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What Could Be Wrong?

Guest Laura76

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Iggies are manipulative when it comes to getting what they want, but I don't think I had to tell you that. :P If Louie is otherwise acting normally, will take treats, is playful, etc., I'd segregate him for feeding, put the bowl down, give him a set amount of time (10 min, etc.) and if he hasn't eaten, take his bowl away until his next meal. As much as they want us to think they're going to wither away if we don't give them what they want to eat, it only takes 1-2 meals before they figure it out and eat their regular meal. I wouldn't do this with an ill dog or frail oldster - I'll do anything to entice them to eat, but a healthy young iggy will survive just fine without a couple of meals. :)


Sounds like you probably saw Dr. Reeve. She may come across as a little cold, but I'll tell you, she's very smart, researches anything she's not sure about, and cares deeply about her patients. She's been caring for Lexi (iggy) since Lexi began having bizarre symptoms last November, and always calls to give me lab results and ask how Lexi's doing, talks with Lexi's 2 specialists to stay in the loop - I really like her a lot. And she's my neighbor. :colgate


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Guest Laura76

Well, Louie is about 8 years old. The last meal he ate was Friday night. He seems a little warm and seems to be breathing heavy tonight. He ran around in the yard today and did his normal thing, but tonight, he is very withdrawn and wants nothing to do with anyone and or food. We were eating dinner in the dining room and he is usually at my feet looking for any scraps ( bad..I know...lol) and he didn't even want to be with us. He went to lay down on my bed and slept. He poop in the house last night so, I know things are working inside him. He has been walking around the house today throwing up little piles of white foam. He won't drink any water either.


Once in a while he stops eating for 1 or 2 days at a time. Then he is fine at the end of the weekend and eats normally. So, needles to say, I am worried about him. My best friend suggests I get some white rice and ground turkey tomorrow and see if he eats. If he doesn't then bring him to the E Vet in Brentwood ( I live down the road). I just am so worried. He is my baby boy, and I hate to have favorites but, I do and I don't know what I would do without him.


Any more advice?



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This is a whole different story. I wouldn't play around with this, Laura. If he isn't at least drinking and peeing by tomorrow morning, I'd agree with bringing him to the vet, whichever vet is more convenient for you. If he's vomiting but not keeping fluids down, he's likely dehydrated and needs IV or SQ fluids -- this may be why he's lethargic. If he won't drink regular water, try adding some chicken broth to the water to give it flavor and scent. If he's not vomiting, you can try offering him a little turkey/rice, or buy a few jars of strained baby meat and offer him 1-2 spoonfuls. I find it's nice and stinky, and if one of my guys turns it down, I know they're not feeling well.


But it really does sound as if he needs to be checked out ASAP, unless he bounces back dramatically by morning. These little guys get really sick, really fast -- and tend to not show it until they're feeling pretty darned bad.


Do get him to the E-vet tomorrow morning, and let us know how he's doing.




Well, Louie is about 8 years old. The last meal he ate was Friday night. He seems a little warm and seems to be breathing heavy tonight. He ran around in the yard today and did his normal thing, but tonight, he is very withdrawn and wants nothing to do with anyone and or food. We were eating dinner in the dining room and he is usually at my feet looking for any scraps ( bad..I know...lol) and he didn't even want to be with us. He went to lay down on my bed and slept. He poop in the house last night so, I know things are working inside him. He has been walking around the house today throwing up little piles of white foam. He won't drink any water either.


Once in a while he stops eating for 1 or 2 days at a time. Then he is fine at the end of the weekend and eats normally. So, needles to say, I am worried about him. My best friend suggests I get some white rice and ground turkey tomorrow and see if he eats. If he doesn't then bring him to the E Vet in Brentwood ( I live down the road). I just am so worried. He is my baby boy, and I hate to have favorites but, I do and I don't know what I would do without him.


Any more advice?




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That price is very reasonable. She should be fine after a few days. She should be able to go back to eating kibble after a short time.

Willow( Hi Tech Popandgo ) CGC #31965 Calico Salad x MayPop 8-9-93/9-24-07 Austin( Nodak Austin ) #55202 Chrisse's Twelve x Lotsa Liz 2-25-96/2-15-05 Matt( Kelsos Metaphor ) #90695 Oswald Cobblepot x Kelso's Movita 8-10-00/2-28-14 Buddy (Aljo Class Act) #78137 Action By Design x Miss Classy 12-8-98/8-29-09 Sonny (Onaim Excalibur)#97927 Flying Train x Rough Diamond 9-7-01/1-9-2016Hunter (SS Snow Roll) #35135 Craigie Whistler x Lightning Snow 10-4-2005/9-23-17 Leo (Yolo Empleo)#72060 4-13-18 Fiesta Paraguas x Mega Bien Hecho

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Guest Laura76



He selpt good last night and this morning did a total turn around. He wasn't his normal bouncy self, but he scarfed up his breakfast and drank a boat load this morning. My sister in law let him out around 10am this AM and she said he was back to his normal self, running around, peeing and pooping and being happy. He took a cookie from me this morning and everything. He scares me when he does this sometimes. He liked to scare his mother and make me baby him even more. LOL


Thanks for you support and I think he is fine and back to normal.



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I'm really glad to hear that Louie is better today, Laura. Ironically, my iggie Lexi was ill this morning. Sounds like your Louie yesterday - she was lethargic, wouldn't eat, had "that look" in her eye that told me she didn't feel well. I had an appt. today anyway for her to have repeat lab tests, and her liver function tests were very elevated, likely the result of a new med she started (Imuran). She ate some supper tonight, and is back to drinking and peeing, but I think I age 10 years every time this happens!


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Guest Laura76

Hi All,


Just wanted to update everyone on Zoey's teeth. She is home and happy. She had 4 bad teeth and they were removed with no other issues. It was only 213.00 for the cleaning and 4 teeth being pulled. She ate a good amount this morning and is getting back to her normal self.


Thanks for all your support.



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Poor baby. Hopefully she is well on her way to feeling all better!



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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Oh good! Hopefully she will heal quickly and that will be the end of her troubles.


(BTW, very reasonable price.)

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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