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New, Sad And Confused

Guest RVStarFire

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Guest RVStarFire

Hello! I am new here. We have had Star since she was 4.5 yrs old. Her bday is 5-94. She is an ole lady and we love her dearly. Over the past few yrs she has aged very much. She also started with a lump in her eye which the vet said could be cancer and tried steroids. I am beginging to think it is Pannus!!! and very advanced!!!! She has trouble getting from lay to stand, if she is standing for a while eating her back legs start to give out ( we have terrazzo floor so that even makes it harder). Her teeth are very bad ( even when we got her so many yrs back) and she has a strong odor. She has always been healthy with no health issues and her only vet visits ( besides the eye ones) have been for chiropractic and acupuncture which she responds soooo well too. She eats a raw and also cooked. No matter what we try she can't keep weight on. She looks sad and I notice when she does get up she follows us more but getting up is usually only to go out or eat. She still Loooooooooves to eat. We had always said we would make a decision to help her along if she started having problems squatting to go to the bathroom. Well tonight i witnessed her outside goin to the bathroom. She can usually only make it right on the deck. She was trying to squat but had to keep moving, her feet were getting in it, her tail draggin in it. We have been dealing with off and on months of accidents in the house the pass few months ( thank goodness for our flooring!) and lately pee pee accidents when we get up in the morning. How is it i can come to terms with that she may just need help going to the Rainbow Bridge, how is it i can have a vet come to our home when she will struggle to still greet most of our guests? I have already spent the last few months telling her its ok, telling her what it will be like, doing paw prints with my two young boys. Why is it i have such guilt?!!!!


I never had to deal with putting a dog to sleep but just dont feel like it will happen for her naturally before it gets worse. She LOOKS sad if i call her in a happy voice she just nudges me no tail wagging etc. She only gets up to go to the bathroom or eat, The bulge in her lower portion of her eye ( how do i post a picture of it?) looks so red and painful, her teeth are HORRID!!! We also have three other dogs and i have heard its best for them to see another pass. im worried when she dies that they may follow ( well two of them since they have been with her the whole time we had her .. yorkie 13 and poodle 14).. we just recently rescued a labradoodle who is 2.



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Guest RVStarFire
Hello! I am new here. We have had Star since she was 4.5 yrs old. Her bday is 5-94. She is an ole lady and we love her dearly. Over the past few yrs she has aged very much. She also started with a lump in her eye which the vet said could be cancer and tried steroids. I am beginging to think it is Pannus!!! and very advanced!!!! She has trouble getting from lay to stand, if she is standing for a while eating her back legs start to give out ( we have terrazzo floor so that even makes it harder). Her teeth are very bad ( even when we got her so many yrs back) and she has a strong odor. She has always been healthy with no health issues and her only vet visits ( besides the eye ones) have been for chiropractic and acupuncture which she responds soooo well too. She eats a raw and also cooked. No matter what we try she can't keep weight on. She looks sad and I notice when she does get up she follows us more but getting up is usually only to go out or eat. She still Loooooooooves to eat. We had always said we would make a decision to help her along if she started having problems squatting to go to the bathroom. Well tonight i witnessed her outside goin to the bathroom. She can usually only make it right on the deck. She was trying to squat but had to keep moving, her feet were getting in it, her tail draggin in it. We have been dealing with off and on months of accidents in the house the pass few months ( thank goodness for our flooring!) and lately pee pee accidents when we get up in the morning. How is it i can come to terms with that she may just need help going to the Rainbow Bridge, how is it i can have a vet come to our home when she will struggle to still greet most of our guests? I have already spent the last few months telling her its ok, telling her what it will be like, doing paw prints with my two young boys. Why is it i have such guilt?!!!!


I never had to deal with putting a dog to sleep but just dont feel like it will happen for her naturally before it gets worse. She LOOKS sad if i call her in a happy voice she just nudges me no tail wagging etc. She only gets up to go to the bathroom or eat, The bulge in her lower portion of her eye ( how do i post a picture of it?) looks so red and painful, her teeth are HORRID!!! We also have three other dogs and i have heard its best for them to see another pass. im worried when she dies that they may follow ( well two of them since they have been with her the whole time we had her .. yorkie 13 and poodle 14).. we just recently rescued a labradoodle who is 2.





i just posted a very recent pic of her to see her eye however it is not showing up. i did it in my avatar.


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Guest greyscot

It's always hard when they get to this stage. What is your vet saying?? Have you thought about acupuncture for the rear end weakness? I've had dogs and cats which I have had to put to sleep and it does not get easier but if there is no quality of life I truly believe it is the right thing to do. If you can, talk to your vet about what options you have. :grouphug :grouphug to you and Star.

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Guest SoulsMom

Get a photobucket account an upload the picture to there. Then copy the image link and paste it here.


I don't have any words of wisdom just hugs for you and your girl :grouphug

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Guest IrskasMom



Ohhh Michele ,it's never easy ,but Star is telling you something . You could ask , if your Vet will come to your House ?

