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Amputation And Doggie Doors

Guest KTsGreytPups

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Guest KTsGreytPups

This last week I had to have my girl's front left leg removed because of bone cancer. She is doing great, but I'm starting to think more long term issues. Like can she handle a doggie door with only one front leg? Has anyone had any experience with this. Any advice for what awaits me on this adventure?


Chablis' Mom

Edited by KTsGreytPups
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Guest cendrine

OMG! From the title I thought you meant an amputation had occured BECAUSE of a doggy door! Phew!


No advice but I send hugs to you both....this is a very challenging time for both of you. I'm sure others will have some good advice!

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Most greyhounds have no problem. I would minimize the 'rise' (the inches from floor to start of dog door flap) for her. she'll need to hop over the rise, and the less high the rise is, the easier for her.


I would make sure to keep her on joint supplements, as they will help keep the remaining joints supple and working well.

Info at Greyhound Gang'

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Yes. Ashley got out of her foster home when the front door blew open during a bad storm and she was hit by car. We ened up having to amputate her left front. The foster parents said she never missed a beat with the dog door.

Hugs to you and your pupper.

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Guest KTsGreytPups

Thank you for the replies. It sounds like the doggie door should be no problem. Which should not be that big of a surprise seeing how Chablis does not to be that fazed by losing her leg. It is quite impressive how she just keeps on going with such a joy for life.

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Guest outofsighthound
Thank you for the replies. It sounds like the doggie door should be no problem. Which should not be that big of a surprise seeing how Chablis does not to be that fazed by losing her leg. It is quite impressive how she just keeps on going with such a joy for life.



Sending you good thoughts and much success with the challenges ahead...bless you!

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Guest greyhoundluv

I have a tripod, back left leg. I would just let your girl figure things out. She will amaze you at how she is not really handicapped :) Just missing a leg. Good luck.

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Guest KTsGreytPups
I have a tripod, back left leg. I would just let your girl figure things out. She will amaze you at how she is not really handicapped :) Just missing a leg. Good luck.


Thank you! She amazes me every day. I think a lot can be learned from our pups and how they deal with things. No matter how traumatic they just take it head on and with no baggage. Chablis has always been a special girl, her nickname is Bling Bling and she sparkles. One of my friends said, "Now you can see the power of the BLING." I love that!

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Guest HeatherDemps

My grey had his front right leg ampuated on January 18. We don't have a doggie door but I can share other things with you how he has done. I think if she is already familiar with the doggie door, it won't be a problem with time and healing. My grey can jump up onto the bed by himself and get down on his own fine. He gets in and out of a car fine (just don't use my SUV with him anymore). He balances well on the three legs and can do all of his old commands- sit, down- even jump up in the air. He play bows just like he used to and gooses me frequently. :) He is running fast now- maybe even faster than he ran when he had all 4 legs. He can run up wooden deck stairs. He still has trouble coming down stairs (fortunately we live in a ranch though!) and the stairs are the only thing left that still worry me and we try to avoid. I think you will be surprised by how well your grey recovers and how quickly she returns to normal. Best of wishes to you and her!

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Guest KTsGreytPups

These dogs are very unique beings. One question, how does your do on tile floors? I'm not sure if I need to get an area rug for my tile floor. I too have a ranch style home with only one step, so she is doing great with that one, but she seems uneasy on tile and I'm not sure if it just cause she is still healing or if it is a long term tile thing.


It is so great to get feedback on what my future holds. Thank you for the encouragement.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
One question, how does your do on tile floors? I'm not sure if I need to get an area rug for my tile floor.

I highly recommend you get runner rugs with rubber backing so there are rug paths through the area. Slippery floors are much harder for them now. My Morgan (2+ years post-amp). fell on our kitchen floor this winter. He must have hit the corner of the post when he fell. He tore rib muscles and had a hematoma the size of a 1/2 grapefruit. I had rugs, but not enough. I've bought a bunch more.

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Guest KTsGreytPups
One question, how does your do on tile floors? I'm not sure if I need to get an area rug for my tile floor.

I highly recommend you get runner rugs with rubber backing so there are rug paths through the area. Slippery floors are much harder for them now. My Morgan (2+ years post-amp). fell on our kitchen floor this winter. He must have hit the corner of the post when he fell. He tore rib muscles and had a hematoma the size of a 1/2 grapefruit. I had rugs, but not enough. I've bought a bunch more.


I'm glad I asked. I have her in a confided area right now, but had heard about the possible tile issue. I like buying cute stuff for the house. :P


Out of curiosity why did Morgan have to have his leg removed?

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
Out of curiosity why did Morgan have to have his leg removed?

