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Im going to be adopting a grey in the summer of 2009 but id like to talk to owners that can give me some good information. such as I have a pet cockateil that comes and goes in and out of his cage I was wondering how a Grey would do with introduction of this feathered friend or should i be thinking about giving the bird to a friend? please advise.

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First I want to say WELCOME !!!!


My Greys have nothing at all to do with little birds, so yours would be safe. :colgate


But now ... the big Canadian Geese that poop all over THEIR yard - deserves to be chased out and taunted! :lol


These critters are not "bird dogs" ... now if you had Bunnies or Squirrels - that MIGHT be a different story all together!




CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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Hi from New Jersey. My friend had several birds and her greys didn't bother them. The birds were free to travel the house in her old house but are now in a bird room. She had a couple of large parrots who would sit on the backs of chairs and yell at the dogs.

Not all dogs are ok with birds so it may take time to find you a match. Good luck!

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Guest crazy4greys

Hi and welcome! :) I have 4 greys and always a foster or 2. I also have 3 parrots.


My Greys have nothing at all to do with little birds, so yours would be safe. :colgate


I do not agree with the above post. I have had a foster grey who tried to get my parrot who was in the cage. She went to a different foster home.


I would NEVER trust any dog to be around a bird that is out of the cage. Let me tell you why...... I had a Sun Conure, Phoebe, before I got my first greyhound Phoenix. He was great with Phoebe, even when she was out of her cage and playing on her climber. They were together for 4 years. One day, Phoenix grabbed Phoebe and then he dropped her. His tooth punctured her chest. She died in my hands. :cry1 He knew that he did something wrong and he went on his bed and laid down.


The birds I have now, do come out of their cage, but they are also in a different room that is attaached to the family room where they dogs stay. I would not rehome your bird, just make sure that you are there with him when he is out, his wings are clipped so he can't fly and do not let your greyhound near the bird when he is out.


Good luck in your adoption quest!


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Guest LindsaySF

Welcome! :wave


You don't need to rehome your bird. But I would not let a dog (of any breed) interact with a small bird. Plan to have the bird's cage-free time in a room separate from the dog(s).


Good luck with your adoption!


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Welcome from SC. :)


I have 3 birds...2 of them cockatiels. They used to have much more free roam of the house (supervised) but since the dogs came they have been limited. They now have their own room that is dog free. Before their own room I would get them out after I kid gated or crated the dogs for a bit with a kong or yummy treat. I have a Galgo in the house...we are super cautious! (always cautious before but now we have a hunter interrested in them...) My greys are not interrested in them but you never know when the winds can shift and your guard is down.


Please do not rehome your bird. It would be very sad to get rid of one pet just to get another. IMHO. I've worked at a parrot rescue for years...it happens too often and almost always unnecessarily :(


Good luck with your adoption. :)

Edited by GreytHoundPoet
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Guest lionessgrace

:welcome from sunny California. Good luck with your upcoming adoption! Let them know you have a bird and the group may be able to match you with a grey that would be okay with birds. Not to say they should all run around free together right away. Can't wait to see pix!



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Guest koolaidnconner

Welcome to GT!


I can say I have hand first hand experiance in having cockatiels and greyhounds.


My boyfriend bought my daughter a cockatiel that she so wanted and a few months later got Kool Aid. Without thinking my boyfriend let Jacky(cockatiel) out of his cage to fly well Kool Aid was in the middle of the living room and luckily my boyfriend was quick enough to grab Kool Aids jaw so he could not bite down. Kool Aid literally in a split second from standing still took one leap and 5 ft up in the air to get the bird.


Have you ever seen a stressed cockatiel?? :jaw They shed their feathers everywhere. He was pretty bald all over for months and my boyfriend felt so bad that he went and bought her a 2nd one and well the birds are at my daughters dads full time now.


I would say it all depends on the dog. I would say if your ok with giving it to a family member or friend I would, that way their is no accidents for sure. But if you want to keep the bird I think flying time should be well you lock up the greyhound in his/her crate or bedroom until you know more as to what the dog may do.

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Thank You For The Great Information I Will Take It All In And Make A Decision Soon.


Welcome to GT!


I can say I have hand first hand experiance in having cockatiels and greyhounds.


My boyfriend bought my daughter a cockatiel that she so wanted and a few months later got Kool Aid. Without thinking my boyfriend let Jacky(cockatiel) out of his cage to fly well Kool Aid was in the middle of the living room and luckily my boyfriend was quick enough to grab Kool Aids jaw so he could not bite down. Kool Aid literally in a split second from standing still took one leap and 5 ft up in the air to get the bird.


Have you ever seen a stressed cockatiel?? :jaw They shed their feathers everywhere. He was pretty bald all over for months and my boyfriend felt so bad that he went and bought her a 2nd one and well the birds are at my daughters dads full time now.


