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Meg Escaped - Reassurance Needed

Guest Parsniptoast

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Guest Parsniptoast

Meg did a runner on Thursday night. We'd returned from a late night pee walk and when I took her lead off I didn't see that the back gate was open and off she went!

Meg is nervy, prey-driven and totally unresponsive to calls when she's in the 'zone'. It was midnight, she is a blue/white hound and I lost sight and sound of her. Reg and I walked for about half an hour around the neighbourhood listening and looking but an hour later we had a phone call from someone to say that they had her - thank goodness!


Well.. we've obviously taken six steps back ( and we were doing so well!) Meg has some damage to her chin and it's now very swollen. We think this was caused by her running through bushes as she has some skin tears on her face and sore spots on the top of her paws. She doesn't appear to be distressed - just depressed. It's not affecting her appetite, she's eaten both breakfast and dinner and she's being as unresponsive as she has been since she moved in 2.5 weeks ago. She was still tail wagging at going for a walk today but she shrinks from me more now, is still happy to be petted but if I stop she'll disappear to her crate. The wounds have been cleaned with antiseptic and didn't actually bleed much so I don't think they were too bad, more soft tissue trauma.


We've had a very easy day today - light walks, lots of companion sleeping and she's been on her own in the crate for about 6 hours now in the same room as me and Reg but happy to be where she is (as usual).


I don't really have a question, I think I just wanted to expunge my anxiety to be honest - I feel as though I've let her down in some way and I feel dreadful. I hope that this experience has not ruined our relationship which is still in the early stages... I'm keeping an eye on her, she's just sleeping and not exhibiting signs of anxiety or pain and I hope she stays this way.


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Guest paulamariez

Sending healing prayers, love and light for your sweet little Meg. Hope she's feeling better after her big adventure. She just needs a little time to get readjusted and then she''ll be back to her old self. We moved with our three greyhounds to a new area and house. Seriously, it took them months to adjust and feel at home. In fact, now we can tell that they are actually much happier in the new place. Seems that moving all three boys to the house at the same time, (they were all adopted at different times at the old house) made them more compatible being that they came together and no one hound was there "before" anyone else. Good luck with your sweet Meg!

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Guest mountain4greys

I hope Meg is feeling better, and I hope you were able to get your hearts back where they belong. That's a very scary feeling, and I'm happy you got her back so quickly and in one piece.

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Guest MyBoys

I would give her a few days to unwind and relax a bit, it was probably very scary for her out in the world on her own, keep a close check on her cuts and scrapes to make sure they are healing. Maybe a lock on your gate would be a good idea since she has a pretty high prey drive I think it makes us more aware of opening and closing our gates.


I forgot to mention, since she has a high prey drive and is not yet responding to your recall try a squawker, but don't use it as a toy use it only to train her for recall.

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Guest jerrybird

Wow, you were very lucky to get her back home! A bungee cord attached to the gate will keep the gate closing on its own.

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Guest D_MansMommy

:grouphug How scarey! I'm glad Meg is ok :) Our gates are my biggest fear. We have three. Luckily I can see all of them before I let the boys out.


You'll be ok just take a deep breath, hug your pup and know that now you know. Lesson learned :)


edit to add (I got distracted by the t-storms we are having) Like I said our gates freak me out. When we come home from a walkie through the gates, we double check them and pull on them again. We are anal :lol

Edited by D_MansMommy
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Guest kydie

I'm sure it was so scary, but it's over now, Today is Today, let to go, try not to worry, she will sense this worry and disapointment in yourself

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Guest longdogs

All three of mine have escaped at one time or another. Nothing terrible happened so don't beat yourself up about it. Escapes early in the relationship can be scary. After a few years and some work on recall it is usually a minor thing.

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Dude got out twice in the first two weeks he was here (he was a foster then but we knew he wasn't leaving!). There is NO worse feeling than seeing your dog run away from you down the street. Dude also didn't respond to recall commands as he was only a few weeks off the track. Fortunately, he did end up running up to some neighbors who grabbed him for me. It makes me queasy to even think about it now. Before she came to us, Cash got away from her first foster and ran around the city for almost a week. She is also spooky and wouldn't approach any people. Hunger finally drove her back to her foster dad. So we're extra vigilant.


We now have rigged up "air lock" fences around our front door and side gate, so that there's an extra level of security if there's an accidental opening. Yeah, they're a pain when we're bringing in groceries, but I'll take that inconvenience any day any time.


