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Plant People!

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I just received a houseplant as a gift. I have no idea what it is!


Can anyone identify it from the pictures, and tell me what it is and if it is OK to have around the dogs?








Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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Guest SusanP

What do you think, guys, is that a peace lily? If so, it is toxic, and not just to dogs. Can you keep it up high somewhere?

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Guest luvmygreys

I have one about 3 times that size..I think it's a type of Lilly, but I'm not sure. Mine sits on our dining room table..it takes up half of the table due to its size, but I didn't want to leave it on the floor because of the dogs :) They've never bothered it up there, even though the leaves are hugh and hang over the table.

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Guest MyBoys

That is a really good question for us people that know nothing about plants, I want to get some sort of palm plant for my patio to put in big pot but am not sure what is safe around dogs, anyone have any ideas????????

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It's a Spathiphyllum, aka Peace Lily. Mildly toxic. Unlikely that your pets would mess with it. I've had one for ten years, and my cats and dogs have never touched it.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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It's a Spathiphyllum, aka Peace Lily. Mildly toxic. Unlikely that your pets would mess with it. I've had one for ten years, and my cats and dogs have never touched it.


Have you checked for pulses lately? :lol If I brought anything green and alive in this house, everybody would have to sniff at the very least and the feline wrecking crew would have to have a taste - when Mom wasn't looking, of course! No matter that I have an Uzi water blaster for those special times when no amount of screaming at the top of my lungs will convince them that whatever it is they are doing is B-A-D! They still do it and get wet. They are insulted. I think it's funny, but I don't dare laugh - makes them mad.


Edited to correct spelling!

Edited by duncan41

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Even naughty animals would usually stop munching when their mouths start to burn.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Oh, you mean like taking sizzling pork chops out of the frying pan "burn"? :hehe

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest Greytnorth

Be careful where you put it. I have a big plant like that as well (not that variety) and I didn't think that the dogs would touch it ........ Boy, was I wrong!!! I come home from work one day and the whole thing was shredded on the livingroom floor. Thankfully, it wasn't toxic.

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I have had a huge one in a basket by the patio door for maybe 15 years, Carl sleeps under it. Neither dog nor the cat I had years ago have ever botherd it.


BTW, if it droops all over the place, looks like it fainted and died ... water it and it will bounce right back up.

Edited by Charla




Charla, Mom to Carl ( Bella Monsoon ) 5/2002 - 9/2016 and remembering Gracie Rose ( Cee Bar Xtreme ) 2/2002 - 1/2014

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Guest LindsaySF

Yup peace lily. They are really hard to kill!


Are they toxic? I saw Grady nibbling on one of mine once... :unsure


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Guest greyscot

It's a peace lily. I have a few about my house as they are all but indestructible :lol: I believe it is the flower bit that is toxic so I always cut that off as soon as it appears. It seems cats are especially sensitive to lily pollen - or so my more knowledgeable plant friends tell me - and one of my cats likes to nibble on the plants if I don't feed her on time :lol

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Yes, peace lilly. It'll be a happier plant if you will cut off the flowers after they have bloomed. When they start turning from white to green (as in one of your pix), they're going to seed and sapping the plant's strength.



Patsy and DH with the Humane Society specials, Linus & Jazz, in North Dakota

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