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Quilty Update

Guest KennelMom

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Guest KennelMom

It seems the roller coaster we've been on for the last few days is pulling to a stop. I took Quilty to the vet with a "brace for the worst, hope and pray for the best" mindset.



Weight (obviously)

Large tumor-like growth in her belly

Small growth under her chin

Heavy sounding breathing

Assessment of general health


I tried to prepare our vet staff before we arrived, but, well...you really can't prepare someone for Quilty. After they got over their shock and got down to business we got some relieving answers.


Her belly tumor is most likely a mammary tumor, which we can't do anything about until she's at a better weight. Same with the small growth on her chin. The good news is that that tumore feels well localized, so it's not a huge, pressing concern at the moment. It would also lend us to believe she's never been spayed.


We did a quick chest x-ray b/c of her breathing and it was.....CLEAR! Her insides look good.


I was really expecting her bloodwork to be an absolute mess, but she shocked us all and all her values are......NORMAL! (slightly elevated BUN, but nothing alarming). She's even HW negative! :yay


No intestinal parasites (no surprise since she'd just been wormed at the kennel).


The only diagnosis our vet had to make was that she's diabetic. That would explain the severe weight loss/wasting, excessive drinking and pee'ing. The GOOD news is that we can regulate that. She'll get an insulin shot twice a day and her feeding times will be three times a day, rather than four that we'd planned on. The diet we put her on once she came home is actually perfect for a diabetic. High proten and low/no carb (raw diet of muscle meat and some ground chicken/bone). Just a smidge of veggie mash, which the vet said is no problem. When she first got here, her urine was pretty much clear and voluminous...this morning when I caught her pee I was thrilled to see it had color and she'd actually been able to sleep through the night w/o needing us to let her out. It seems the diet is already helping her.


She's spending today at the vet while they administer the first insulin injection and monitor her blood levels. This afternoon, Ken and I will learn how to give her shots and monitor all this at home.


Anyone have doggy diabetes experience? Care of the racing greyhound really doesn't say much at all except that it's rare in greyhounds (which our vet already told us) and that it sometimes happens in older hounds.


I'm so glad we have some answers for Quilty and we can now really help her start to get well and PLUMP! :yay:yay Unfortunately, no more 'mushies' for her...but we'd pretty much stopped those 'empty calories' already. I think she prefers the meat anyway ;)

Edited by KennelMom
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Guest Energy11

Looks like the start of GREYT news for Quilty!

Now you know what is wrong, and can go from there.


I have experience with Human Diabetes Type 1. First, my son, and of course, as a paramedic for many years. Some experience with my vet/employer, in Florida. He used Vetsulin (insulin for dogs and cats). The syringes are marked well, and the needles, TINY.


Quilty will have to go to the vets periodically and spend the day, to get her "levels" drawn, which show that she is on the right OR wrong amount of insulin. My friend's diabetic cat lived to be 16 :-))


This will become routine in a few days! Good luck, love and prayers from here. D



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Oh Heather, this is great news! I'm so relieved and I'm sure you and Ken are! I would imagine canine diabetes is much like human diabetes. High protein, low carb diet. Instead of mooshies she'll just have to get used to have treats with protein in them. I'm sure she'll adjust.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

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Congrats to you all and Quilty!! Diabetes is manageable!!

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So happy to hear that everything with Quilty is going to be pretty easily manageable! :banana:pepper

I can't wait to see pics of her as she fattens up over time!!

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I'm so glad that Quilty had a good vet visit! :yay I don't know anything about dog diabetes but from what I read, it seems very manageable.


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Guest KennelMom

Just to give you a better idea of where we're starting from...here's Quilty a week ago (a soft, fluffy bed is about 2 feet away, but she preferred the concrete for some reason :blink: )



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Guest Energy11
Just to give you a better idea of where we're starting from...here's Quilty a week ago (a soft, fluffy bed is about 2 feet away, but she preferred the concrete for some reason :blink: )



Once you get on the right track, and get her Diabetes under control, she will start feeling better, and put on the pounds, I am sure :-)) Make sure the vet tells you what to keep on hand if she needs quick sugar. I know dogs and cats can get hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) like humans, but not as quickly. I know Karo Syrup is good. Just be SURE the vet gives you a good care plan you can understand. Good Luck!

