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Took Riley To Vet

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

I took Riley into the vet today, because I was concerned about his panting episodes. (for those unaware, he has cancer) I was concerned that he was having heart/lung disease, and I did not want his last day to be a horribly traumatic one. I'm keeping the mindset of better a day too soon than too late. I explained all this to the vet.


I told her about how he has these really harsh panting/breathing episodes where he seems exhausted and his whole body heaves with the breathing. But as soon as I am ready to scoop him up and haul him to the vet, he gets better. She listened to Riley's heart and lungs, and said that all actually sounds good. She explained that likely what was happening was Riley was bumping his carpal tumor. (he has other tumors, but this is the one most likely to get bumped) When he bumps his tumor, it causes a rush of histamines to go through his whole body, causing stress on his heart and lungs. This is why the episodes are only temporary, and a fairly short time later, he is fine again.


I was so nervous on the way to the vet that I would get worse news. The stress felt like it was eating me up, yet I kept a brave face for Riley and got through it one minute at a time. Now that we are home, and I have my precious Riley with me for another day, I just feel such a rush of emotions coming out, and I have been trying so hard to hold them back and be strong for Riley. I had a good hard long cry and just let it all out. I'm strong, but I'm still human. I love Riley dearly, I am determined to do right by him. The vet feels he is fine for now. I'm so glad I have a vet who will share her opinion on wether or not it is time, it really helps. And she is fully aware of my goal of one day too early being better than one day too late. She is very compassionate. I'm glad to have her.

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Guest Beth
friend.gif Words are inadequate for what you're going through. You're very courageous to share it; it will undoubtedly help someone else when they go through it. I'll keep you and Riley in my prayers.
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You are right about the "a day too soon rather than a day too late" mindset. I've done both, and believe me, it is true. That said, isn't it a wonderful relief to know that today isn't "the day"!


:bighug hoping you have many more good days with Riley

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You will know when it is time. Thank you for putting him first. I know how hard it is to watch them like this. Hugs to you both.

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You are right about the "a day too soon rather than a day too late" mindset. I've done both, and believe me, it is true. That said, isn't it a wonderful relief to know that today isn't "the day"!


hoping you have many more good days with Riley

You will know when it is time. Thank you for putting him first. I know how hard it is to watch them like this. Hugs to you both.


My sentiments exactly.......glad you have more time with him to make special memories.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest EmilyAnne

A little update, since we increased the Benadryl form two pills twice daily to three pills twice daily, he is definately doing better. His panting episodes are much more reasonable and not as alarming. Before it looked like he was going to have a heart attack or something. It was like Henry's panting when Henry comes out of a really severe Grand-Mal. The tumor on the wrist actually looks really good, and in fact, he is now back to being able to be walked. Not nearly as far as before, but he can go all the way around the block now, which is absolutely fantastic and makes him very happy! :) KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!

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I've been checking in daily to see how Riley is doing. How nice that you have seen such an improvement in him. He seems more comfortable and being able to walk that block now must be such a relief for Riley and you. Lots of good thoughts & wishes will keep coming your way for Riley.


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