You're NOT alone! You made a mistake, which you won't EVER make again, and now you have to deal with a set back in her behavior. Give her time and patience - and give it too yourself too! You also might try picking up some Rescue Remedy from the store - one dose for her, and one for you! - just to take the edge off her lingering anxiety.


greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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you seem like an extremely responsible and caring owner. this was just a little mistake and thank heavens you got her back. just give her some time to get over it (and you, too!). time will heal the distress over this. when we first got abby, there were some instances early on where i thought "oh my god, now she's ruined". but everything passes, and this will too.



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Guest Morgaynn

I know this feeling all too well. Nike was with us for three whole days, when she was surrounded by a bunch of squealing, squawking, stampeding children and bucked and back pedaled and twisted her way out of her collar (a martingale at that) and was off like a breeze in the wind. Thankfully she ran straight home. (How she found it is beyond me!) I remember the dread and fear I felt in the pit of my stomach for days on end. Nike seemed withdrawn and she didn't want to walk. It took awhile, and even now some days she doesn't want to walk and is shy around new people and surroundings. I've learned to just accept that she's shy and put myself between her and what makes her scared and she relaxes. Before I did that I was feeling bad for her and it made her buck and back pedal all the more.


Put your best foot forward, forgive yourself, and above all relax. You'll see Meg bounce right back to her old self as soon as you let it go. :) Glad your girl is home and a neighbor found her safe and mostly unharmed!

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Guest Parsniptoast

Thanks to you all for your kind and helpful comments, I will give Meg lots of time and loving as you all suggest and let her recover from her ordeal.

I'm shopping for extra gate locks today - and checking, double checking and checking again every time they go into the garden!


Lesson learned indeed! :mellow:

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Guest TurnerMiller01

hugs to you :grouphug ... what a scary ordeal... i'm so glad she is home safely.... :yay


just wondering how things are today with you and Meg?

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Guest Energy11

Sounds like you did everything you need to do for the wounds. Just watch for swelling, pus, etc.


I'd give Meg LOTS OF LOVE and attention over the weekend, and she will most likely, be fine :-)

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I know this feeling as well! the first day Garry came to live with us..he walked across our above the ground pool (cover on/even with the deck..all the way to the far end of a 30 foot pool.) My mistake..not thinking he had never seen a pool before; he thought it was ground). Anyway..after he was safely off the pool, my husband went into the garage to look for something to block the steps until we could get a gate made...Garry followed him right out the gate and took off! This is the worst feeling in the world. Luckily, I took off on foot and DH jumped in the car. We reached Garry on a cul-d-sac on a main road! He simply got in the car with my husband.


Glad things worked out for you and hope Meg continues to adjust!

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If her chin is still swollen today, I would take her to the vet.


I'd also put a chain on that gate so this never happens again!


I'm sorry for the trauma for all of you. Thank goodness you got her back.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Jennifer4719
I'm sure it was so scary, but it's over now, Today is Today, let to go, try not to worry, she will sense this worry and disapointment in yourself


I too had a scary experience with my grey within a couple months of adopting her. She got one of my barn cats that wandered into the dogs fenced yard and I did not see it sitting there until it was too late. Watching that was horrific and really made me uneasy of Xena, especially since we were so new to each other. I ended up signing us up for an obedience class and it did wonders for our bonding. The only thing she learned in the class was how to sit :lol At that point she was not food motivated at all, but her and I getting to know one another and work together really helped us.

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Guest arlosmom
:bighug I am so glad you had a happy ending. Relax and she will get over her traumatic event. I did not lose my new boy but a shelf fell on him the first week and traumatized him. He is now over it and is a sweet and happy boy. New locks, new knowlege and soon a new feeling of confidence with your new girl. Just chalk it up to another life experience although not a good one.
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Guest Parsniptoast

Just an update on Meg who seems to be doing much better today and is slowly recovering from her ordeal. The swelling on her chin has reduced, I've given her baby aspirin and she's still subdued but eating fine, happy to go on walks and generally is quite tail waggy - though not as enthusiastically as on Wednesday (pre-escape)!


She has let me stroke her chin this afternoon and it doesn't seem to be as tender so all being well there will be no complications - if it gets worse though rest assured she'll be at the vets toot sweet!


Thanks for your kind words, I'm feeling much better today too! :blush




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