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I Think We Have Fleas!

Guest anjeli

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Guest anjeli

We got Esme 2+ weeks ago. And I've noticed she's chewing herself and scratching. I found flea/??? bites on me yesterday. And I notice flea poop (tiny black dots) on her this morning while I was brushing her. I haven't seen any fleas yet, but I'm not sure I want to wait till I see the fleas to treat. I've used advantage on my cats before (indoor cats). So whats safe on greyhounds? I know they're sensitive to a lot of flea meds. And should I treat now or wait to make sure?

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Guest larock

Atvantage is OK for Greyhounds. We use is, perhaps not every month but a couple of times a year.


Good Luck with that...not fun to have when you have many pets.

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Definitely treat now and then wash the dog beds and clean your carpets. It only takes a couple of fleas to take over a household. Either Advantage or Frontline should work.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest anjeli

i need to get more flea meds... which one would you suggest for Esme? frontline or advantage? And I assume I follow the directions on the package.

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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

Advantage is good, I think Frontline helps for ticks, too, if they are a problem in your area.

I always went cheap trying to treat fleas and nothing worked, now I just "save" money by paying a little more for Advantage. It's well worth it. Good luck.

And I strongly second washing the beds.

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Both flea meds are sold in packages by the weight of the dog. Inside you will find 3 applications. Use one application every 3 months or once a month if you really have problems with fleas. Either works well. Frontline Plus also takes care of ticks.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I also use the Frontline Plus on my two. We get ticks here as well as fleas. I was told that the Frontline is safe for greys because it contains fibronil. It is the only flea/tick prevention I have used and have had no problems. I don't use it all year - Dec Jan and Feb we skip. Must say I don't really like putting this stuff on them, but the risk of fleas and ticks outweighs that. Depends, also, on where you live. Yuck - what is the purpose of those bugs, anyway?

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Guest greypack

Two of the dogs that I have adopted received flea treatment the day that I took them home. If this is the case with her, I would hesitate to reapply flea treatment only after two weeks. If not, treat now. I treat monthly as a preventative except for December-February. Even if she doesn't have them, it is good to prevent her from getting them later. I would also maintain a preventative for the cats. I use frontline plus on my greys.

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Guest Dillymom

I might be totally off base here but for some reason I was thinking that one of the flea meds wasn't safe to use in houses with cats.


Also, Advantix is available with also kills ticks as well as fleas. And Advantage Multi does fleas and worms so there's a lot of options. Best bet is to make an appt with your vet and discuss the options and decide what is right for your situation.


FYI- several people in my group have been posting on our local yahoo group that Frontline isn't as effective as is has been in the past.

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Guest greyvettech

We have had great luck with a new product called Comfortis-It is a beef flavored chewable tablet that last 30 days..It begins killing the fleas within 40 minutes but can take up to 4 hours..It works great! You have to give the tablet with a meal and it is only available at your Veterinarian's office- It is nice becasue you don't have to worry about washing off a topical! My greys had no side effects what so ever..:))

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Guest CBDTherapyDogs

get a box of Sentinel - this will provide birth control for fleas making them unable to reproduce.

Get a box of Capstar and give a tablet twice a week

Get a box of Frontline Plus and put a dose on once a month.


When I moved into the big house on the property the fleas were horrible. With in two weeks of switching to these three, the fleas were gone. So far, they haven't been back either.

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Guest joedogs_mom
get a box of Sentinel - this will provide birth control for fleas making them unable to reproduce.

Get a box of Capstar and give a tablet twice a week

Get a box of Frontline Plus and put a dose on once a month.


When I moved into the big house on the property the fleas were horrible. With in two weeks of switching to these three, the fleas were gone. So far, they haven't been back either.


OMG -- can I please have Mr. Easy???!!! He sounds just like my Fred! LOVE those big ol', easy guys!


Hope he finds a home SOON! Who could pass him up?!!


Ok, back to the fleas...


