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Major Big D In All Three Greys

Guest orchidman

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Guest jurishound

Aww . . . poor fella. Glad it's something that will respond quickly to treatment. Hope you're both feeling better soon.

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Guest adoptagreyhound

I'm so glad you found out what it is! Now he will be up and running in no time. You are a GOOD mommy!!!



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I'm glad that you finally know what is wrong. You did all the right things and are a great Mom! Glad he is on the mend now!

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Guest paulamariez

Gosh, I've been there, having three hounds with hooks and not even knowing it! Ours came from the track when we adopted Bueller and Domino, and they graciously donated it to Tiger! I hope your houndies feel better! The medication usually works like a charm, nice and quick! And then you have to redo the meds again in like a month or so for the second wave of the eggs hatching. Yay-rah fun!! And by the way, we never saw ONE worm the whole time our three had the hooks. So don't be too hard on yourself! They are sneaky, nasty little things!

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Guest TriciasZoo
Gosh, I've been there, having three hounds with hooks and not even knowing it! Ours came from the track when we adopted Bueller and Domino, and they graciously donated it to Tiger! I hope your houndies feel better! The medication usually works like a charm, nice and quick! And then you have to redo the meds again in like a month or so for the second wave of the eggs hatching. Yay-rah fun!! And by the way, we never saw ONE worm the whole time our three had the hooks. So don't be too hard on yourself! They are sneaky, nasty little things!

:bighug :bighug

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Hooks, wow!


Reminds me of a greyhound we had years ago who got them every August even though we treated him every year. He did the same vomiting and had bloody diarrhea. He must have had a really nasty case. Don't know why it was cyclical.


Yeah, I don't think you can see hooks. At least with rounds and tapes you have a good chance of seeing them so you can treat ASAP. Hooks are a whole other ball game! Not your fault for not seeing them!

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Guest wmlcml6

Any time it gets rainy here, it seems to bring out the nasty evil hookworms. I just had to treat our dogs because Hope A Doodles had Big D and she tested positive for hooks. I check her poo all the time, Trish - and you cannot see hooks. Unfortunately, they are very bad because they suck the blood. One thing you can do is check the color of their gums. If they are lighter than normal, they could be getting anemic and it could be from hookworms.

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Well, I'm glad to hear that's all it is! Hookworms are the WORST, and it's not likely (from everything I've ever heard, anyway), that you COULD have seen them in his poop, because they HOOK onto their intestines.


Did you ever get anywhere with his possible autoimmune stuff? If he's got something autoimmune going on, it could also be that he has a harder time fighting off stuff like that...something I was thinking about today at work.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

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Guest TriciasZoo

Yes. I talked with the vet this morning and we think it's discoid lupus. He has to get heallthy again before we can do the biopsy to confirm it. Luckily it's only affecting his nose so we caught it early.


Gerald was able to remove all the scabs. I know Sammers had to have been in intense pain since I know how he screams when I put vitamin E ointment on it.


Well, I'm glad to hear that's all it is! Hookworms are the WORST, and it's not likely (from everything I've ever heard, anyway), that you COULD have seen them in his poop, because they HOOK onto their intestines.


Did you ever get anywhere with his possible autoimmune stuff? If he's got something autoimmune going on, it could also be that he has a harder time fighting off stuff like that...something I was thinking about today at work.


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Guest SoulsMom
Yes. I talked with the vet this morning and we think it's discoid lupus. He has to get heallthy again before we can do the biopsy to confirm it. Luckily it's only affecting his nose so we caught it early.


Gerald was able to remove all the scabs. I know Sammers had to have been in intense pain since I know how he screams when I put vitamin E ointment on it.


Well, I'm glad to hear that's all it is! Hookworms are the WORST, and it's not likely (from everything I've ever heard, anyway), that you COULD have seen them in his poop, because they HOOK onto their intestines.


Did you ever get anywhere with his possible autoimmune stuff? If he's got something autoimmune going on, it could also be that he has a harder time fighting off stuff like that...something I was thinking about today at work.


My vet didn't even do a biopsy to confirm, it was quite obvious Soul had discoid lupus. The nose appearance and everything else was ruled out. He gave me the option of using a steroid cream on his nose, but I decided not to to avoid any possible side effects. Right now it is just cosmetic and I control "breakouts" with sunscreen, supplements, and a grainfree diet.

Edited by SoulsMom
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Thanks Guys. My head knows he could have gotten them anywhere we've been, but my heart still feels bad.


Two of my guys got it from eating dirt in our backyard. The Vet said the hookworms are in the dirt and there's not much you can do about it.


I now have three dirt-eaters among the four greys that own me. I keep watch whenever they go out and stop them when I see them doing it. :unsure



My daughter-in-law's dog was diagnosed with Lupus in her nose about four years ago. She treats it with a salve of some kind and other meds and it doesn't bother the dog at all. She's going on 14 and you would never know there is anything wrong with her. Her nose looks pretty normal now.


Mom to Melly and Dani

Greyhound Bridge Angels - Jessie, Brittne, Buddy,

Red, Chica, Ford and Dodge.

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Guest VelvetEars

We had a wretched case of hooks once. I felt like a horrible mommy too, but really - nothing you could have done. And you're doing all the right stuff now, so you're a GOOD mommy!

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