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Rabies Shot

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We adopted Lily in November 2007....


I have documentation showing Lily had her rabies shot and distemper shots in August of 2007. The paperwork from the veterinarian that was included in my adoption papers said next distemper due in 2010, and next rabies due in 2008.


So, this past August I take her to the vet and bring along the adoption package showing that she needs a rabies shot. The vet says "no", she needs distemper. Rabies is good for 3 years. I said, "the paper work shows that distemper is good for 3 years and the rabies is only good for one". He replies "well, the people who run adoption groups often aren't veterinarians - I know what's best" :blink: (or something like that). I tell him the immunization information is from a vet clinic. He says to trust him....


I listen to him and Lily gets distemper and NOT rabies shot.


This brings us to today - - I'm signing Lily and I up for obedience classes (just something to keep us busy this winter when it is too cold to play outside) and they are asking about Lily's immunizations and whether they are up to date, etc... so I'm looking at Lily's tag collar to give her the rabies information and printed right on the rabies tag "1yr". Grrr... sooo..... long story short - are there more than one type of rabies shot? Is there more than one type of distemper shot - and she got immunized too soon? Is my vet wrong?


I have an appointment on Sat to get a bordatella shot (kennel cough) before obedience class starts, so this would be a good time to get the rabies updated if needed.

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I knew there was a 3 year rabies but did not know about 3 year distemper. I know there is a 1 year bordatella and a 6 month....and a kennel would not take my Dal's 1 year one.


Call the vet clinic that did her first shots and make sure what they have.

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Our rabies shots are good for 3 years. Not sure about the time frame for distemper though. Sounds like they accidently switched the due dates?


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Yes, rabies vaccines can be different. There is one good for three years (the most common one I've seen, but I am not in the veterinary profession), and one that is good for only one year. So it seems likely that Lily would need another one, in order to be complient with the law.


As for the distemper, that's up for debate. What my boys' breeder (a long-time, well-experienced vet, who works for a shelter) tells me is that to do distemper every three years is plenty. Truth be told, after hthe initial series, about the time the dog turns 2, either they have the immunization, or they don't, and boostering win't make much of a difference at that point.


But I do my own vaccinations, escept rabies. That one legally must be done by a vet...

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Vaccine protocols for Rabies varies by state laws. In Virginia the first one (4months and older or pet with no vx history)is validated for 1yr. With paper proof from a Veterinary Facility of a previous Rabies a 3yr validation is given.


The new protocol for Distemper is that after a full series the first year, the second year it can be validated for 3yrs. Not every Vet is on board with these guidelines yet.


In Lily's case if the adoption group had given atleast two DHPP's and the Rabies, then in Aug 08 we would have given her a 3yr validation on both the DHPP and Rabies.


Each state/country has different regulations.



CAROL & Molleigh (Queen Molly)
My Angel Girl (Slippy's Molly) ~ Thank you for sending me your namesake ~

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Thanks guys.


I'll call the vet where her rabies shot was done and see what they say. The "1yr" stamp on her rabies collar makes me think that she is over-due for a rabies shot...

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A long time ago my vet told me that the rabies shots they give here are actually the same as the 3 year vaccine - but the city (or county, can't remember which) requires rabies every year, so to be legal, we have to get them yearly. They did just recently change so that the other vaccine is only needed every other or every 3 years (I can't keep it straight yet!).

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Thanks guys.


I'll call the vet where her rabies shot was done and see what they say. The "1yr" stamp on her rabies collar makes me think that she is over-due for a rabies shot...


Rabies Tags usually have the year given I.E. 2008 1yr. would mean it was given in 2008 and is valid for one year. So if she got it this Aug 08 it will be good until Aug 09. Truth is the paper certificate is more important than the tag (which can get lost).



CAROL & Molleigh (Queen Molly)
My Angel Girl (Slippy's Molly) ~ Thank you for sending me your namesake ~

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Guest WhenIGiveIn

There are 1 year shots and 3 year shots.


ALL puppies start off with a one year shot and then go back in for a 3 year shot.


If you have a dog and no one knew if it ever had a one (Like a stray or you adopt a dog with no history) then they will start if off with a 1 year shot.


ETA: In Michigan the tags have to be renewd EVERY year regaurdless of a 1 or 3 yr shot.

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Guest savvyprchick

Here, the first rabies shot is given for one year and you have to come back in a year to get another 3 year. They do it as a booster then every three years. For example, when we got Lulu at 4 1/2 months in Sept 2006, she was given all her shots, including rabies. She had to go back in Sept 2007 for her annual shots, plus a 3-year rabies.


I'm thinking that's what the vet that did the shots was doing and your vet thinks that it was a second or even third rabies vaccine.

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Carrie was her Rabies done in Calgary or in the States? I can cwwrtainly find out if it was Calgary. However if it said 1 year it probably was 1 year.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

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Just FYI; there is a study currently being run in, I believe, Michigan but incorporating a couple of vet centers, to determine if the rabies vaccination can be given less often (since there have been side effects such as tumors at the injection site) and still give good protection. Efficacy will be checked by checking titers. Preliminary results have shown some animals to have positive titers 5 years after vaccination. This could great for everyone; fewer injections, still good coverage, and some science to back up the intervals used, which are really rather arbitrary now.


I work with wild animals and have been vaccinated against rabies; I have to have titers drawn every 2 years and just had my 6-year titer test positive, so it does seem as if the vaccine can offer protection for a good long time.




Jennie with her hedgehogs and Guinea pigs, and remembering Luna, Queen of the Piggies


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Carrie was her Rabies done in Calgary or in the States? I can cwwrtainly find out if it was Calgary. However if it said 1 year it probably was 1 year.

IT was done in the states - CO. The phone number for the vet is on the tag. I called but their answering machine said they were closed. I'll try calling again. I think it is one year too.

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Guest ChasesMum

Our vet in Edmonton does rabies and distemper every 3 years but I would imagine that is only after the initial series and boosters.


Hello fellow Chinook Winds-ers! :wave

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Guest budsmom

typically, rabies is given at about 12 wks of age, and that is good for one year. The shot they get after the year is then usually good for 3 yrs. The exact interval that is required by law varies from state to state, though.

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Our vet in Edmonton does rabies and distemper every 3 years but I would imagine that is only after the initial series and boosters.


Hello fellow Chinook Winds-ers! :wave




Lily was fostered just outside of Edmonton, so you were practially neighbors!

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