I would say it all depends on the dog. I would say if your ok with giving it to a family member or friend I would, that way their is no accidents for sure. But if you want to keep the bird I think flying time should be well you lock up the greyhound in his/her crate or bedroom until you know more as to what the dog may do.




You see this is the problem i allow the bird to have free rein in our home i have no rooms other than my living room to keep the bird, which means id either have to keep the bird locked up pretty much all the time or do whats best give him back to the person that sold him to me. hard choice but i really want a Grey and so does my little boy. thank you for the help



Welcome to GT!


I can say I have hand first hand experiance in having cockatiels and greyhounds.


My boyfriend bought my daughter a cockatiel that she so wanted and a few months later got Kool Aid. Without thinking my boyfriend let Jacky(cockatiel) out of his cage to fly well Kool Aid was in the middle of the living room and luckily my boyfriend was quick enough to grab Kool Aids jaw so he could not bite down. Kool Aid literally in a split second from standing still took one leap and 5 ft up in the air to get the bird.


Have you ever seen a stressed cockatiel?? :jaw They shed their feathers everywhere. He was pretty bald all over for months and my boyfriend felt so bad that he went and bought her a 2nd one and well the birds are at my daughters dads full time now.


I would say it all depends on the dog. I would say if your ok with giving it to a family member or friend I would, that way their is no accidents for sure. But if you want to keep the bird I think flying time should be well you lock up the greyhound in his/her crate or bedroom until you know more as to what the dog may do.

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Thank You For The Warm Welcome. I Look Forward To Talking With You. I Can Hardly Wait Till Summer When I Get My Grey. Thank You All For The Input On My Cockatiel Situation. Im Sure I have Plenty More Question To Ask To All Those Whom Already Own The Wonderful Grey's :)

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Guest LindsaySF
You see this is the problem i allow the bird to have free rein in our home i have no rooms other than my living room to keep the bird, which means id either have to keep the bird locked up pretty much all the time or do whats best give him back to the person that sold him to me. hard choice but i really want a Grey and so does my little boy.

There are no other rooms in your house where you can keep the bird?


Please don't rehome your bird just to get a Greyhound. :unsure


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You see this is the problem i allow the bird to have free rein in our home i have no rooms other than my living room to keep the bird, which means id either have to keep the bird locked up pretty much all the time or do whats best give him back to the person that sold him to me. hard choice but i really want a Grey and so does my little boy.

There are no other rooms in your house where you can keep the bird?


Please don't rehome your bird just to get a Greyhound. :unsure




I kept my 3 birds and 3 hounds in a one bedroom apt successfully. Since you are new and can't PM yet e-mail me at shannon.m.sisler @ gmail.com and I can give you loads of advice. One of my hounds (my Galgo, Argos)was a hunting dog in Spain and we've even worked with that...and he catches birds outside with ease and glee but never bothers mine inside.


It's never a good thing to get rid of one pet just to get another unless you have tried everything that you could and tested it first. JMHO. There are many people on this site that has birds and hounds with no issue. Sure, things will change, but that's not so bad.

Edited by GreytHoundPoet
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Guest houndstooth4

We had a cockatiel when we adopted our first greyhound. The bird had her own room because our cats were obsessed. I'd been told that if Treat were too interested in the cats, we'd know. Well, she tried to get them to play, but I really wasn't sure. Then after a few weeks, we brought the bird out. I knew right away what too much interest meant after that! She was fine with cats and other small animals, but birds were pretty exciting for her. I don't think you have to get rid of the bird, but I would test the dog around the bird and see how it goes. Our others wouldn't have cared, but then again, I once had a foster that went bonkers over the fish tank, too.

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I have made up my mind since the bird came from a friend of mine her and I talked and we decided that she take the bird back to be with his brothers i only had the bird for 1 month. and i can go visit him anytime i want so everything is going to work out just fine thanks for the advice it helped a lot.

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I too would never chance the grey with the bird. It must always be in a cage or at the very least supervised. I too know of a horror story of a grey and bird. Let's just say the grey won.




As long as you are close by, things should be OK with a low prey dog.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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welcome.. my dogs first experience with my aunts parrot wasnt a good one. she nearly tore the whole cage down..lol I think each dog is different. If they dont get along no need to get rid of the bird just put in another room. My grey wont chase after all our geese around here but a squirrel, cat, chipmonk, or bird watch out. good luck.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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:welcome from Pa I will also say that in the past I have had birds, we did not have our greys at the time but we did have Irush Setters when we had our birds and we never had a problem in fact our birds used to walk up to the setters and pull on their whiskers, just wanted to share our expierience. Good Luck


:welcome from Pa I will also say that in the past I have had birds, we did not have our greys at the time but we did have Irush Setters when we had our birds and we never had a problem in fact our birds used to walk up to the setters and pull on their whiskers, just wanted to share our expierience. Good Luck

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Guest luvmygrey

Welcome from Nova Scotia:colgate congratulations on your decision to adopt a grey. :yay your going to love it I have yet to talk to a person who hasn't Good Luck.

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