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Nellie's Gotcha Day Ended At The E-vet

Guest oldNELLIE

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Ripple has tweaked her neck a couple of times in the past 2 years. Both times I think they were sleeping injuries! She woke up and must've slept wrong. She was just like you described Nellie - all hunched and yelping when she moved. We took her to our vet, who told us he felt like it was just something she had tweaked in her neck. She was on Deramaxx for a few days and then it cleared up. It happened again over a year later and was again cleared up with Deramaxx.

Daisy & Eli, the crazy hounds, and Bella & Zoe, the curly kitties,
and Jed (10.30.98 - 11.28.08) & Ripple (3.25.99 - 8.20.09) together again at the bridge
with Cleo-Kitty (10.8.1988 - 7.26.2007) always in my heart.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Sorry she had a not-so-great gotcha day (She deserves a do-over when she's feeling better!) And I hope it's nothing serious and her neck feels better soon.

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could be a pinced nerve. I had something similar happen with my boy Marx, he suddenly let out a yelp after getting into a standing position on our bed. He would barely move his neck. Took him to the vet and he found that on physical examination when trying to turn his head to the right he yelped. We were give pain meds/muscle relaxer and told to use a harness. It took a few days but he was fine.



I would also suggest using a harness on your pup and get to your regular vet.


Hope Nellie is better soon.

Praying for all the missing greys!

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Same thing happened to Patsie last year. One minute she was fine and the next minute she was weak in the rear legs, off her food, her back feet would knuckle under periodically, and she also arched her back. The vet did ultra sounds thinking it was her stomach or maybe other organs because of the arched back and everything was negative, then he did full spinal x-rays, and he found compressed discs at C7-T1. We put her on a week of Metacam and she was fine. She's a rowdy 12 1/2 year old and enjoys life so much so I'm not going make her slow down. When she over does it I put her back on Metacam for a couple days and she's back to being my "energizer bunny".


Hopefully Nellie just has a disc that's causing pain.


Prayers for your girlie. Oh and happy gotcha day!!

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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Guest greyt2love

Sorry Nellie's gotcha day didn't turn out as you had planned. Hopefully, she will be feeling better quickly and you can do it over !

With 8 dogs, I tend to take a wait and see approach unless it is clearly an emergency. If it doesn't clear up within a day, or if it reappears, off to the vet. But sometimes, it just clears up on it's own. My vet , and the e-vet, will attest that I make lots of trips to them !!And I'm not being careless about my babies, I take the same approach for myself. I don't go off to the doctor every single time I have an ache or pain, or don't feel well. It is amazing the things our bodies will do for itself if you just let it !

I am absolutely sure that if Nellie needs the vet, you will take her !

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This doesn't seem to be all that uncommon with our hounds. Usually between NSAIDS (or steroids) and rest they bounce back within a few days. I would not of performed radiographs either. They would not show a pinched nerve or the likes (need an MRI for that) I'm sure they recommended radiographs or a follow-up if things were not better in a few days. Dr's really have to play the fence--darned if you do and darned if you don't--sometimes it's a judgement call. Feel better and re-do that gotcha day in style! :P

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Guest oldNELLIE

Thank you all for the kind thoughts!

Just a quick update...

As Nellie seemed so much better between Monday night and Tuesday afternoon, we decided to keep up with her pain medication, keep her on restricted movement and see what happens. She is worlds better this am. She is still a little stiff, and is not trying to jump up on the bed, which is a sure sign that she is not 100%, but she seems comfortable with in her boundaries. We've been taking short walks, and keeping her off the stairs and lifting her up and down from the back deck to take her out. I also have been using some essential oil aromatherapy, and it seems to have helped her mellow out. She is usually so full of energy, so it has been hard to keep her from jumping and pouncing everywhere!

So, she stinks like a blend of herbs and icy-hot but her eyes are bright, she is eating with gusto, and apart from Monday night, she is sleeping fine. I think we are on the mend!

It is so nice to be able to share this experience with so many people who have been through similar things. It is very comforting! Nellie is our first pet, and I try not to feel like everything little thing is most certainly the end ( :) ), but this was really scary! Thanks for sharing your stories.

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