Osteosarcoma. He started limping on a Friday night. On Sunday morning, it broke when he landed at the bottom of the stairs. That's how we found out he had osteo. His leg was amputated and he had 4 rounds of carboplatin.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Dempsey does fine on the tile now. For the first couple of weeks after the surgery, I fed him in the living room so he didn't have to go in there, but he'd follow me in there. I was a little nervous at first, but it was never a problem. He has done well on my parents' floor, which is wood, although he has only been there a couple of times on 3 legs. I am putting wood floors in the living room this week so can tell you more later! We already have one rug for the middle of the room and will add more if needed.



These dogs are very unique beings. One question, how does your do on tile floors? I'm not sure if I need to get an area rug for my tile floor. I too have a ranch style home with only one step, so she is doing great with that one, but she seems uneasy on tile and I'm not sure if it just cause she is still healing or if it is a long term tile thing.


It is so great to get feedback on what my future holds. Thank you for the encouragement.


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Guest KTsGreytPups
Out of curiosity why did Morgan have to have his leg removed?

Osteosarcoma. He started limping on a Friday night. On Sunday morning, it broke when he landed at the bottom of the stairs. That's how we found out he had osteo. His leg was amputated and he had 4 rounds of carboplatin.


Has he had any side effects from the chemo. Chablis starts next week and I'm getting a little worried. Her appetite has been off since the surgery. She used to be my best eater and now I've got to really encourage her. My first greyhound went through chemo and I remember him not wanting to eat, so I'm getting concerned about keeping Chablis' weight on.

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My first grey, Ivy, also had her front right leg removed due to osteosarcoma. She is pictured in the book about canine amputations called "Without Regret." You will be surprised how LITTLE she is affected. It wasn't long before Ivy was RUNNING and JUMPING and doing EVERYTHING she did when she had 4 legs. She JUMPED into our bed the evening I brought her home after only 4 days hospitalization. I really don't think it hindered her at all and was actually a GOOD thing because she was able to run and play and be happy just like before. Good luck and my prayers are with you.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
Has he had any side effects from the chemo. Chablis starts next week and I'm getting a little worried. Her appetite has been off since the surgery. She used to be my best eater and now I've got to really encourage her. My first greyhound went through chemo and I remember him not wanting to eat, so I'm getting concerned about keeping Chablis' weight on.

Morgan was always been a difficult eater and never gained any weight after coming off the track. He didn't eat well immediately following the amputation. For a few days after each chemo, he was lethargic and his appetite was off. Morgan's chemo. was carboplatin.


I0 months after Morgan's amputation, my Alex was diagnosed with osteo. too. His leg was amputated and he started an alternating carboplatin and adriamycin chemo. protocol. Alex was a good eater. He had no noticable side effects after a carboplatin chemo. He was lethargic and his appetite was off for a few days after the adrimycin chemo.

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Guest KTsGreytPups
Morgan was always been a difficult eater and never gained any weight after coming off the track. He didn't eat well immediately following the amputation. For a few days after each chemo, he was lethargic and his appetite was off. Morgan's chemo. was carboplatin.


I0 months after Morgan's amputation, my Alex was diagnosed with osteo. too. His leg was amputated and he started an alternating carboplatin and adriamycin chemo. protocol. Alex was a good eater. He had no noticable side effects after a carboplatin chemo. He was lethargic and his appetite was off for a few days after the adrimycin chemo.


OMG, I can't imagine what you went through having two facing this. I lost 2 greyhounds last year to osteo, one was my mom's greyhound and the other was mine. We did not treat either of them as my mom's boy was 11 years old and my Zipper was a very big boy with a bad back so taking the leg was not really an option for either of them. I can't even comprehend how tough it must have been for you to have two of your babies going through such challenges. Thank you so much for your feedback.


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Guest greytgovernor

Our thoughts are with you!!!


My grey had his left hind leg amputated last September (he will be 10 in July). He was out tearing around the yard and he came around the corner ready to give it all and his leg just snapped. It shattered going into the joint so it was irrepairable - no cancer but no real reason why. Within a week after the surgery he was able to even run around again. His appetite was off for a little while but I think it was due to the antibiotics and pain medicine he was on - he did get an infection a couple weeks after the surgery.


This is Governor a week after the surgery.



We have hard wood and tile floors through out the main floor of the house. We now have a large area rug and multiple carpet runners leading where ever he needs to go. His food and water are on carpet too so he doesn't have to worry about slipping while he eats. You can also see the ramp my husband built for him to get outside. He can jump in the van no problem but still doesn't care for steps unless they are the wide & long porch steps. I can't wait for the snow and ice to be totally gone so it is easier for him!!


Wishing you speedy healing!


Dawn & Governor

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