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I am so glad that Quilty doesn't have more serious problems - not that diabetes isn't serious, but at least it is manageable. My 11 year old cat had lost about 3 pounds (from 10 lbs. to 7) so I took her to the vet and we discovered that her blood glucose levels were too high. Now I give her an insulin shot twice a day and she is eating Ralston-Purina DM food for diabetic cats. After a few months, her weight was back at 10 pounds and her attitude was back! After the first month or so, I had to take her in to spend a day with the vet so they could do a glucose curve (check the blood sugar every hour) to make sure the insulin dosage was correct. I am a type 2 diabetic myself so I occasionally check her blood sugar with my meter and so far, so good. :) I'm looking forward to seeing beautiful Quilty gain some weight; she really lucked out ending up living with you!

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Guest Jodiesmom


Would you let me know which vet you use...We live in Fountain Inn, and I currently use Cleveland Park in Simpsonville. I would like to have another just in case, and yours obviously has greyhound experience.

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Guest KennelMom

Would you let me know which vet you use...We live in Fountain Inn, and I currently use Cleveland Park in Simpsonville. I would like to have another just in case, and yours obviously has greyhound experience.



We use Poinsett Animal Hospital in Greenville. They are wonderful and they do have quite a few greyhound patients...even after you consider our crew. ;) Plus they do a bit of spay/neuter work for Greyhound Crossroads.

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

WOW that is wonderful news!!!!! :clap thanks for keeping us updated! It makes me feel so good about her prognosis!!!!!

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Guest TurnerMiller01

YAY Heather... I'm so happy for Quilty... although her pics make me sad when i see how skinny she is.. :(

I'm so glad you found her and she has found you!!! :thumbs-up:yay:yay

thanks for keeping us posted with some great news... :)

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It seems the roller coaster we've been on for the last few days is pulling to a stop. I took Quilty to the vet with a "brace for the worst, hope and pray for the best" mindset.



Weight (obviously)

Large tumor-like growth in her belly

Small growth under her chin

Heavy sounding breathing

Assessment of general health


I tried to prepare our vet staff before we arrived, but, well...you really can't prepare someone for Quilty. After they got over their shock and got down to business we got some relieving answers.


Her belly tumor is most likely a mammary tumor, which we can't do anything about until she's at a better weight. Same with the small growth on her chin. The good news is that that tumore feels well localized, so it's not a huge, pressing concern at the moment. It would also lend us to believe she's never been spayed.


We did a quick chest x-ray b/c of her breathing and it was.....CLEAR! Her insides look good.


I was really expecting her bloodwork to be an absolute mess, but she shocked us all and all her values are......NORMAL! (slightly elevated BUN, but nothing alarming). She's even HW negative! :yay


No intestinal parasites (no surprise since she'd just been wormed at the kennel).


The only diagnosis our vet had to make was that she's diabetic. That would explain the severe weight loss/wasting, excessive drinking and pee'ing. The GOOD news is that we can regulate that. She'll get an insulin shot twice a day and her feeding times will be three times a day, rather than four that we'd planned on. The diet we put her on once she came home is actually perfect for a diabetic. High proten and low/no carb (raw diet of muscle meat and some ground chicken/bone). Just a smidge of veggie mash, which the vet said is no problem. When she first got here, her urine was pretty much clear and voluminous...this morning when I caught her pee I was thrilled to see it had color and she'd actually been able to sleep through the night w/o needing us to let her out. It seems the diet is already helping her.


She's spending today at the vet while they administer the first insulin injection and monitor her blood levels. This afternoon, Ken and I will learn how to give her shots and monitor all this at home.


Anyone have doggy diabetes experience? Care of the racing greyhound really doesn't say much at all except that it's rare in greyhounds (which our vet already told us) and that it sometimes happens in older hounds.


I'm so glad we have some answers for Quilty and we can now really help her start to get well and PLUMP! :yay:yay Unfortunately, no more 'mushies' for her...but we'd pretty much stopped those 'empty calories' already. I think she prefers the meat anyway ;)


No experience with diabetic dogs.


Our Siamese cat was diabetic. We gave him shots twice a day (once a day was too much insulin at one time for him). He lived to be nearly 23 years old.


Good luck. Give her a smooch from me.

Edited by greyhoundlov

Mary in Houston

Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has film.


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If diabetes is all you and Quilty have to deal with you are both doing good. There are a thousand good articles online to use as reference as well as what your vet gives you. You may do well to learn the signs and symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia (high or low glucose levels). Thank you for giving Miss Quilty a responsible, loving and caring forever home.



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Guest Mom2Gr8dawgs
:banana That's great news! I'm sure she'll be feeling much better real soon under your care. I can't wait to see the pics as she gains weight.
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