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Guest BlackandBrindle

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Your right...he is wrong. There is another medicine. Actually a couple. Itraconazole and one that starts with a K. Shanti was on the Itraconazole at first.


I am surprised by it. You would think they know about VF in Arizona!


Yes, it is time for you to find another vet. Bummer!

The Girls

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Guest SoulsMom

Ummmm, yeah. I'd be looking elsewhere too. Maybe I'm spoiled by Dr S, but that just wouldn't sit well with me at all.

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Guest HornGreys

Sorry that they gave you such a big problem again. Call Doc and set up an apt with him. He is very versed on VF. (Note...he is not fond of raw diets but will not bug you about it)


Give Sadie a big hug and kiss from me and tell her that she will go back to the nice vets that took care of her when she first came in off the track.


I know the drive is bad, but I do it for my kids...just from the other direction.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

To add insult to injury, they sent Roy home with this little hand out explaining what valley fever is. Do they think I'm a moron????


I'm going to get her results in, fax everything to Doc and make an appointment.

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Guest HornGreys

Sounds like a plan. I can't believe they sent Roy home with a hand out about VF. Let me know if you need anything.

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Let me tell you from my personal human experience with VF meds......I had to take them twice a day. And twice a day, several hours post medication ingestion, I was puking my guts out! My Doc told me that it comes with the territory taking these meds. They also cause some abdominal pain/discomfort. I've always said, for me, the treatment for VF was worse than the disease....It was a rough road.

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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I somehow missed this post! :ohno I'm sorry to hear about Sadie throwing up bile and not eating breakfast. :(


And I was really :angryfire about your vet. He obviously thinks (or hopes?) that you are one of those people who just accept his pronouncements as facts and the final word on everything. I'm glad you're switching. I wouldn't accept a vet like that either. 26c1f078.gif


Sending lots of good thoughts for Sadie!! :bighug:grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest poopsie1

I too am glad you're switching to another vet. Some of these guys (and gals) are so full of themselves. Hope Sadie starts to feel better soon.

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yes, I guess he does think you're a moron :rolleyes: which just goes to show what a moron HE is! I am glad you are switching vets. It is a pain to have to drive, I did it for years, but worth it to get a good vet. I am sooo lucky my current vet is both good and close.


I hope Sadies's numbers goe way down!

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