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Guest Ladyluther

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Guest Ladyluther

Luther is 15 1/2 and experiencing some pain as he has spinal stenosis. He is now on Rimadyl and Tramadol, as well as Glyco-Flex. I would like to discontinue the NSAIDS and try DGP instead.


I will discuss this with my vet, but I'd also appreciate any feedback if you have used this product. I've read the Whole Dog Journal article from May of 2006 which gives it a "two thumbs up" endorsement.


Thanks in advance


Martha and Luther

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I've used it on Buddy for awhile. I was giving him 1.5 tablets twice daily (he was 74 lbs), and it seemed to help him. Not hugely, but a bit.


However, he is now on tramadol/rimadyl due to recent issues....and not doing well. He's down to 66 lbs.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Awesome - 15-1/2!

Sunny has a bum leg - DGP did not help at all. I give him SOD & Boswellia instead of Rimadyl, which upsets his stomach. Here is where I get it



I give Sunny 3 tabs 2x day (he weighs 76#) with his meals.


I alternate 2 months with SOD and then for 1 month I give Trixsyn



this is a liquid, measure with included syringe, then I squirt it on his food


They both seem to help a lot and he does not have any side effects.


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I don't use DGP but I have a friend who does. The difference in her senior lurcher has been amazing. The dog went from walking stiffly at her heel to running laps and playing like a puppy. Not only did she seem to be able to move with less stiffness the dogs coat condition went from rather wiry to soft and fluffy.

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I initially saw some improvement in big boy Dandi, who has intervertebral disc disease. But it didn't last. When I brought him to his veterinary acupuncturist, she told me that in her experience, DGP has not been effective, and when she reviewed the list of ingredients, she wasn't impressed, and actually said that the herbs used in DGP wouldn't be her choice for relieving pain.


She's got Dandi doing really well with acupuncture and Chinese herbs, so I think highly of her opinion. :)


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Luther is 15 1/2 and experiencing some pain as he has spinal stenosis. He is now on Rimadyl and Tramadol, as well as Glyco-Flex. I would like to discontinue the NSAIDS and try DGP instead.


I will discuss this with my vet, but I'd also appreciate any feedback if you have used this product. I've read the Whole Dog Journal article from May of 2006 which gives it a "two thumbs up" endorsement.


Thanks in advance


Martha and Luther



Discuss it with your vet, and you should be able to get at least a week's free samples from the company. If you can't find the link or get ahold of any, pm me and I can send you some.


I use it for my 12 yo Diesel, and when he takes it consistantly-I believe it helps. He is having some issues with his back end lately though and has been refusing to take it but started taking it again last night. We have been through at least 6 bottles over the last year and I do know it has helped him. I don't 100% know the reason he is being a pain about taking it right now, but the DGP has definately helped him in the past.

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Guest Ladyluther

Thank you all soo much for your opinions and experience.. I also appreciate your warm wishes for Luther.


He is having difficulty with this horrid winter and much prefers to sunbathe on his bed by the window and play indoor games (find the treat is his fave)!



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