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Fractured Leg

Guest wickedliz

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Guest wickedliz

My baby, Jackson, fractured his calcaneous bone today (basically his ankle -- right rear). He is doing fine, home and on pain meds and antibiotics with a hard splint until he can get in for surgery on Monday. They said it is "very repairable" so that is such a relief.


I just wanted to post to ask for good thoughts from all the great people on here. I know it is not exactly uncommon for a Grey to break a leg, but I just feel so scared and lost, and as if I don't even know what to do with myself. I just want to get past the surgery and get into recovery so I he can get back to being himself. He is just resting quietly, and I think still very scared, but he has been so brave.


It was probably the most terrifying moment of my life. I actually heard the bone snap, and then I could see the white bone sticking out of his leg. I just keep replaying it in my mind and wishing so much that I could just rewind and somehow prevent it from happening.


Just needed to share, this has been a very emotional evening!


Thanks for listening. :)

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Guest TurnerMiller01
My baby, Jackson, fractured his calcaneous bone today (basically his ankle -- right rear). He is doing fine, home and on pain meds and antibiotics with a hard splint until he can get in for surgery on Monday. They said it is "very repairable" so that is such a relief.


I just wanted to post to ask for good thoughts from all the great people on here. I know it is not exactly uncommon for a Grey to break a leg, but I just feel so scared and lost, and as if I don't even know what to do with myself. I just want to get past the surgery and get into recovery so I he can get back to being himself. He is just resting quietly, and I think still very scared, but he has been so brave.


It was probably the most terrifying moment of my life. I actually heard the bone snap, and then I could see the white bone sticking out of his leg. I just keep replaying it in my mind and wishing so much that I could just rewind and somehow prevent it from happening.


Just needed to share, this has been a very emotional evening!


Thanks for listening. :)

oh my goodness.. i'm so sorry .. you did have a rough evening.. but it is over now.. you did all the right things.. and you said he is resting now... that is good.

Awww... I feel so bad for your baby Jackson... just try to take it easy and know that I am sending you many prayers and well wishes for your baby Jackson.

And i will say more prayers for his surgery on MOnday...


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I'll be thinking of you and your boy.


It will be no consolation for you to know that you'll be mentally reliving that awful moment forever (although it will become a bit less vivid over time). But try to remember that Jackson is not reliving it. He knows how he feels now--but doesn't really remember how it felt then.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest Energy11

Sorry you had to go through this, but like you said, it is "very repairable!" THAT is the "good part," for lack of better words.


We are thinking of you, and wishing you all the best! Dee and The Five

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Guest katieandpadfoot

Hi there!!!!


I'm so sorry you have to be going through this!!!!!!!!!! I can actually say (very saddly) I know how you feel. My girl Katie just broke her ulner and radius a week and half ago. I'm very glad in your case they said it's very repairable. They weren't so sure in my case. But she is home and doing well. Did they say if hes is gonna be in a splint afterwards or and external fixator....I think with that injury it's just a splint.


I'm sorry you keep replaying it in your mind....the first couple days after it happen to my girl...I kept thinking, I just wanna go back and stop it from happening...but I relized thinking like that isn't gonna help her now....and it won't help your boy now either. Just prepare him for what's gonna be happening.


Someone actually said to me be very thankful that dogs live in the now....cause they probley don't remember what happen to them.


Just take it easy and give him lots of love!!!


Please keep us updated!!


Hugs to the pup!!!! :bighug



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We are glad you shared your story of Jackson with us and we all know how scary it is but remember we are here for you. Please continue to keep us posted. Sending good thoughts and prayers out to you and Jackson.


Welcome to the group and just noticed this is your first post!

Edited by brandimom



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Guest greytkidsmom

Paws crossed in prayer for Jackson and for you.

You must have been so worried.

Hope he sails through surgery and recovery.

He will be running zoomies again before you know it.

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Best wishes for an uneventful surgery & speedy healing for Jackson. :getwell Best wishes for you too. :grouphug


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest GreytMuse

Adding my prayers and good thoughts for your boy! :grouphug Please do let us know how he is doing -- there is so much wisdom and compassion on this site, and I am so glad you've found us so we can offer support during this very rough time.

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My baby, Jackson, fractured his calcaneous bone today (basically his ankle -- right rear). He is doing fine, home and on pain meds and antibiotics with a hard splint until he can get in for surgery on Monday. They said it is "very repairable" so that is such a relief.


I just wanted to post to ask for good thoughts from all the great people on here. I know it is not exactly uncommon for a Grey to break a leg, but I just feel so scared and lost, and as if I don't even know what to do with myself. I just want to get past the surgery and get into recovery so I he can get back to being himself. He is just resting quietly, and I think still very scared, but he has been so brave.


It was probably the most terrifying moment of my life. I actually heard the bone snap, and then I could see the white bone sticking out of his leg. I just keep replaying it in my mind and wishing so much that I could just rewind and somehow prevent it from happening.


Just needed to share, this has been a very emotional evening!


Thanks for listening. :)


Oh, if that wasn't worthy of a "wish I had a do-over", I don't know what is! How terrifying! Fortunately it's repairable - the leg that is. I know that your psyche won't be as easily fixed, but you have come to the right place for support and comfort. Welcome and keep us updated on Jackson's progress. Would love some photos!


Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Oh, do I know that feeling. Although I did have it easier since Cora's femur was not sticking out of her leg.


:goodluck that the surgery goes smoothly, and that he heals quickly and well.

Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
Missing Cora (RL Nevada 5/99-10/09), Piper (Cee Bar Easy 2/99-1/10), Tally (Thunder La La 9/99-3/10), Edie (Daring Reva 9/99-10/12), Dixie (Kiowa Secret Sue 11/01-1/13), Jessie (P's Real Time 11/98-3/13), token boy Graham (Zydeco Dancer 9/00-5/13), Cal (Back Already 12/99-11/13), Betsy (Back Kick Beth 11/98-12/13), Standard Poodles Minnie (1/99-1/14) + Perry (9/98-2/14), Annie (Do Marcia 9/03-10/14), Pink (Miss Pinky Baker 1/02-6/15), Poppy (Cmon Err Not 8/05-1/16), Kat (Jax Candy 5/05-5/17), Ivy (Jax Isis 10/07-7/21), Hildy (Braska Hildy 7/10-12/22), Opal (Jax Opal 7/08-4/23). Toodles (BL Toodles 7/09-4/24)

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