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Update. Shuggie Has An Abdominal Mass

Guest tammymacb

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Guest tammymacb

Shuggie was at the vets today. She's lost 20% of her body weight. No changes in eating habits, she doesn't act sick. But, of course, the vet is very concerned. Labs were sent out this morning and I'll call tomorrow for results.


Shuggie will be 8 this spring...


2/19- I spoke to Dr Patrick again this morning. Shuggie has a very low thyroid. ( Which makes no sense in this case, she should be fatter, not bone thin ) He's sent off an add on for a Free T-4 and wants to see the results. I asked him today if he would sedate her and get Xrays, he said that's next. You all, I'm sick about this. There has got to be something making her so skinny. I just don't really want to know what it is... :(

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Sending prayers. Please update when you can.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

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Guest tammymacb


Shuggies labs were all normal with the exception of her thyroid ( which was low, so she should gain, not lose weight ) I have to talk to the vet again today. I'm guessing the next plan will be Xrays- to make sure there's not something else going on.


I'm a nervous wreck. :(

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Just read your update. There are so many different opinions here about thyroid that I get confused.

But I will tell you that Misty's thyroid was very low and she was extremely thin and losing weight. She also has Cushings and many people will say that she should be gaining not losing and having that sausage appearance which she doesn't.


You're both in our prayers


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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My thin dog and I are both hypothyroid. I was rail-thin too, until other things happened. My endocrinologist, one of the best, says that the thing about thyroid symptoms is that they don't always follow the expected list. Sometimes they they follow the symptoms on the opposite list, the hyperthyroid symptoms: thin, lots of hair, low appetite, etc.


That rapid weight loss is alarming. But I thought it might help to share this little bit of counter-intuitive info with you. That, and our best wishes for a good outcome!

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest tammymacb

Thanks for the info. I'm hoping that hypothyroid is our only problem. She is still eating like a pig. Usually when I feed them, she's the first one at the bowl and she loves her snacks and cookies. Guess I just wait for more test results.

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Thanks for the info. I'm hoping that hypothyroid is our only problem. She is still eating like a pig. Usually when I feed them, she's the first one at the bowl and she loves her snacks and cookies. Guess I just wait for more test results.


The "still" eating like a pig, is it safe to assume she's always had a big appetite or is that something that you've noticed has increased?


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest tammymacb
Thanks for the info. I'm hoping that hypothyroid is our only problem. She is still eating like a pig. Usually when I feed them, she's the first one at the bowl and she loves her snacks and cookies. Guess I just wait for more test results.


The "still" eating like a pig, is it safe to assume she's always had a big appetite or is that something that you've noticed has increased?


She's always eaten fine. Not crazy ( I feed all 5 of them together and no problems with food stealing ) but she gets excited and chatters her teeth at dinner time. She also loves treats ( as they all do ) I guess I'd say her appetite is the same. Not worse or better.....( and I feed using a measuring cup and use the same food all the time- meals are always the same )

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Guest KennelMom

Tammy....we just went through this with our HannaBanana. She's 7 and lost a lot of weight out of the blue. We wormed her and increased her food and she still stayed skinny. Bloodwork confirmed low thyroid...we were puzzled as you were b/c low thyroid should = weight gain, not weight loss. As mentioned earlier, our vet said that sometimes thyroid problems don't always follow a specific pattern. She's been on thyroid pills for 3 weeks now and her weight is normal again...she even seems a little perkier.


I hope that's all it is for your girl too :hope :hope

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Guest tammymacb

Thanks, Heather. I'm glad to know there's a chance all will be well.


I'm waiting for free T4 results....None called to me yet today. I know her thyroid is very low ( though the vet didn't say specifically - he said .2 - .3)


Glad your Hanna's ok.

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Guest Greensleeves
My thin dog and I are both hypothyroid. I was rail-thin too, until other things happened. My endocrinologist, one of the best, says that the thing about thyroid symptoms is that they don't always follow the expected list. Sometimes they they follow the symptoms on the opposite list, the hyperthyroid symptoms: thin, lots of hair, low appetite, etc.


That rapid weight loss is alarming. But I thought it might help to share this little bit of counter-intuitive info with you. That, and our best wishes for a good outcome!


Same here! In fact, when I was diagnosed, we weren't terribly surprised or confused b/c we'd been through it all before with Whistler! Sometimes the symptoms mix it up, too--Whistler and I had weight loss AND hair loss. The reason we knew Whis had a problem was because he actually won a "hairy thigh" contest at a greyhound reunion, but six weeks later, they were totally bald. In the same amount of time, he'd lost 8 lbs. (The reason we knew I had a problem is that I had a dramatic weight loss that wasn't a symptom of the auto-immune condition I was already being treated for. The specialist took one look at me, saw a thin, pale woman with thinning hair--and ordered the full battery of thyroid tests.)


You might find that she has difficulty maintaining weight even after she's being treated (Whistler did), or her weight might stabilize. It's difficult to predict.


Good luck!

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Sending my many prayers. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest FullMetalFrank

We had the same experience with Frank. He was losing weight (he has always been an easy keeper so this sent up red flags) and also drinking and peeing a ton. Vet ruled out diabetes first thing, also UTI, but found his thyroid to be low. He has been on meds for about three months now and his weight is back to normal and also the drinking/peeing is resolved. He is also growing in hair where he'd lost it on his hiney and his tail, and his skin is getting softer. I hope you get Shuggie's problems resolved; it is scary when they are not well.

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We went thru this with Tornado. But then we found out that thyroid levels

(ranges of what's "normal") are different for greyhounds. We consulted a

greyhound expert and found out his value was within the normal range

for a greyhound. Then we went on to explore other reasons for his low

weight/weight loss.


So you may want to check that your vet knows the correct range for

a greyhound.

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