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Holistic Vets. Do You Use Them?

Guest Javagirl

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Guest Javagirl

Hi all, good morning.

I'm interested in your experiences with holistic vets and if you feel they work well in tandem with conventional DVMs.


There is a holistic vet very close to my home, very widely recognized and has come highly recommended by another greyhound owner with multiple greys. I have VPI insurance for my grey and plan on using a conventional vet for wellness checks and vaccines. However, in my personal experience I have had much more success with chronic issues and emotional issues with Eastern medicine and holistic doctors, so I am interested in and inclined to taking my grey to see her. However my grey is young with no chronic pain, etc. But as the DBF pointed out, we don't actually know that for sure yet.


This vet is a DVM but doesn't do surgery and highly disapproves of vaccines beyond what is legal in NY state. I spoke with her yesterday and she is a lovely woman, and concerned about potential reactions to all his vaccines since he was recently taken from the track and vaccinated, neutered, etc. He is three years old, energetic and other than a sensitive stomach, is in great health.


I'm not sure if the insurance will cover any visits to her or any of the supplements, herbs that she may prescribe so it would definitely be a considerable cost when we do decide to go (what else is new?). So do any of you work in tandem with a holistic vet and recommend it from the time of their youth?


Have any of you used the Slippery Elm remedy for weak stomachs and dirrhea? I've seen it in several places on the web as a holistic 'tea' for dogs easing stomach issues and it was again recommended to me yesterday.


With thanks,

Kristyn and Ladd

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Guest wmlcml6

I swear by my vet, who is both traditional and holistic. I don't have insurance, but it is wonderful to know that if there is a holistic treatment, he can do it. We rely on him mostly for his chiropractic and acupuncture treatments.


If you ever have an issue that requires frequent visits, you may be able to work out a discount. Hopefully my vet isn't the only one who marks off $$ for good customers.

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Guest Mommydog

I can't say I work in tandem with an holistic vet, but I've had some excellent results with acupuncture, I'm a big fan of that. And I once used a herbal remedy from my vet for a dislocation at the tip of my lurcher's tail, which worked really well. I've also used a herbal remedy for nervousness, so yes, I'm quite into that kind of stuff. I tend to use it for myself too.

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I have seen people recommend phytomucil for inflamed tummies. It contains SE in addition to other soothing herbs.


I haven't had much luck with holistic vets or conventional vets that dabble in holistics. However, I was happy with a local conventional vet that did acupuncture.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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I am blessed with an outstanding holistic vet here in Louisville that is a true healer-Dr. Boswell. I found her by calling the American Holistic Vet Med Association. My first experience was with a 10 month old grey that had been starved prior to rescue. He weighed 47# (should have been 70+)and was always at the conventional vets offices-even broke a leg-was so weak etc. I was concerned he might never get well and in desparation I took him to her and she did acupuncture etc. He responded immediately and within 6 months was healthy and strong as a horse! Since then the superior value of holistic care has been repeatedly demonstated with my greyts. Issues that have stumped board certified conventional vets she has been able to diagnose sometomes in the first visit and treat effectively. Some of my friends have had similar successes with their greyts too. My holistic vet is the only one I really trust now. If its a good one they're well worth the extra expense.

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Love my alternative vets! I remember a "regular" vet who was open to alternative and took the time to sit in on a chiropractic adjustment and then acupuncture visit. His comment some time after was that western medicine is great for trauma and eastern medicine for other "stuff" (I cannot remember his words)


I always let my regular vets know when the kids are getting acupuncture and/or chiropractic. My chiropractic and now acupuncture vet used to do part time at one of my vets clinic so they know each other well :) The alternative vets I have used do not hesitate to recommend or hurry me to a regular vet for treatments they need or diagnostic tests.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest lauri

I love Miles' holistic vet. She was also a regular DVM , then studied alternatives. She's the only vet who worked with me when I researched the whole Greyhound/Thyroid issue. Encouraged me to take him off of his thyroid meds for 8 weeks then retest. He's been off of the meds close to 5 years with no problems.


He really did not present with the usual thyroid issues, but that's how we got him.


Plus some vets are weird about running titiers for vaccinations - not her. He's nly needed rabies which is law in our county.


He's healthy and happy...

..but accident prone, so the vet still gets $$$ from us.

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Guest loubieblue

Blue had a stiff shoulder which would flare up every couple of weeks for a day or two, My vet suggested acupuncture and I have to say I was very sceptical but thought If it would help why not give it a try, Blue had 4 sessions with the vet and hasn't had a problem with the shoulder since (touch wood) and that was almost a year ago. The sessions were quite expensive (£90 per session) but on the whole it's been worth every penny and more.

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I don't really understand what "holistic" means. I thought it meant all natural.I have seen acupuncture help my dogs, but the vet wasn't consider a "holistic" vet. I use some homeopathic remedies but I know that's not holistic. Can someone explain holistic? In simple terms for me please


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest KennelMom

I definitely lean more towards traditional veterinary medicine, but if I had a hound with a condition that could be helped by using holistic treatment in conjunction with traditional care I wouldn't be averse to it.

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The AHVMA defines holistic medicine, "Holistic (or Integrative or Complementary) Veterinary Medicine is the examination and diagnosis of an animal, considering all aspects of the animal's life and employing all of the practitioner's senses, as well as the combination of conventional and alternative (or complementary) modalities of treatment. When a holistic veterinarian sees a pet, besides giving it a comprehensive physical examination, he/she wants to find out all about its behaviors, distant medical and dietary history, and its environment including diet, emotional stresses, and other factors."


Modalities include (but are not limited to): drugs/diagnostics/surgery, nutritional therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, behavior modification, herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, etc.


Here's a link to The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association that you can use to obtain additional information.


Basically, instead of just treating a symptom with something to suppress the symptom, holistic medicine looks at the whole individual. For example, you take your dog in because he's scratching and chewing on himself like crazy. Instead of just prescribing a steroid and/or antihistimine to a dog that's itching (treating the symptom of scratching), a holistic practitioner would do a physical exam and then obtain information about the dog's diet, environment, any recent changes or sources of stress the dogs might be experiencing, etc. The aim of holistic medicine is not to simply suppress the scratching, but to find out why the dog is itching and correct the reason rather than just treat the symptom.


I've used an integrative veterinary practice for 15 years. I also prefer intergrative medicine for myself.


edited for spelling

Edited by galgrey

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
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Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest vahoundlover

I lOVE our alternative vet!! She ROCKS! She works really well with our traditional vet, (they have a really good relationship) and it's been a blessing for us and the dogs.

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Hi Kristen, thanks for joining the LI search and rescue, hopefully, we will never need to call upon you for that....


Yes, I use a holistic vet in conjuncton with our traditional vet.


Teddy has a "disk issue". We had the vet do the x-rays when his gait had been off and decided to try acupuncture. All the labs were done my vet, the holistic vet would not run any tests. All she does is the acupuncture which DID seem to help. We went for a total of 6 or 7 sessions and she gave us some ideas about homeopathics we could use as antimflammatorys (traumee)


If you need a good vet, let me know. The regular vet we use is about 20 minutes away from you and they are very, very greyhound savvy.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

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