I have no Advice but lot's of :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

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Reading between the lines you're preparing yourself........


Talk to your vet and look to your heart to find the answer to your question.



*HUGS* to you at this time......it's difficult emotionally living with an ailing old dog



Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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It sounds like you have quite the special girl with Star. Greyhounds are truely remarkable with how they can go on in the face of failing health and capabilities. It sounds like you have given her a wonderful home for many years and I am sure she loves you and appreciates what you have done for her. I agree with what has been posted previously, that this is ultimately a quality of life decision. It would be easier if some hard and fast rules could be applied to the situation but these do not exist. Only you know Star and can tell when she no longer enjoys quality time with your family, eating, greeting guest at the door, and whatever other activities that have made her happy in the past. I went through this same situation with my 14 year old Cherry last fall and she had many of the same problems with old age that Star is having. Bone cancer finally made her quality of life so bad that we had to make the hard decision to let her go. The people here on Greytalk fully understand you situation and are a great sounding board for you during this time. Best of luck to you and Star.

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It sounds like you have quite the special girl with Star. Greyhounds are truely remarkable with how they can go on in the face of failing health and capabilities. It sounds like you have given her a wonderful home for many years and I am sure she loves you and appreciates what you have done for her. I agree with what has been posted previously, that this is ultimately a quality of life decision. It would be easier if some hard and fast rules could be applied to the situation but these do not exist. Only you know Star and can tell when she no longer enjoys quality time with your family, eating, greeting guest at the door, and whatever other activities that have made her happy in the past. I went through this same situation with my 14 year old Cherry last fall and she had many of the same problems with old age that Star is having. Bone cancer finally made her quality of life so bad that we had to make the hard decision to let her go. The people here on Greytalk fully understand you situation and are a great sounding board for you during this time. Best of luck to you and Star.


This was so well said. Many of us have faced this situation and it really is difficult to decide what is best because we love them so much. Somehow you come to know inside that your grey just can't face another day in such discomfort and their life is not what it should be. It is hard not to look back and second guess yourself - but try to remember that the regret that is felt is not for your decision but that you had to say goodbye to your cherished companion.


Please keep us posted and everyone is here for you.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Guest preciouspaws1

Hi there RVStarFire,


I am real sorry to hear you and Star are going through this, i know how it feels and i really want to send all my prayers to you for your special little one to get better.


I lost My English Springer Spaniel in 2006 and it was the most worstest time ever, I had to watch her struggle to go toilet also and it broke my heart, i cried more than ever to see her being in so much pain and only moving she never had the energy, but i couldn't see her go through it anymore and she died just before her 13th Bday, i felt horrible for what i had to do but i know now it was best for her as she let me know somehow when it was time to go, I miss her everyday and i still ain't coping with the fact she has gone, but i take each day as it comes.


My heart goes out to you and little star, I hope your vet can advise you on help for Star :goodluck as i know what it is like when your best friend goes ill, Keep strong for your little one i know it is hard but the best reward for star is to see you smiling back, as every smile means a million kisses to our dogs, :wub: She knows her humans are looking out for her and it will mean a lot to her i think to see you being strong, I really admire you as i know it is the hardest decision you will ever have to make. I believe in you and Star will let you know when it's her time, i hope i ain't upset you as it is the last thing i want to do, keep strong and treasure every moment you have with Star (Enjoy Her) she sounds like an Angel :angel


all my prayers and wishes to you :bighug


All my love PreciousPaws1 :gh_run


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Guest tennesseegrey

Michele, I know too well the agony you are experiencing right now. I just sent my Caesar to the Bridge 2 days ago. For me, when I could not control his pain with meds, it was time. However, that reasoning changed. Caesar was not in too much pain when I sent him, but unable to have bowel movements and he began vomiting. My vet could not guarantee she could fix his problem. He was still eating well also. He had osteosarcoma that had moved to his lungs. The cancer also moved to his spine and we believe to his lymph nodes also, but I was unwilling to take him to the vet daily to have his abdomen drained, knowing how much he hated going to the vet. Though he wasn't in much pain, I knew he was getting uncomfortable and would quickly get more uncomfortable. I think you just suddenly realize it's time. You can not bear seeing your baby in any more pain, uncomfortable, and unhappy. I had the vet come to my house and send him to the bridge in the comfort of his bed. It was horrible, but 2 days later, though I miss him terribly, I don't worry any longer about him. My other 2 dogs are keeping each other company. Abby is 6 months and Jack is 3 years. They don't seem to miss Caesar at all because they have each other. The pain eases daily, weekly and so on.


Unfortunately, our beloved pets don't always pass comfortably in their sleep. I've lost 2 greys to osteosarcoma. The first one I was not expecting to send her to the bridge, with Caesar I've been preparing myself for it. I think this preparation has made the decision a little easier. I don't feel guilty because I know that big goofy boy is happy again and playing with his girlfirend Rosie again.


