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Cancer Found - Some Questions

Guest greycrew

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Guest greycrew

I just found out yesterday that my 11 year old greyhound has a tumor in shoulder. Vet gave him rymadyl and tramadol, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I gave him both last night and this morning. Does it take some time for the pain meds to work? I just figured it should help immediately like it does with people, ya know? Also, he loves to go for walks although I stopped because I can tell he is in pain. I was wondering if short walks would be OK if he's feeling better. I want him to do everything he loves in the time he has left, but I don't want to hurt him more. He got new stuffy toys last night which made him happy and one of my other greys ever happier. :)

Also is there anything else I can do for him to make him feel better - special food or holistic remedies?

Edited by greycrew
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Guest greycrew

I just went home for lunch and Juneau is still limping very badly. He was eating, though and I gave him some treats and another tramadol. vet said 2-4 a day. His eyes look glazed, I guess from the meds, but they do not seem to be working. Anyone have any input on how these meds work? he's on rymadyl and tramadol. thanks so much. i'm so sick over this...

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Guest Lovemyhound

I'm nursing my pretty sick brindle boy grey at home right now too. We can't seem to find the source but I'm afraid the inevitable will eventually rear it's ugly head. My boy is 7 years old and is a new adoption to me but my heart is breaking just the same.


I am also giving tramadol and yes, that should give some immediate relief (if it's going to help). It is a narcotic pain med and may possibly make them a bit lethargic and "glazed eyes" as you mentioned. The rimadyl I think will build up in time - so keep giving it.


No other suggestions, just hearts and prayers from me and my boy to you and your boy. :grouphug

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Guest greycrew

I can't seem to update my email address here, but it's




Feel free to email me anytime.

I'm not new here either. I guess I just didn't post in a while so I had to re-register.

I did not take him to a specialist, just my regular vet. But he sees lots of greyhounds. He said he used to be very aggressive and amputate, but the dogs still didn't last very long so he stopped doing it in older dogs. I wouldn't want to put him through that at his age anyway.

Thanks for all the replies so far.

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Guest Energy11

We treated Max, 12, who had Osteo of the shoulder, with Tramadol 50 mg, three times a day, and Deramaxx, 35mg, twice a day. It seemed to keep ahead of the pain, but if what your vet is doing is not, then, yes, call him/her and see if they want to increase the dosgages or prescribe something else.


As far as food, the last weeks of his life, Max at Science Diet Prescription AD (for sick an ailing animals), mixed with canned Chicken Soup for the Dog's Soul/Senior.


I am sorry you are both going through this! Hugs and prayers from us here.

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Guest Grhndad

I would check with you vet on the dosage for tramadol. My Lexie was 65 lb and she was on 3 50mg tablets 3x a day with a 65lb dose of Metacam once a day.

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I did not take him to a specialist, just my regular vet. But he sees lots of greyhounds. He said he used to be very aggressive and amputate, but the dogs still didn't last very long so he stopped doing it in older dogs. I wouldn't want to put him through that at his age anyway.


At the very least, a radiologist should read the xrays.


It's obvious to me, that your vet isn't up to date with treatment. There are many who last over the average of 14 months if the amp is done before lung mets and you also do chemo.


I understand about not doing an amp (I have lost two to osteo and I did not amputate). However, properly medicating is imperative (or however you spell that).


How old is he? (the grey, not the vet :rolleyes: ) edited: I see 11. That is not too old. Depends on the kind of tumor and where it is exactly and the lungs.

Edited by Burpdog

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest greycrew

Yes, I agree it's not too old for some dogs. But, for him I think it is. He raced until he was 5 and he already has arthritis in his back legs and was having a hard time getting around because of that already. So, I don't think he would do well. I wouldn't want to put him through it. And I trust my vet. He knows my dogs and would def suggest amp if he thought it would be good for Juneau.

I'm going to see how he's doing when I get home tonight and call vet if no improvement. Thanks everyone! Praying for all the sick pups out there....

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Guest HeatherDemps

I'd definitely call your vet and ask about upping the tramadol. Before we had Dempsey's leg amputated, we controlled the pain with tramadol and rimadyl. The limp completely went away while we had him on those meds (and Dempsey did not have a high pain tolerance). Unfortunately, I can't remember the dose, but know we had him on several pills per day....

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The Rimadyl/Tramadol combo did not do well for my girlie when we went through her cancer diagnoses earlier this year. We switched to Deramaxx/Tramadol and the difference was night and day. I would also ask about upping the dose of Tramadol as most vets under prescribe in the beginning hoping that less will help before more is given.


I am so very sorry you have to walk this path, it is very difficult and heart wretching.

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Meloxicam has anticancer properties in some types of osteo so you might want to urge your vet to look into it for him instead of rimadyl.


A nurse anesthetist for humans friend of mine has been giving her elderly greyhound tramadol 100 mg 3-4 times a day. (He doesn't have osteo but back issues and has survived 3 kinds of "unsurvivable" skin cancer.) The low doses just don't work well enough for him and he's a fairly small male. *Some* dogs don't tolerate large doses of tramadol, but if they do, it's worth upping it. Anything to relieve pain....

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It's very difficult to control cancer pain in the shoulder. You must be very aggressive and honestly, sometimes it just doesn't work. :-(


Ditto. Talk to your vet about the meds to see if you can find a combo that will bring some relief.


For food, I would give him what he likes and will eat. Meds can be hard on the tummy, so having some kind of food in there is better than not having any. Meat, eggs, kibble if he likes kibble, spaghetti with meat sauce, peanutbutter toast if he likes that .... Spoil him as best you can.


I'm sorry your pupper is in pain and the two of you are facing such a hard diagnosis.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest greycrew

Thanks everyone. Juneau seems a little better today. I gave him 3 tramadol yesterday. I think they are 50mg. Vet said I can give him up to 4 so I'm going to do that today and see what happens.

Thanks for all the replies and support. Greyhound people are the BEST!!!

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FWIW, my whippet (who, at 32 lbs, is presumably about 1/2 the size of your grey) was on 50 mg of tramadol every 8h and also on metacam to control pain following a surgery last year. Assuming dosing is somewhat weight-based I would have thought you could give 2 * 50 mg every 8h to a grey in a lot of pain. That said, I am not a vet.

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Guest Energy11
Thanks everyone. Juneau seems a little better today. I gave him 3 tramadol yesterday. I think they are 50mg. Vet said I can give him up to 4 so I'm going to do that today and see what happens.

Thanks for all the replies and support. Greyhound people are the BEST!!!

Whatever works to keep him comfortable! Good Luck, and lots of love! D

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