We apply Frontline Plus on all 4 of our Greys every month and a half in the mild months...less frequent in the cold months...LOVE it! Never any probs...Just talk to your vet though if you have any questions or concerns.

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I have found that Advantage seems to work better for fleas and Frontline for ticks, but either will do in a pinch. Bathe Esme, then put the flea treatment on as soon as she's dry. Make sure you wash all dog bedding, blankets and plush toys. Sprinkle Borax on your carpet, let it sit for as long as you can, then vacuum it up. Wash your own bedding, too, in case you have any stowaways that may have hitched a ride with you. That should nip it in the bud.

Kristen with

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Guest anjeli

Should I wash the bedding before putting on the frontline plus? We just washed her a week ago and she has fairly dry skin. Should I wash her again? I guess it would be more effective if she's bathed?

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Guest Tigonie
Should I wash the bedding before putting on the frontline plus? We just washed her a week ago and she has fairly dry skin. Should I wash her again? I guess it would be more effective if she's bathed?

If you wash her, do it before applying Frontline. I think the idea is 1) you want to get the flea dirt (poop) off and 2) you might wash off some fleas in whatever stage. Basically the same idea on the bedding. The Frontline should take care of any fleas that survive washing.


It's up to you whether to bathe the cats--as we know cats are so cooperative about these things--but in any case, I'd treat them with the feline version of Frontline, since you don't want them to become the new hosts.


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From what I understand the oil on their skin helps to spread the Frontline around, so I think you need to wait a few day to apply if they just had a bath. I would apply the Frontline and get it over with. You can't bath her for at least two days after applying Frontline, it needs time to dry. If she does have fleas, they should start dying off right after applying Frontline.


Carolina (R and A Carolina) & Rebel (FA Ready).
At the bridge: Kira (Driven by Energy) 7/19/97 - 6/17/04 & Jake (Jumpstart Dude) 9/12/00 - 1/24/15

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Guest Tigonie

(Don't mind me too much, I'm up coughing, waiting for the meds to kick in so I can get some more sleep...)


From Frontline's website FAQ:


8. How long after application can my pet be bathed or go swimming?

FRONTLINE Brand Products remain effective for 30 days, even if a pet swims or is bathed. After application, keep the dog or cat from getting wet until the application area appears dry, usually 24 hours. If a FRONTLINE Brand Product is to be applied after a bath, make sure the pet is completely dry before application.

If you plan to use Frontline, make sure to get their coupon and save a little money.


I know it sounds like you're using Frontline, but I also looked to see what Advantage said. Their website was a lot harder to find things, and they seemed a bit coy about whether it was ok to bathe in conjunction with using the product, but here is their coupon for anyone interested. (Just for regular Advantage--I didn't see coupons for their other products.)

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I might be totally off base here but for some reason I was thinking that one of the flea meds wasn't safe to use in houses with cats.


Also, Advantix is available with also kills ticks as well as fleas. And Advantage Multi does fleas and worms so there's a lot of options. Best bet is to make an appt with your vet and discuss the options and decide what is right for your situation.


FYI- several people in my group have been posting on our local yahoo group that Frontline isn't as effective as is has been in the past.


Advantix is not safe to use around cats. My vet won't even prescribe it to me because she knows I have cats.



Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest greyt2love

I use Advantage on all my dogs except Caesar. Right after I first treated him with it, he had a major seizure. My vet was not convinced that the treatment cuased it, but I was not taking any chances with him. So I did not use anything on him until last year when the vet suggested Frontline. No problems with that, so I will likely use it this year, too.

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I use frontline plus on all dogs and my cat. Once a month. If I skip at all, I skip February, but we have pretty mild winters, so I usually use it all year round.


good luck! Fleas suck. Literally.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest anjeli

We put frontline plus on her last night. I'll brush her this evening and check for dead fleas. She's just been really tired after putting the stuff on though. But we did take a longer than usual walk yesterday. Keeping an eye on her and the fleas.

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