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Flea & Tick Preventive Meds?

Guest ljh777

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Guest ljh777

I have always kept our lab on Frontline and then Advantix when that was released, and it does really well.


Do greyhounds tolerate meds like this?

Any other suggestions?


The foster parents do not currently have her on anything but when she comes home to us I would like to start her on something. It's woodsy here!

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Guest Cris_M

I know Frontline is fine. I don't remember using Advantix on one of my greys.


I use Vectra 3D. It works a lot better and longer for me (for the dogs, that is!). Georgia must be the flea capital of the world. Using Frontline got to be only slightly better than using water.


I haven't had any problem using Vectra 3D on Duncan, and it lasts 45 days.

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Guest Energy11

I have heard some bad things about Greys and Advantix. It has caused some skin burns and neurological symptoms in greys. Frontline and Advantage are fine. ME? I just use Adams Flea and Tick Mist once a week. NO fleas or ticks, safe, and you can actually get it in Wal-mart. Good Luck

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Just be advised if you have a cat or cats you CAN NOT use Advantix on your dog!


I used it on George (someone gave me some) and he was fine with it--but then my vet blew a gasket and told me to NEVER use it again because it can be toxic to cats.


I use Frontline Plus, and he's never had a flea or an embedded tick.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Frontline Plus here. No problems.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest D_MansMommy
Just be advised if you have a cat or cats you CAN NOT use Advantix on your dog!


I used it on George (someone gave me some) and he was fine with it--but then my vet blew a gasket and told me to NEVER use it again because it can be toxic to cats.


I use Frontline Plus, and he's never had a flea or an embedded tick.



I totally agree! My friend's cat almost died from Advantix on her dog :( I have Frontline for the pups and kitties. I have to say though, I have it on hand just in case. I have not used it in years. We don't have flea problems and I have had Donovan for 7 years and only found 1 tick on him. TC has never had a tick. I'm really leaning towards not using drugs when not needed :)

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We use frontline plus here. It still works fine, but we aren't in an area of the country where it's warm most of the year (i.e. Florida, Georgia, etc., where fighting bugs is year round and they develop resistance pretty quickly. ) Frontline plus is a combination of a broad spectrum insecticide (fipronil) and an IGR (insect growth regulator), S-Methoprene. The S-Methoprene screws up the growth hormones, so any eggs laid are sterile, and juveniles can't complete their life cycle. I use S-Kinoprene in the greenhouse for the same thing (along with imidacloprid and other insecticides as/if necessary)


Advantage and Advantix both use imidacloprid (a synthetic nicotinoid) as the insecticide (kills fleas & other insects). However, Advantix also adds permethrin to kill ticks. Permethrin + cats is NOT good, so don't use Advantix if you have cats.



In vino veritas
Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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If you do a search in this section on Vectra you'll find several threads with various opinions.

There is absolutely no way I'd use this product after watching a friend's dog die from it.

I am also extremely leery of it because of how Banfield is pushing it exclusively. Other than the over the counter products they sell, you can't get any other prescription flea/heartworm meds from them in my area.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Guest gryhnd3

We use regular Frontline, not Plus, since we only had one dog get fleas once since we've lived here, and it seems to work fine. We have an incredible amount of ticks, it is not unusual to find 15 on yourself after being outside (not necessarily walking in tall grass). Our vet said they just drop from the trees :o .

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Guest Hollys2hounds

It is woodsy where we live too.

We use Frontline Plus and have never had a problem.

Dogs are fine, and I have never seen a tick or flea.

I have been using this product for years...at least 6-8


Good luck.

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Guest Energy11

Just received this email from one of the board members for GPA/Greater Orlando. Thought it might be of interest.


We have received several inquiries lately about what are considered safe products for flea and tick control. In light of an e-mail from one of our adopters (below) about a very bad experience, we want to share this information.


Over the years, GPA has recommended only "tried and true" products for flea and tick control, and for heartworm prevention. Greyhounds, and Sighthounds in general, are much more sensitive than other breeds to all kinds of medications and products, especially to the topical kinds. These absorb right into the Greyhound's system rather than first going through a layer of fur and body fat typical of other breeds.


For flea and tick control we recommend Frontline Plus, used for fleas and ticks, and Advantage, used to control fleas only.

Both are considered safe for our Greys.

We do not recommend Advantix (widely advertised on TV with that cute little puppy) as it contains an ingredient not considered safe for Sighthounds...and it is fatal if used on cats.


There are also two new flea products out that are in pill form. We do not recommend them for the Greyhounds at this time...they are just too new to be sure that they are safe for Sighthounds.


Finally, we stress to never use a product on the Greys made by the commercial pet products company, such as Hartz and Sergeant's.


One of our adopters used a product by Sergeant's called

Sentrypro XFC Flea & Tick Treatment.


She asked that we share her terrible experience so that no other Greyhound endures what her Greys suffered:

I used the SentryproXFC on the Greys last night at 11:00pm by 1:30am both were very agitated, had uncontrollable muscle contractions in their legs, inflammation at the application site, followed shortly by vomiting and even more uncontrolled muscle contractions. I washed off the stuff about 2:00 when I realized what was happening but both Greys kept shaking their bodies like they were wet They tried constantly to scratch and reach their backs and were clearly uncomfortable. They finally fell asleep about 5:00am and we went to the vet at 8:00 when they got into the office.


Just got back from the vet who says this is common with this product. They had to be bathed in a special soap that breaks down the oil and residue from Sentrypro XFC. Our vet's practice has had 2 dogs die from the product in the past two years. Petco, Petsmart both are still carrying the product. I just found a site online that has a number of people that had very similar problems and reactions with the treatment.


When I called Sargeant's to file a complaint the "consumer affairs rep" insisted that the product was safe and effective and there must be another reason for the reaction.




For Heartworm prevention those "tried and true" products GPA recommends are Heartgard Plus, Interceptor, and Sentinel.


GPA's recommendations are based on years of experience.

We always will take the more conservative approach with new products, particularly when there are "tried and true" products readily available that are safe and effective.


We encourage you to contact us at any time should you have any questions about these products.




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Guest Energy11
Our adoption group recommends Frontline Plus, so that is what we use. We've never had problems with ticks or fleas on any of our greys.

IT is a good product!


Btw... LOVE your new Siggy!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest greyloverx2

always used frontline plus; it's worked well on my two boys in the past, but not on our foster girl. she came from the track about 6 weeks ago, had fleas, did a flea bath and frontline but she still has fleas and now they seem to be passing them around between the three of them. thoughts anyone? anyone have any ideas about any natural supplements that might help?




L., J.,F., & C.

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Guest greytexplorer

I used to use Frontline, but just for the heck of it, I bought Comfortis (chewable tab) and gave it to my gyrls.

So far, so good.


Why not get a bottle of Adams and do a light spray on all 3 of your hounds?


I keep a bottle handy if I happen to see ticks. Which I haven't. Thankfully.


Good luck!

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Guest Energy11

I DO love the Adams! No fleas, no ticks, no adverse reactions, AND, I do not use the topicals (Frontline, Advantage). I live in the WOODS, too.


Once our first frost comes, ... can't wait ... no more worries, anyway!

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