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We Had To Change Our Course

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I don't post as often as I should on Shanti's threads, but I'm following her progress very closely.


I hope her appetite increases and just as a thought of enticement, have you tried canned sardines? I know it's not the best with an iffy tummy, but sometimes just a little bit of the water poured over the food will entice a pup to eat.


Tripe is nasty but may help too. Those are my suggestions that you can take or leave.


I hope Shanti is feeling much better soon!

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I don't post as often as I should on Shanti's threads, but I'm following her progress very closely.


I hope her appetite increases and just as a thought of enticement, have you tried canned sardines? I know it's not the best with an iffy tummy, but sometimes just a little bit of the water poured over the food will entice a pup to eat.


Tripe is nasty but may help too. Those are my suggestions that you can take or leave.


I hope Shanti is feeling much better soon!


I have not tried sardines. But I have a couple cans of Tripe if need by on stand by. Thanks! I have a feeling as this goes on, we will need to pull out all kinds of tricks for getting her to eat. The more I have, the better!

The Girls

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Guest paulamariez

Yay! Good news Shanti! Keep chowing little sweetheart! You need your strength to heal and get well! I KNOW I paid over $100 a month for the Imuran when I took it. I'm glad to see that someone's got a good connection for some cheaper Imuran. Things are tough enough without going broke too. Sounds like the visit with the other greyhounds at the vet may have done Shanti a little good. A little boost of adrenalin can do wonders sometimes! Keeping your baby girl in my thoughts and prayers! And I want to continue getting a good eating report, young lady!! Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending Shanti plenty of healing doggie kisses too! :kiss2

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Today is looking good!!! She ate her entire breakfast concoction. :yay Man what we do for our pets!!! DH had to feed her last night. I gave him a written list of instructions and medications. :lol: He said I am not allowed to go anywhere again!


This morning the weather is great here. Nice and warm. That helps her joints. She is walking with almost no limp on all 4 legs! I am THRILLED!


We have a long road ahead of us with this, but I am celebrating all the ups on this roller coaster. :)


Thank you all for supporting us on this ride. I really appreciate it. It makes such a difference to have people who understand it. ;)

The Girls

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Today is looking good!!! She ate her entire breakfast concoction. :yay Man what we do for our pets!!! DH had to feed her last night. I gave him a written list of instructions and medications. :lol: He said I am not allowed to go anywhere again!


This morning the weather is great here. Nice and warm. That helps her joints. She is walking with almost no limp on all 4 legs! I am THRILLED!


We have a long road ahead of us with this, but I am celebrating all the ups on this roller coaster. :)


Thank you all for supporting us on this ride. I really appreciate it. It makes such a difference to have people who understand it. ;)

I admire you for your attitude. You know you have a long road ahead, but you celebrate the ups. Shanti remains in our prayers. And we have a week of hot weather ahead which I wasn't thrilled about, but if it helps Shanti's joints...bring it on!! Prayers that she continues to eat


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Glad to hear Shanti is starting to feel a little better! :yay


Forgot to say, we ran into another greyhound and owner. It was Fred and Dandy from GAC. That is the same group Shanti is from. Shanti was so pleased to see another grey! She started her normal loud mouth behavior that she saves for the vets and Dandy came right over to make sure she was okay. Very cute!

Fred is a really nice man, isn't he? Talkative, but nice. :lol Oh, and now I have the song, "Yankee Doodle Dandy" stuck in my head. :P Thanks, Jenny. :lol:lol

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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Well, I am learning a few things on this journey.


1. Shanti prefers pasta over rice. She likes Fussili. :)

2. Splitting pills is a pain, even with a fancy pill splitter!

3. Preparing her meals is quite a time consuming process.


I have her eating and her tummy seems to be under control so today we increased her prednisone. She was limping badly yesterday and again today, but hopefully the higher prednisone will help.


Today it is HOT here. Warm is good for the joints. She is in luck!

The Girls

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I check Shanti's thread everyday. I dont usually post but am so glad to hear she is doing well. I hope it keeps up. Hugs and kudos to you for doing all you do for your furbabes.

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Guest paulamariez

I have a BIG Pasta eater in my house too! Bueller has somehow suckered me into making a box of pasta for him every week to add a little to his dog food. I'm glad to hear that Shanti is still eating like a good girl, so she gets strong and healthy. I'm sure with her disease there will be little ups and downs, especially at the beginning of her treatment. It usually takes a little tinkering to get the proper dosages of the prednisone that will help her the most. And yes, the heat is extremely good for people with bad joints! I've been known to take 3 warm baths in one day when mine are bugging me! And winter is the WORST here in Wisconsin. Bring on the summer, I say! I'm keeping your precious girl in my thoughts and prayers for a quick healing! Keep up the good work Shanti! You've got lots of people in your corner rooting for you!

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Thanks all!


On our road of ups and downs, today is not a good day. She does not want to eat, her tummy has turned on us and her joint is rather swollen and she will not put weight on it. We went to the vets today, got another injection. We will keep an eye on it another day or two. We go back Friday. I won't be able to get back sooner as my son is going in for surgery shortly. So I will be juggling two sick "kids". :P

The Girls

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Just seeing this thread now and sending lots and lots of good thoughts to Shanti from Down Under!!!

"Hurricane Sandi" (Baurna to Run).

