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Keep Bueller In Your Thoughts

Guest paulamariez

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Guest paulamariez

Bueller just had another horrible infection in his mouth from a bad tooth. He gets these scary dizzy spells for some reason when the infection moves in, but thankfully they stop right away after the antibiotic kicks in. We got him started on antibiotics yesterday and he is responding well. Anyhow, we've had absolutely no money to spare to get his dental done (poor sweetheart), but we've finally got half the money this week and the vet is going to let us post date another check for next Friday so poor Bueller can get his dental done this Friday. I've felt like such a horrible mom, knowing how he must be suffering with those terrible teeth. But there was just nothing we could do. We have no credit cards or saving account and have been living paycheck to paycheck and I've been unable to work because of my lupus. This week the antibiotic money came out of our grocery money. Although I am relieved that Bueller is having his dental on Friday, this is a new vet we're going to and none of our hounds have ever had to be put under by them, so I am very nervous. They have not had a ton of greyhound experience, but they seem competent enough. But Bueller did have a platelet count on the lower side the last time they did a blood panel, but still within the normal greyhound guidlelines. I am an anxious, worried greyhound mom and after reading some of the other dental outcomes lately, I'm even more worried! I know this is a petty thing in comparison to some of the other posts, but please keep my sweet little Bueller in your thoughts or prayers for a good outcome on his dental on Friday. Thank you all so much for your support. Bueller and I appreciate it. Here is my tender heart:



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Sending my many prayers for handsome Bueller. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Many prayers coming for your boy. And he really is stunning. And btw, your worry and concern for him is NEVER petty. Thank you for loving him so much!!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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OMG--he's so cute! He reminds me of my girl Kate (Batties Shannon) Different color but, wow, same eyes-he's not Irish bred is he? Best of luck with the upcoming dental--I'll think happy thoughts for you both :rolleyes: Oh, never think any concern is petty--your being a good Mom!

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Guest Rosie_Dozer

He is very handsome , beautiful eyes ! :) Prayers his dental is a success. Don't feel bad , your doing the best you can. (hugs)

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Guest paulamariez

Thanks to you all for your support. Reading your good thoughts really does help one to feel better and no so alone out here! And Bueller gives a special thanks to everyone too.

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Sending all-better wishes to handsome Beuller, and calm supportive thoughts to YOU!


Sympathy here about the money woes vs. health woes. :( Hope that smooths out for you all soon!


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Lots of good thoughts for Bueller and his mom! He'll be just fine and will have sparkly shiny teeth when it's all over!


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Sending lots of prayers and white light and hugs. :bighug:bighug:hope:hope:hope:candle You are a very good mommy by the way or you would not even care, so please try not to worry.

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest paulamariez

Yay!!! :yay I just got the call from the vet and Bueller's dental is done!!! And the most important thing was that he was waking up from the anesthesia as we spoke!!! They actually did not have to remove any of his teeth. It was his gums that were getting the bad infections in them. He has gingivitis very bad and his gums are receding, but the vet said his teeth are still good and very strong. Now hopefully he won't get those gum infections anymore. Now for the bad news, the bill total. I think my vet charges are exhorbitant because here is the run down of the bill: pre-blood testing chem panel, his distemper combo vaccine, anesthesia, IV and dental, (no extractions) and a pain medication to take home and a spray for his gums to take home: grand total= $658.00 !!!! And the original price I was quoted was around $400, more if there were extractions. I was not planning on this large of an amount and don't have that much saved, so I hope that they let me take my boy home! They're going to have to wait a month until Ronn gets his next paycheck for the rest of the money. They warned me it would be a bit more because he was due for his vaccination and they wouldn't do the surgery unless they gave it to him, but I didn't expect this much. And they wonder why it took us so long to get Bueller in there for a dental! But of course, he is worth every penny because I love my little boy to bits! :wub: It's been very lonely without Bueller here today, since he's the only hound that follows me around all day. The other two poops are (guess where!) in bed sleeping! I will post a picture of my groggy guy when he gets home. We can't pick him up until 4:30pm CST and I can't wait! THANKS to all who kept Bueller in their thoughts and prayers! I truly believe the good thoughts help for a good outcome! And I will continue to pray for everyone else's hound that needs it!! Thanks again for the support!!

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Guest paulamariez

Here is my sleepy, sleepy boy Bueller. He's safe at home in one of his favorite beds, wearing his green badge of honor, the wrap where his IV was. His teeth are sparkling clean and never looked better and his breath doesn't stink at all! The vet said that Bueller didn't have the worst teeth she's seen, but he did have the worst breath! Not any more! Bueller says thanks to all who sent good thoughts his way! They helped him through!


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