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How Do You Tell If Your Dog Is Having Sight Problems?

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Roy thinks Sadie might be having some eye sight issues. He said today when he let her lead (choose where she wanted to go on her walk) she just walked in circles.



I don't see a tint or cloudiness to her eyes and right now as I called her name she tracked my hand up and down and side to side.



Personally, I think she just feels crummy from the meds/valley fever. HOWEVER, I don't want to dismiss Roy's observations out of hand because he does spend more time with the pups than I get to.


Any thoughts?

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I have to keep an eye on Misty's vision because of her Cushings. Judy told me to test her with cotton balls which I've been doing since she was dx.

I told my vet last test what I was doing and he thought it was a great idea and a great way to continue to test her.

Once again, Judy to the rescue


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest BlackandBrindle

He also said that she keeps her head close to the ground when she walks.


When we take her new places I haven't seen her statue or do her weird things that she does at home.


The problem with this child is that she's stubborn and smart and full of quirks. So I never know if she's just being a monkey or if there's something off.



Oh, and Roy has his moments ;)



Right now said Sadie is sacked out on my nice clean blankets :rolleyes: She's no fool :lol


What do I do with the cotton balls?

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Well that makes sense. I'll have to try cookies though. She's likely to eat the cotton balls :blush

Actually what I should have said is throw them"at" her, but I hate the sound of it


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Tried both and I don't think it's her sight.


He said now that he thinks about it she seemed disoriented more than anything else. I'm going to call the vet in the morning and talk to him as they've closed for the day.


I don't think it warrants an evet visit but she didn't want to eat her food this morning either.

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Guest EmilyAnne

This is hard to explain, but sometimes their eyes are fine, but they can't figure out in their brain their vision. With Henry, when seizure is coming on in the next few minutes, or in the several days afterwards, he cannot comprehend depth of things. He can see them, but he doesn't know how far away they are, which results into him bumping into things, and when getting off the bed, he acts like the bed is 50 feet off the ground and cant get down without help. I am not familiar with what other things besides epilepsy that could cause that so I cant come up with ideas there on what it could be. I dont think this would happen with a dog who has never had a seizure before. It generally takes a real doozy of a seizure for vision to not work right.


Anyways, just wanted to explain that sometimes it not as clear cut as either being able to see or not being able to see. Vision can be a complicated thing.


Agreeing with Frostybottoms that hopefully Sadie is just being a 'Monkey'.

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Guest charmsmom

One way you can test her individual eyesight is to cover one eye with your hand. With the other hand, move your hand toward her eye. Not too fast because they'll feel the draft and react to that, rather than flinch because your hand is coming at them. If she flinches, switch hands and check the other eye. If she doesn't flinch, her eyesight isn't what it should be. If she does, then get a neuro workup from your vet.


I'm sorry you're having to go through this with Sadie. Paris has continuous eye problems too, and it's frustrating!

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Thanks for the thoughts and ideas everyone.


Sadie was very happy this morning, ate her breakfast with no coaxing, and was roaching in bed cuddling with me. So she's feeling better I'd say.


It's so hard to talk to the vet when I don't have anything really concrete about it, just that she's off. It's little things, that individually wouldn't mean much, but together make me feel like something *could* be going on. I still am not convinced it's not just Sadie being Sadie.


I'll let you know what the vet says!

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Well I just this second got off the phone with the vet.


He said to keep an eye on it, if it continues we'll run tests, but that it could be anything. I knew this already :rolleyes:


So now I'm going to start a diary and see if I can see a pattern.


When Roy notices things I tend to really worry because I don't think of him as in tune with them as I am :lol

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My dane had cushings and lost his eyesight. You could definitely tell though - he'd turn his head to the side and try to see you with his peripheral vision, which was a bit better than straight on. You could also see cloudiness in his eyes.


I'd venture a guess that she was just having an off day. I have those. :D


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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What you do with the cotton ball is hold it in front of your dog's face about 12" above eye level and let it go. Look to see if your dog's eyes follow the cotton ball.


It doesn't sound like Sadie has vision problems but if it continues to concern you, you can always take her to a doggy eye specialist and find out for sure. The initial cost is really not that much and they have certain equipment and knowledge in this area that regular vets don't. The exam is not painful or uncomfortable for your dog at all.


Actually, I think it's a good idea for all dogs to have an eye exam once they reach a certain age. I have no idea what that age is though.



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