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Canadian Drugs

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My Plummer has a acute toe infection and is on Zeniquin 100mg. 1x daily.

Very expensive 4.30 a pill.

I am looking online at Canadian Pharm.


Has anyone had experience ordering meds from Canada?

Pros, Cons?






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For how long? Will it arrive in time? What if it gets held up in customs- or discarded entirely?


Zeniquin is in the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics. This includes much more readily available antibiotics, namely Cipro (ciprofloxacin), and (as the Merck Veterinary Manual advises) a whole lot of other drugs from the superclass of quinolones: Enrofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, orbifloxacin, pefloxacin, danofloxacin, difloxacin, marbofloxacin, rosoxacin, acrosoxacin, oxolinic acid.


If your veterinarian has not done any specific testing to determine susceptibility to Zeniquin (marbofloxacin), perhaps you could inquire as to whether another, more affordable fluoroquinolone antibiotic might be prescribed instead. To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing "magic" about Zeniquin.


You would know if your vet did specific testing in that it would have to be sent out to a lab for culture and sensitivity testing, which would take at least 24-72 hours. If you were given the prescription the same day you came in, you might inquire about other meds from the same class of drugs.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Thank you for your input.

This is an ongoing infection that Plummer has, years. I only have him since Sept. He has been on almost every other antibiotic and Zeniquin is the only thing that keeps this under control.


MD wants to perform biopsy, that is not in the cards for now. So we are keeping under control with medicines.

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Guest SueG201

My M om's cardiologist actually just gave her a prescription to order drugs from Canada to

save her money, he says they are the exact same thing as we are being way overcharged for in the U.S and he is a very well respected cardio doctor out of NJ

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I order one of JD's meds. from a Canadian source. Very quick shipping.

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I had to laugh when I saw your topic title lol.


We've used Canadian drugs for years (yes, I inhaled) and have been quite satisfied with them.


msjpk, for your abx resistant infection, my Romi had one of these, we tried everything, and nothing would wipe it out completely. He was on abx for months and months, finally I called my herbalist and talked to him, he cleared it up in a week. It has not come back, 4 years later. If you like, I can see if the tincture bottle is still kicking around, the herbs he used are listed on it. We also used Super Silver at the same time, which is an amazing product.



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Guest longdogs

I keep getting emails from Canadian drug companies. I'm always wary about buying prescription drugs from unknown sources, particularly as I tracked one email back and found the Canadian address was a front for a Taiwanese business. I would have no hesitation in buying drugs that I knew were genuinely coming from a legitimate Canadian pharmacy.

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If the infection is long standing, then a culture for sensitivity might make sense, but there may not be a clear cut answer.

As far as drugs from Canada, there are ways to insure that you are dealing with a reputable pharmacy - do a search for Canadian pharmacies and you should find phamacy associations and government websites with resources to check.

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