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Sanitize Mouth

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Lexie caught yet another chipmunk and punctured it (gross) her 4'th one this month. This one I could see the blood hole on the chipmunk after I told her to drop it. I am a germ a phob as it is. Should i clean out her mouth with something wearing gloves or is she fine? I mean is the blood she consumed somehow could get on to us if she licked us? Am i being paranoid? ( please say yes) If I rinse her mouth what should i use? I do use biotene to clean her gums would that do? Or is the blood gone?? lolNone is on her face or anything but should i clean her snout too/ if so with what?

parnoid mommy

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover
1) Too late.

2) Don't worry about it.

3) Do you know what these guys put in their mouth when you're not watching?



Hehehe, Yup, ever wonder why their breath smells like poop?

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Guest Energy11

Yeah... they eat POOP and everything else, so I wouldn't worry. I would have her stool tested in a week or so, for parasites. Chipmunks usually carry tape worms. Staggerlee at a RAT once! :-( He was fine/no worms, etc.

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The adoption place didn't tell me she would hunt prey..lol..they also left out..

buying mass amounts of gauze, first aid stuff, stuffies, more stuffies, rainwear. outerwear, sleepwear...lol I could go on and on...

Is it worth it????????????????????????????


Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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If she's vaccinated she won't get rabies and neither will you. I'm not sure there have been any documented chipmunk transmitted rabies cases anyway. Don't even start to worry about worms unless she ate the thing. My Rex consumed several half squirrels with no worms or ill effects. (poodle would run in and tattle that Rex had killed one and I'd intercept him in mid munch). I caught Rex with a long dead dove one day and that was almost as bad as the 1/2 squirrels.


Everything will be fine. Don't worry about it.

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As already noted, Lexie will be fine. But if you want a good antiseptic for the mouth, give them something like yogurt or ice cream or applesauce and pour honey on it. Great antiseptic


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Energy11
And a nice treat at the same time, (for catching the chipmunk). What a greyt idea!

EXCELLENT idea, and gets that ole' chipmunk taste out of the mouth :-)))

Edited by Energy11
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