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Emmy Got Out Again!

Guest Spencers_Greyt

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Guest SoulsMom

I agree with Susan. Even though I'm in New England, in the summer here it gets VERY humid and oppressive (I've also lived in Dallas, so I know what to compare it to). The reel mower is so quiet that you can mow in the early morning hours without disturbing the neighbors. And it takes no more strength or effort than a regular gas mower.


ETA~I remember when I lived in Dallas and had the gas mower---waiting and waiting for a reasonable hour to tackle the job. And by ten am it would be 90 degrees. It was a drier heat than in New England, but still miserable to mow in . . .

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Believe me.....using a reel mower here in the summer in Arizona is setting yourself up for heat stroke! :rolleyes::lol


Don't I know it! :lol


Ditto, I tried it one summer, that was enough. Unless you've experienced the heat here, you just can't appreciate what hot is, and in the summer, it doesn't cool down in the evenings. I'm from New England and remember that humidity, but it still can't compare with 115-118 everyday


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Believe me.....using a reel mower here in the summer in Arizona is setting yourself up for heat stroke! :rolleyes::lol


Don't I know it! :lol


Ditto, I tried it one summer, that was enough. Unless you've experienced the heat here, you just can't appreciate what hot is, and in the summer, it doesn't cool down in the evenings. I'm from New England and remember that humidity, but it still can't compare with 115-118 everyday


But Claudia....it's a DRY HEAT! :lol For those who have never been to the southwest......it's already in the 90's in the very early morning & does not cool down at night. I'd suggest getting a lawn service who will do the job on Saturdays or when you are home. I don't trust anyone.

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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Believe me.....using a reel mower here in the summer in Arizona is setting yourself up for heat stroke! :rolleyes::lol


Don't I know it! :lol


Ditto, I tried it one summer, that was enough. Unless you've experienced the heat here, you just can't appreciate what hot is, and in the summer, it doesn't cool down in the evenings. I'm from New England and remember that humidity, but it still can't compare with 115-118 everyday


But Claudia....it's a DRY HEAT! :lol For those who have never been to the southwest......it's already in the 90's in the very early morning & does not cool down at night. I'd suggest getting a lawn service who will do the job on Saturdays or when you are home. I don't trust anyone.


You mean it used to be a dry heat, NOT anymore, not with all the golf courses :lol

We have enough humidity that right now I'm having to cut the grass twice a week. I'm thinking of adopting a couple of goats, outside of Ekko of course


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest SoulsMom

Oh, it's that way in Dallas too~90 degrees by one hour into the first light. I remember the seatbelt would actually BURN my skin if I wasn't careful :blink:

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Guest Cris_M

Is this a landscape company or just a couple of guys doing yard work?


If it is a company, call the owner. You have 3 points of contention -- Emmy being let out, trees being trimmed without permission, and employee peeing on house. Emmy's release is the most important item to you. However, most customers do not have greyhounds. They do have an interest in their yard being cared for as they request and basic courtesy from the workers. Hitting all three problems may get you more results.


Explain that you will be sending Emmy's bill, and that you will not be paying for this week's services. Insist on having another crew come. Even if the owner does not have another crew, he should be able to come himself. If it takes a long time for the palm to recover, you might request that your price be reduced for that amount of time.


Notice how I didn't say "Fire their butts"? That is because you lose bargaining power once you fire them.


Sure, go ahead and lock the gate. Stall the owner. Tell him that you need to meet the people who will be doing the work before leaving the gate unlocked. Hopefully, he will pay the bills before you get to meet the workers. Then, you can fire him without repercussions.



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Well it is just as hot here in Golden Valley and I mow all the time. I use a gas mower and do not leave the clippings for mulch. I have when the dogs bring it in the house.


I have a motto...You do what you gotta do....


I would love to have a service and a house cleaning service..but there is no way we can afford it.



Sheila and CO

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Guest SoulsMom

One thing I love about mowing in the heat is all the sweating I do. I know that may sound strange, but it's like a purging of toxins in a way. It can be grueling, but I always feel better afterwards


Oh, and I like Cris M's advice ^^^

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Guest PhillyPups

This thread has been on my mind. I finally realized why. Also playing devil's advocate, I think the key that has me bothered is the word AGAIN.


The first time something goes wrong, (Emmy's first escape) with no harm, I feel it is a learning experience. If I continue to do the same thing (not lock the dog door or taking other precautions, even if it means having to be home on Thursdays, then I have to take blame for allowing it to happen a second time. I certainly would NOT trust, as you described them, "illegal kids" with the safety of my dogs.


You are fortunate Emmy was found and the only injuries to Emmy are her pads as she could have ended up on Amber Alert for weeks or more severely injured or hit by a car.


Resolution/lesson learned?? No one is gonna worry about my dog who has free roam in and out of my home like I will and their safety is MY FIRST concern. I would now be mowing myself (cheaper too) and with the money saved from paying a lawn service, I could "fix my gate".


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Guest jettcricket
This thread has been on my mind. I finally realized why. Also playing devil's advocate, I think the key that has me bothered is the word AGAIN.


The first time something goes wrong, (Emmy's first escape) with no harm, I feel it is a learning experience. If I continue to do the same thing (not lock the dog door or taking other precautions, even if it means having to be home on Thursdays, then I have to take blame for allowing it to happen a second time. I certainly would NOT trust, as you described them, "illegal kids" with the safety of my dogs.


You are fortunate Emmy was found and the only injuries to Emmy are her pads as she could have ended up on Amber Alert for weeks or more severely injured or hit by a car.


Resolution/lesson learned?? No one is gonna worry about my dog who has free roam in and out of my home like I will and their safety is MY FIRST concern. I would now be mowing myself (cheaper too) and with the money saved from paying a lawn service, I could "fix my gate".

I've been following this thread and I agree with Pat. We just had a small addition built off of our bedroom and I would never have trusted the construction guys to be careful with my babies.


Days that they had to be baby gated and/or courted off in certain areas to prevent them from escaping is exactly what I did and I was fortunate to have my good friend and neighbor check up on them during the day while I was at work.


Hope your little girl is feeling better.... :)

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Final update - 6/11/09


Emmy had her bandages changed last Sat. and then I brought her in yesterday for another change and the vet said she didn't need them any more that her feet have healed already! He said they would be a bit tender until she roughs them up a bit but he was very pleased with her recovery. So my baby girl is back to normal! :yay

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Guest TBSFlame
One thing I love about mowing in the heat is all the sweating I do. I know that may sound strange, but it's like a purging of toxins in a way. It can be grueling, but I always feel better afterwards


Oh, and I like Cris M's advice ^^^


Me too. Nothing like a shower when you really need it. :lol


Edited to add: Glad E is feeling better and her feet have healed.

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Great update! Glad she's better so quickly. :)

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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