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Tilt’s Life And Story

Guest TinasTroops

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Guest TinasTroops

Tilt’s Life and Story as it began and ended with us.


Sept 7th 2003 we received a call from Bill at GRACanada only 3 short weeks after we got Booker telling us their was a greyhound that has been returned after only 1 month in his forever home and that he was fully cat safe, Bill felt he would be a super companion for our very shy Booker.


I said I would discuss it with Eric and we would see. Booker had some medical issues after adoption, plus his adoption and all the things we bought to spoil our dog left me well…………………tapped for spare cash for another adoption so soon after Booker.


I was content with 1 greyhound but Eric was fairly firm on wanting another. I told him I did not have the finances for another dog and that if he wanted him he would have to find the money all himself. That evening I suggested to Eric to check his “Change Bucket” and just see what kind of money he had in it.

The next day while at work I get a call from Eric telling me that not only did he count his change but that he had $460 worth rolled and he was going to the bank to exchange it.

I laugh so hard and tell that story every chance I get. It still feels like it just happened! We called Bill and said we would be out on Sat to have Booker met Tilt and see how they get along.


They met and they clicked, so we brought Tilt home that day (Sept 13th, 2003) no if, ands or buts about it. Bill asked us if we wanted to see any other hounds and he received a quick short no!

Why did the boys click so well so fast – well you see? They raced at the same track, they even raced each other, they retired at the same time, they went to the same adoption group and were adopted within 3 weeks of one another. I later pulled out the print out I took of all the dogs available on the site and I had a few other dogs I was interested in but both Booker and Tilt were 2 I wanted to see. When we got there the first time and took Booker Tilt was already adopted.

So you see everything happens for a reason, this was fate. I believe that now whole heartedly.


I can say the rest was history! Tilt was the most perfect dog ever, smart, gentle, kind, loved kids, loved to met new people and if they didn’t fawn on him he was insulted that they did not find him “awe” worthy. LOL


When we took them to Montreal the first time to meet my parents, Booker was grandma’s sweetie but Tilt Man was Grandpa’s buddy! My parents had recently purchased a new leather couch and Grandpa called Tilt up on the couch, Tilt gently got up curled up into a ball on Grandpa’s arm and they both proceeded to watch TV on Grandpas 60” TV. My poor Mom’s eye bugged out and shot me a look, All I said was it wasn’t me it was Dad! LOL



Over the years we traveled all over with our 2 pups, to live in Montreal and back again, get married, to events all over Canada and the US. Tilt has been to Ithica for Grapehounds, Buffalo for greyhound annual events, All the Hugs for Hounds events, All the Ottawa events. He had been a Greyhound Model for one of GSNCR very first events.


Hugs for Hounds





Tilt & Echo with Jen and I off to Buffalo,



Model for GSNCR event,



His picture adorns many greyhound vendors’ websites. Billie has painted him. Blanket of Hope has him on their site.


He has welcomed many hounds into our home whether friends, visitors or fosters or our new additions. He had been a perfect gentleman.

If it was not for Tilt I would never have had the drive to find littermates, I would have never been on GT, Tannersdad (Gil) would have never found me and Tilt,

and Sahara would never have been reunited with him. I would not have gotten the small brindle female I so wanted and what more could I ask for then another Splishin Vallie Pup!

This allowed us to experience our first GUR. We got to connect with “4baddogs” and “retiredracers” both to which I owe so much to for my princess.


Tilt took the road trip with us to pick up our preadopted Puppy Ducati in Syracuse to which he met Nancy (Gazehound).

The more I think about it the more I can’t believe how many people my boy met all over Canada and the US. And all were smitten with him. Tena (Hannahsmom) came for a visit last year and came to our house, met him and fell smitten with him instantly.

Picking up Ducati,



He was Oscar’s buddy and him and Loca we’re inseparable. When Phen and Loca left from a stay Tilt and Loca would mop for days after words from being separated.


If not for Tilt I may not have met Laura (caninecrew) who has turned out to be one of my best friends and older sister, my sounding board, confidant and reality check all in one when I need it.

All that and to find out that Tilt and her Kirra were half littermates!

Tilt and Kirra,



Kirra can well…. be a handful at times but we use to talk about how wonderful it was that she seemed to have a connection with her brother like no other. She never in all the years ever snark, snarl, snap or bark at him for anything, She always made room on “her” couch for him more so then most other hounds. It warmed Laura and my heart tremendously to see them bond.


I can go on and on about my perfect hound. Everyone who met him adored him or wanted to take him home with them.



Fast forward to Sept 9, 2008, just 4 days before our 5 year gotcha.

Bear with me trying to get this all right.

We woke up; Eric took them all out for pee. I took my shower and then came down to feed them. Tilt snubbed his food – the one thing I can count on 1 hand

how many times in 5 years he has done that. Eric and I commented how odd we thought it was and that maybe is tummy was off that morning. So I made sure he got some pepto and decided to come home at lunch to let them out and check on him.

When I arrived I knew he was “off”, I knew my boy very well and he was not feeling well. He eyes were buggy and his breathing was odd. Sounded as if he had a chest cold, His breathing was faster. I called Eric at work and told him to get home as fast as he could I was taking Tilt to the Vet, I felt in my heart it was an emergency.

We walked into the Vets office I explained what was happening and they wanted to take him in the back office for a quick exam then a possible ultrasound, EKG, blood work and x-rays. I knew it was serious… He had no desire to walk so I carried my boy into the back room and allowed them to do the exams needed. He was tired so they allowed him to rest in one of their large make shift cages to which both Eric and I we’re welcome to stay with him. Which we did, we were by his side on the floor the entire time.

