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I'm Worried About Soul

Guest SoulsMom

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Guest SoulsMom

Normally that wouldn't freak me out, but he has discoid lupus, and I've heard that if or when it starts progressing into SLE that this is one of the symptoms :( So, if any of you out there who have houndies with SLE or DL I'd appreciate your input. I don't even know how, or when he lost it. I'm going to guess when he was doing zoomies last night.

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No experience what-so-ever, sorry. But I couldn't let this go without wishing the Soulman the very very best! Twentylebbin prayers coming your way


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest greyt2love

No experience here, either, but good thoughts going out to the Soul Man from all of us here !



Deb, Rex, and the rest of the gang

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i have an Ig with discoid lupus...while we haven't had any toenail issues (yet), I totally understand how worried you are about your guy! this is not a fun illness. Flex seems to have some issue almost on a daily basis. I am hoping the best for Soul (and you)!


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Guest SoulsMom

Thanks eber, er, I mean everyone! I'm going to try to do some research today and maybe get him in for a vet visit in the next few weeks to check out his kidney values. I inspected his other toenails, and they don't look brittle or cracked, so maybe he just got it caught on a root in the yard. He likes to dig his hole then run around it :rolleyes:


On the upside his nose is looking really, really good these past few weeks :)

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Guest CyndiW

I am not familiar with SLE or DL but one of my boys has SLO and loses toenails. Flaxseed oil and vit E long-term, no wheat/soy/corn, and keeping the nails short has worked well for him. He still runs and plays at every opportunity and he will be 12 in Nov. He was dx with SLO 5 years ago. We tried many of the protocols out there including Trental but none of those seemed to help much and the Trental made him depressed all the time. He loses about 1 nail a month (sometimes he will go months and not lose any but then lose several in a row to make up for it). When they just fall off quickly and unnoticed such as what you have described we are always thankful and those are the ones that usually cause much less pain discomfort and don't get infected. It is the stubborn ones that crack but aren't ready to come off that cause him to be miserable. Usually they come off within about 48 hours but sometimes he gets one that just won't come off and we have to do daily Epsom salt soaks to prevent infection. Then if still won't come off, we take him to the vet and she pours a liquid local on it and "pulls" it off or trims it off at the base and he gets immediate relief once it is off. Good luck and keep us posted. Hopefully he just got it caught on something and he won't have to deal with this issue as well as his other health issues.

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My grandpupper Chancie Pants has the same issues. My daughter has not allowed her off leash for almost 2 years now. Her flare ups are a little less severe...but by not running she has not lost any more nails. Sending my prayers. :grouphug


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Misty would like the Soulman to know that when her leg fell off, ice cream helped the healing process. So she believes that Mr Soulman needs to have plenty of it.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest MomoftheFuzzy

Good luck! Hope Soul's footsie is healing okay without the nail. GT member Burpdog is very knowledgeable but don't know if she has any experience with your hound's particular condition. Perhaps she's not seen this thread yet?

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Guest SoulsMom
Misty would like the Soulman to know that when her leg fell off, ice cream helped the healing process. So she believes that Mr Soulman needs to have plenty of it.


I think Soul wholeheartdley agrees with Misty on this :nod No ice cream, but he's been getting extra whippy cream :wub:


Thanks everyone, for all the good thoughts. Can anyone give me any pointers on how to care for his raw toe? I've just been letting it be, but spraying Bactine on it after he comes in from a potty break. And no zoomies :dunno It seems to be hurting him worse tonight :(


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Misty would like the Soulman to know that when her leg fell off, ice cream helped the healing process. So she believes that Mr Soulman needs to have plenty of it.


I think Soul wholeheartdley agrees with Misty on this :nod No ice cream, but he's been getting extra whippy cream :wub:


Thanks everyone, for all the good thoughts. Can anyone give me any pointers on how to care for his raw toe? I've just been letting it be, but spraying Bactine on it after he comes in from a potty break. And no zoomies :dunno It seems to be hurting him worse tonight :(

That's exactly what Misty did, ripped her nail out and the quick was as long as the nail.I took her to the er because I was worried about infection and I knew the quick was going to have to be cut. They put her on antibiotics, wrapped it(too tight I must say) and gave me pain meds. Day 2 was the worst. This happened on a Sunday early am and I un-wrapped it Monday because the wrap made it worse. Poor Soulman, that really has to hurt


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Well Miss, and how about an update on the Soulman. How's his toe? Misty is worried about him and wants him to know she's having her ice cream in his honor.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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:nod We've had that happen here with Pinky. If you think it's possible he might have just ripped it I wouldn't worry too much (as any "normal" hound can do the same thing as well), but if you see it happen again or if you notice his nails becoming brittle or cracked, or if one of the nails splits/breaks and is hanging there, that's when I'd start looking at SLO...


When Pinky has ripped/lost nails it's happened both ways: they've come clean off, in which case I wrap the foot for a day or two (because usually it bleeds and will reopen if messed with), or they've cracked, in which case I will see if I can trim or remove whatever is cracked or broken, sometimes I can, sometimes I can't...either way that gets bandaged for a day or two also (due to bleeding) and we revisit it then...if I couldn't trim it before, sometimes after a day or two I've been able to trim it, etc.


Both of her dew claws pretty much came off clean, but it took a couple of days for them to "let go"...I could see at the base of the nail that it looked kind of yellowy/brown, and then it would start to pull away from the quick...ick. One of them BLED AND BLED AND BLED...it was crazy.


Pinky takes tetracycline 500mg twice a day, niacinamide twice a day, vitamin e twice a day, and an omega 3 caplet in the morning. I just switched her to Blue Buffalo Fish and sweet potato food and she seems to love it, I am sure it will help her skin too. As long as I am a good mom about getting her medicine into her at the right times and I keep her out of the sun, she does quite well. If she has a flare and starts losing nails again, we have to do a burst and taper course of prednisone which takes almost a month to complete from start to finish...but it sure clears her up!


Hopefully Soul's toenail loss was simply due to "normal" factors rather than to his lupus....

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Guest SoulsMom
Well Miss, and how about an update on the Soulman. How's his toe? Misty is worried about him and wants him to know she's having her ice cream in his honor.


Awww, thanks Misty :kiss2 Hope she is enjoying the icee creem! Soul is continuing to get his whippy creem at night until his toe heals. It looks like it's starting to heal and not bothering him much anymore, but another toenail looks a bit suspicious. I'm just going to to keep an eye on it and get him into the vet if it start to look worse. . . .


Krisn333~Soul is not on any meds, but like you said if I keep him out of the sun his flare ups are minimized. He does get the supplements . . .VitE, VitB, and Grizzly Salmon Oil in each meal. He's also on a grain free diet and that seems to help as well.


Like you said, hopefully it's just a torn nail, and not related to his lupus :goodluck


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