I hope you can come to terms with this decision and not feel badly about your decision. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. :hope



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Oh Michele, my heart goes out to you and your family. I work on a farm with greyhounds and collies. Over the last fourteen months we have lost seven sweet dogs, four collies and three greyhounds. Most were old. Two collies died in their sleep, two collies died for unknown reasons. One greyhound had kidney disease, one had cancer, and the vet could not find the cause of the deterioration of the third greyt. The greyhound with the unknown illness kept fighting right up to the end. We kept deciding to help her to cross the bridge, and she would suddenly perk up and improve. But it was so temporary. When we did take her, she still acted like she was not ready. But her body just was not cooperating with her spirit. She had gone from the most beautiful Polly to an unrecognizable skeleton. We made the decision then that we would rather help them cross the bridge one day too soon than one day too late, as we had for Polly.


Believe me, sometimes all the vet and human care in the world just does not make a difference. I believe now that it is my responsibility to do the hardest favor ever, and allow my sweet dogs to pass with dignity. The time comes when all avenues have been exhausted, and we must let them go. They have given us their "all" and now it is time for us to respect them.


I still mourn for our losses, and am crying as I write this. There is no running from this pain, and each is as painful as the last loss. I try to think of the good times and their antics and their fantastic lives.


You will be in my prayers.



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Guest TaraCoachCougar

There is no doubt in my mind that if cancer hadn't resulted in my Coach's loss of use of her leg, that a year from now she would be in the exact shaped you described. She was born in May of '94. We were already headed down the path of shaky rear legs, bad teeth (6 were pulled last fall), and she had recently been diagnosed with pannus but we were still in the mild stages. When she would squat to pee, her legs would flap because she had trouble holding herself.


The loss of use of the leg was what made me make the decision to say goodbye. I gave up before she did. Some people said that she would tell me when it was time, but I couldn't watch her fight so hard to only accomplish standing up in her bed to pee on it. There's guilt that comes along with it, but the relief and peace I felt on the way home make me think I made the right decision. I told myself, if there wasn't hope that the situation would reverse itself, then why let her fight so hard to buy another couple of weeks of struggling. She deserved more dignity than that. I didn't let her get to the worst stages.


Whether you decide to go ahead and say goodbye now or give her more time, there are a lot of people on here that have been through the hard times with their hounds and will support you in whatever YOU decide is right.


Sounds like you have given your Star a wonderful life. I'm sure she knows how loved she is. :grouphug



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Do you have your girlie on any type of NSAID's or something like Tramadol? If not you might want to give it a try--the medication will make her more comfortable and sometimes will really seem to turn back the time. Of course only you will know when she is lacking the quality of life she deserves--I've been there recently--I know how truly hard it can be and my thoughts are with you at this time.

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Guest 4baddogs

The one thing that keeps sticking in my mind is something someone here posted a few weeks ago: Better to do it one day too soon than one day too late.


It's the hardest thing in the world you'll ever have to do, but remember that it's the best thing you'll ever do for your beloved pet. They depend on us for EVERYTHING.


Sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers for your girl.

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There is no easy answer, and this is never an easy decision. You will grieve for her. Your other dogs will grieve for her. But she will be free of pain and indignity, and running free with all our other Angels over the Rainbow Bridge.


Only you can know if the time is right. Just keep in mind what's best for her and not for you. They depend on us for everything, including this last and final choice. As someone posted above, better too soon than too late.


I'm so sorry for you and your family.

greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest Flysmom



I am so sorry! I know how you feel and the guilt that is trying to sneak into your mind.

We had to help our little girl Kira (Rat Terrier) to the Bridge in January. First came the question 'Was there something else I could have done' or 'Was it really her time', all those What if's... Now, we are probably facing the same with my beloved Fly, who probably has the big'C', we are still waiting on the results... :(

The decision you will have to make will be one of the hardest ever and I am sending you positive thoughts and a big :bighug, but like sombody else wrote rather 1 day too early than 1 day too late..

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Guest Houndstown

Always a tough decision. No one will know the right time but you, but like others said: rather a day to soon than a day too late. Hugs to all of you....

Edited by Houndstown
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Guest dwolfe711

Our Allie was born 4/6/94 - so will be 15 in a few short weeks! She is still in relatively good health and condition for her age, but we know the day will come when we will have to make this hard decision. With our other five who have gone to the Bridge, cancer made the decision for us - but unless cancer flares up in Allie, she will definitely be a hard one to let go if due to only old age issues. We are so sorry you have to go through this with you sweet girl - but if you let your heart open to what she is telling you, she will let you know when she is ready to go. Everyone told us with our cancer babies that it would be when they started to not want to eat - but all five of them had great appetites until the day we set them free from their suffering. So - you have to know your girl and make that hard decision for her - it will be your final act of love. Hugs to you and Star and your children and family - we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.



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