I have to interject and say it as I have said many times before – I adore my Vet. Dr John has been our Vet for over 10 years, has personally met Dr Couto at my request, is a very open minded individual and is willing to learn from me and Dr Couto about Greyhounds.


John approached me and said he felt this may be the onset of Heart Disease to which we rushed the EKG electronically to the Univ of Guelph Animal Hospital and requested the results within the hour.

My response was Ok. We can work through this.


His heart was enlarged, he had fluid on the lungs and his heart rate was through the roof and his heart beats were erratic as time progressed, I could feel it as I laid my hand on his chest. The EKG came may inconclusive, we had

X-rays done to check his stomach and heart - nothing appeared overly abnormal. He started to show fluid in his abdomen. I threw it all out there for Dr John, Tick Borne maybe? Turkey he had the night before, the Petrodex toothpaste we just started the Colidal Silver anything and everything we could think of.


The blood tests came back that he had low eltrolytes, but that his liver results were slightly high but not overly so. And so Dr John said that it could be Addison Disease (Partially because of the erratic beating of his heart), which means we would have to run a full blood panel on him but due to his condition we would have to wait.



We would start and IV and administered fluids, this would help him settled down; his heart rate should have slowed and would help for dehydration. We were to give it 1 hour and then retest his blood

Long term would have been Steroids, low dose every other day for the remainder of his life. Ok again something I could more then handle.

During this time he had to go potty Eric and I helped him up and outside to go, he had lost almost total mobility and could barely stand on his own feet. We bought him back in and he was exhausted. We administered pain meds to help him relax. His heart rate shot up and the panting was like nothing I had scene before.

I yelled out we’re loosing him I could see it in his eyes he was telling me he was very tired I said to them we have to do something NOW!

They allowed me to bring him into the OR and administer his Oxygen. As I am trying to talk to Tilt calmly to ensure he is not overly stressed, he was, stressed, tired, scared and uncomfortable even with the pain meds. His heart rate was over 180 BPM.

The office was now closed for the day – John and I are talking and he says Tina if I can try and save him I have to open him up and see what is going on because at this point we’re not 100% sure but it is evident the fluid is building. I knew it was risky because of his heart rate. This was why surgery was not done even earlier. He was high risk

I looked at John and said if we open him up that still means I may loose him, this could be a tumor right – John gave me that Look! I knew I was loosing my boy, I felt it.

We administered the meds before the Anesthetic. All the while I am holding him, rubbing him and telling him what a good boy he was and that Mommy loved him very much. Dr John offered to allow us to view the surgery if we wanted. At that point feeling what I was feeling I thought it best to not. As Tilt calmed I hugged kissed him and said I would be here for him. I walked into the waiting room. Eric stood by him till they placed the tube down his throat and the Anesthetic. Even at that point his heart was racing and his breathing was very heavy. Eric finally left his side. As Tilt was placed on the OR table. Before they placed the first incision he crashed. Dr John worked to revive him for 10 minutes before he came out to get me.

I was stunned and in shock! Eric was asked into the OR to view Tilt. Dr John sits with me holding me and hugging me and telling me how very sorry he is. He has requested to complete an autopsy to help him find out what happened and to learn from it. I was truthfully on the fence – what of it was something I did, could I live with myself after finding out? I asked to consult Eric.



John and I walked into the OR, I walked over to my boy still very much warm to the touch, I wrapped my arms around him and showered him with kisses to his head and face. Still crying..

John asks Eric about the autopsy. Eric was firm on not having one done, Tilt had not been opened up and he wasn’t going to let it be done now. If he had been it would have been a different story but he wasn’t.

John allowed us all the time we needed with Tilt – I left my boy when he started to be cool to the touch.

John called on me the following day to see how I was doing, to offer his condolences again from him and the entire office. The entire office was somber the next day. I know all the girls there pretty well and they all adore our greyhounds. They were all very upset for Eric and I.

Today Sept 16th 2008 I get the call – the call that my white Angel is ready to come home. I was getting better but the flash flood of emotions all came back. I am so grateful for all Dr John did and allowed me to do, to be involved and to be hands on to help my boys as much as I could BUT it still hurts so much!


Yesterday marked 2 weeks without Tilt, We miss you so very much!




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Words escape me. :( What a special and loving little man. It was destiny that he came home to you~He will wait patiently at the Bridge and watch over you always until you meet again...to be together once more through eternity. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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I am very sorry for your loss of Tilt. He had a wonderful life & sounds like he was a very special boy. Godspeed! f_yellow


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest dwolfe711

:cry1 We are so very sorry - Tilt was certainly a wonderful ambassador for gh adoption. How very scary to know that things can happen so suddenly and they could be gone so fast - may the wonderful memories you have of your special boy help to ease the pain in your hearts - :bighug



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Guest greyt2love

I'm so very sorry for your loss. That was a lovely tribute, and Tilt will be waiting for you, you can be sure. He knew he was loved.

Edited by greyt2love
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What a lovely tribute to a very special boy...thinking of you and Eric today along with the rest of your pups.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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I am so very sorry, as I read this I cried like a baby with you. :weepf_yellow:f_white:f_pink:bighug My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dh.



:gh_run2 Run Free Tilt.

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest WarmheartedPups

I am so very sorry. Having gone through something like this with Otis about 6 months ago, I can truly feel your pain. I am crying with you and I know how hard this is.


What a wonderful story and how lucky you all were to have each other.


I sure hope Otis and Tilt are together...they would be the best of friends.

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Oh Tina!!

I'm sitting here with my face all wet. You had such a life with your boy! In time, the memories of the life you shared will become larger than that of his passing. As it should be.

:bighug :bighug :bighug


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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