. It takes trial and error to figure out what will work for your dog. Having a vet who is willing to work with you is vital.


Good luck to you with getting great control for oyu beautiful hound.




Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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My EZ was seizure free for about 14 months when I adopted him and started having seizures on the 11th of Sept and another one last night. He did gain about 12 pounds and he is getting 1 1/2 grains phenobarbital 2 x day. I have a call in to my vet and hope that they will tweak up his med. I have also asked for a copy of his blood work that was just done and will forward to a another vet I know who will check it out for me incase my vet missed something. He has gained about 10 lbs since I adopted him as a seizure controlled gh. He was put on meds in Fl and I will have to check his medical records to see when they first put him on phenobarbital


Good luck with BB

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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BTW I did find out that he had a bad accident while racing and he is missing some teeth and not fur on his chest from the accident plus numerous other scars will have to get a pic of him up. He is a black tux boy

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Guest greythounds

Hey! I am so happy to hear from all of you and especially am looking forward to utilizing the websites for epilepsy. I feel encouraged and optimistic--I just knew I would get some practical and useful advice from all of the folks on Greytalk. Of course, the other "bigger picture" consideration is if other dogs in our group develop seizures--I can help them more effectively. I'll keep you posted on our progress and thanks again! Linda

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Guest greythounds

So--more questions about BB. He's had 2 "spells" this week and the most recent was about 6:00 a.m today. The previous episode was also early in the morning and he just seemed out of it--very lethargic and barely acknowledged me. He acted "hypoglycemic". I fed him some quick carbs and kibble--also, a 5mg valium just as a precaution. After a bit--he was back to his usual self---energetic, playful, and responsive. When we go back in for his evaluation and to see about adding another medication--are there any lab tests indicated or is this just more about that he is seizure-prone? I appreciate your help--as I mentioned there aren't any specialists here.


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Guest silky883
Absolutely! Saint will be celebrating 5 years seizure on October 26th! He is a 94lb. boy and we started out on Phenobarbital also. We reached 3 98mg. tablets in the morning and 3 at night and he was still having seizures so we added Potassium Bromide, two weeks after adding the PB Saint stopped seizing and hasn't done it again. Work with your vet, some vets are happy with dogs just seizing once a month or so but I wasn't happy with that and my vet was willing to continuing working with me until we were able to control Saint's seizures. BTW his liver values are excellent despite being on the meds for 5 years!



This is our Saint. He is almost 9 years old now.





Yeah! Saint and Judy! Good job!



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I too have a seizure boy, while not seizure free he did go 9 months without one from last august to this may. Last august I started him on a supplement called Marin, it is for liver support. One tab a day. The this may at 1:15 am he flew over me on the bed and crashed head first into the wall collapsing to the floor seizing. He then had another 5 weeks later, another 4 weeks after that, and I upped his Marin to two tabs a day. :goodluck none since the last in july.


KBr will be considered at his annual in December.


Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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I too have a seizure boy, while not seizure free he did go 9 months without one from last august to this may. Last august I started him on a supplement called Marin, it is for liver support. One tab a day. The this may at 1:15 am he flew over me on the bed and crashed head first into the wall collapsing to the floor seizing. He then had another 5 weeks later, another 4 weeks after that, and I upped his Marin to two tabs a day. :goodluck none since the last in july.


KBr will be considered at his annual in December.



Oh my gosh, that would have scared the crap out of me! What a way to wake up. Poor baby, he sounds like he has bad seizures like Saint. Saint sleeps in a crate because we have so many and I've had to protect him from my pack twice.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Gabby has been seizure free for over a year, she's only on phenobarbital. My other grey had seizures every 23 days until he was on both phenobarbital & potassium bromide. Then 44 days later he had seizures while asleep or on a valium drip. My vet said he had a brain tumor since he developed seizures after 8 yrs old & because we could not stop the seizures, I had to have him put to sleep.

Edited by Heehoo
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I too have a seizure boy, while not seizure free he did go 9 months without one from last august to this may. Last august I started him on a supplement called Marin, it is for liver support. One tab a day. The this may at 1:15 am he flew over me on the bed and crashed head first into the wall collapsing to the floor seizing. He then had another 5 weeks later, another 4 weeks after that, and I upped his Marin to two tabs a day. :goodluck none since the last in july.


KBr will be considered at his annual in December.



Oh my gosh, that would have scared the crap out of me! What a way to wake up. Poor baby, he sounds like he has bad seizures like Saint. Saint sleeps in a crate because we have so many and I've had to protect him from my pack twice.


I don't worry about that because there is only one other pup here, lottie and she heads for the hills when he goes into the state.

When Sprite was here she would lift a head give him the evil eye, for disturbing her sleep, and go back to her nap.


I just remember he did have another sz in July, this one during the day, he was napping on the settee and fell off.


Most seem to come on while he is sleeping or dozing, sometimes it is like he wakes up and feels something because he tries to run, like the night he flew over me, another night I woke up and he was trying to launch himself over the foot board, (Yeah he sleep with me) I grabbed him and brought him back down to the bed. The other times he seemed to still be asleep when they take him. If he has them during the day he gets an icepack along his lower back.


Afterward he gets a trip out, then a snack, usually a can of merrick, or mashed potatoes, something high calorie. Then a 5mg tab of diazepam, with two more at 8hr intervals to not let a cycle develop. I will give him an extra dose of his Pb then too.


they are grand mals.



Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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