Forever missing my "Angel-With-A Crooked-Halo" Hailey, and "Mokkah" (Xpress Point) with all my heart.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." ~~Will Rogers

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May I ask what Shanti is being treated for? Is it autoimmune polyarthritis? I ask because my iggy, Lexi, was diagnosed with this a couple of months ago. She just started on Imuran. Has been doing very well on a gradual, 6-month prednisone taper, but is having kidney issues (proteinuria, rising BUN/creatinine) and elevated liver enzymes, and the vet thinks we should try to get her off the pred sooner than planned. So we just started Imuran last Saturday. It was compounded for Lexi into a suspension which I can squirt on her food. Her litterbrother has been on Imuran for years, for autoimmune thrombocytopenia, so I've been handling it for a long time without any problem. But, hey, I'm also on my own immunomodulator (methotrexate) for my own autoimmune disease), so that makes my family one big autoimmune mess! :P


Angell Memorial in Boston compounded the Imuran -- for $92/30cc!! I've been shopping online and found a pharmacy in Washington DC that will do it for less than 1/3 the cost! Kenny Kramm at Center Pet Pharmacy is the pharmacist I've been e-mailing and he has plenty of good ideas for compounding.


Best wishes to you and Shanti.... I know too well what you're going through right now, and I hope Imuran brings her the relief you BOTh need!


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May I ask what Shanti is being treated for? Is it autoimmune polyarthritis? I ask because my iggy, Lexi, was diagnosed with this a couple of months ago. She just started on Imuran. Has been doing very well on a gradual, 6-month prednisone taper, but is having kidney issues (proteinuria, rising BUN/creatinine) and elevated liver enzymes, and the vet thinks we should try to get her off the pred sooner than planned. So we just started Imuran last Saturday. It was compounded for Lexi into a suspension which I can squirt on her food. Her litterbrother has been on Imuran for years, for autoimmune thrombocytopenia, so I've been handling it for a long time without any problem. But, hey, I'm also on my own immunomodulator (methotrexate) for my own autoimmune disease), so that makes my family one big autoimmune mess! :P


Angell Memorial in Boston compounded the Imuran -- for $92/30cc!! I've been shopping online and found a pharmacy in Washington DC that will do it for less than 1/3 the cost! Kenny Kramm at Center Pet Pharmacy is the pharmacist I've been e-mailing and he has plenty of good ideas for compounding.


Best wishes to you and Shanti.... I know too well what you're going through right now, and I hope Imuran brings her the relief you BOTh need!



Yes, it is auto immune mediated poly arthritis. We have been on the road to trying to fix this and get an official diagnosis for almost 2 years. We have treated everything else we have found alone this journey.


She started Imuran and prednisone last Monday. We increased her prednisone to 25mg on Sunday. The medication is so expensive through the vets! Her prednisone dose is a $4 Walmart prescription so I will refill that there. Walmart has pill form Imuran for $31 for 30 versus $107 at the vets. Littlegreys has a contact I am going to try and use which is a smoking deal!!! We have gone through SO MUCH money in the last couple months on this I am thankful to save where I can!


We will have another set of bloodwork done either Friday or next week. So we will see how her values are doing. We were very hesitant about the prednisone with her. Lots of risks.


I have to entice her to eat. My husband decided she is actually an Italian Greyhound. She loves pasta! :) So now I cook her meals to get her to eat. She is a Princess!


I have to call the vet today. Shanti is happy, but the swelling is back a bit and still won't weight bare on that leg. It may just take longer, we shall see.

The Girls

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I just sent you a PM with some drug pricing info. :) Costco is way, way cheaper (I sent you the link in the PM)! Article from WSAVA conference on IMPA


25mg may be a very small dose for Shanti. I believe my vet started with a dose of about 2 mg/lb (4mg/kg). Lexi weighs 21 lbs (yes, she's an Amazon iggy) (about 10 kg) and started on 20mg twice daily, tapering down from there. So 25mg may be too low a dose for Shanti to show significant improvement.


Ah, here's more info garnered from the above presentation and found in this article: IMPA (autoimmune polyarthritis):


Therapy In IPA type II-IV, treatment is directed primarily against the underlying disease if possible. In some cases, analgesic/anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids are indicated. In rheumatoid arthritis, IPA type I, and vaccination reactions, analgesics (e.g., meloxicam 0.1 mg/kg SID, carprofen 2-4 mg/kg SID, and other analgesics) and eventually doxycycline (5 mg/kg BID) are given until all test results are available. Spontaneous recovery is possible in vaccination reactions and in some dogs with IPA type I. In most cases, immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone (2 mg/kg BID) is indicated. Glucocorticoids should not be combined with NSAIDs because gastrointestinal ulceration, liver disease or kidney disease might occur. High prednisone doses are given for two weeks, and then the dose is reduced gradually (about one-fourth reduction every two to three weeks) during the following months. There is generally a marked improvement within a few days, but maintenance therapy is important to prevent relapses. Constant low-dose prednisolone is sometimes necessary to keep the animal in clinical remission.


So, perhaps with an adequate dose of pred, Shanti might feel a lot better! Within 48 hrs of starting pred (and after ruling out multiple possible causes of infection, joint aspiration, etc.) Lexi was a new woman!


Please let us know how she's doing. Lexi sends earlicks to her hurtin' cuzzin.



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If you haven't already, send her vet records to Dr. Couto. I have heard back from the vets at Ohio State and we are going to do a test on Monday to see if she is positive for anaplasma. Other than that, they said that the treatment was exactly what they would have recommended. (Mia was on 20mg Twice/day pred for the first several weeks)

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Alisha, Bob, Livvie (the 2.5 year old!) plus Mia Bella, Tippy, + Wahoo and Diesel the crazy kitties (and missing sweet Iceman, Paradise, Bandit, Cujo & Sebastian) in Indian Trail, NC

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