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Possibly Ate Glass

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

We came home and in addition to the blood all over the kitchen, I think there is the possibility that Spud and Sadie ate some glass.


The vet told me to watch for blood in stool, painful abdomen, not eating/drinking, but that there's really nothing to do until/if they show signs of pain/discomfort.


Does anyone have any sage words of wisdom for what I should do?


Spud cut his nose and it bled everywhere. I cleaned it with some iodine, and felt around, there seems to be no glass in his nose.


Spud obviously got a glass pie plate off the counter (had cornbread in it) that I didn't realize was still on the counter. I believe the major pieces of glass were still on the floor, but they might have gotten some smaller pieces. There's just no way to know.



Here's a snapshot of what we came home to... we were gone from about 3:15 this afternoon to 8:30 tonight.




Edited because I'm tired and can't spell...

Edited by BlackandBrindle
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Guest BlackandBrindle

I did that as soon as I got the glass cleaned up (although I admit to thinking more bread on top of the cornbread :rolleyes: That cornbread was supposed to be for stuffing tomorrow)...

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Guest WarmheartedPups

Oh my gosh!!! I have no words of wisdom.....what a worry. Can you piece the plate together and see

if there are any major pieces missing?


Did you go between their toes and check for glass?

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I did that as soon as I got the glass cleaned up (although I admit to thinking more bread on top of the cornbread :rolleyes: That cornbread was supposed to be for stuffing tomorrow)...


Ahh, I didn't see the bit about cornbread, just the pie plate. Since you can't really tell who ate the cornbread, if one hogged it all or they shared, still wouldn't hurt them to have a little more bread.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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Guest BlackandBrindle

Toes, mouths, bodies, and noses checked. I'm off to vacuum the bits I couldn't sweep up. The plate was there (the big pieces) it's just the tiny pieces that could have broken off that worry me.


This is our first major indoor mishap let's just hope it stays more minor than major.


We'll be finding blood stains for weeks :(


I'll feed them their dinner when they get back from their walk.

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Guest rubysdad
We came home and in addition to the blood all over the kitchen, I think there is the possibility that Spud and Sadie ate some glass.


The vet told me to watch for blood in stool, painful abdomen, not eating/drinking, but that there's really nothing to do until/if they show signs of pain/discomfort.


Does anyone have any sage words of wisdom for what I should do?


Spud cut his nose and it bled everywhere. I cleaned it with some iodine, and felt around, there seems to be no glass in his nose.


Spud obviously got a glass pie plate off the counter (had cornbread in it) that I didn't realize was still on the counter. I believe the major pieces of glass were still on the floor, but they might have gotten some smaller pieces. There's just no way to know.



Here's a snapshot of what we came home to... we were gone from about 3:15 this afternoon to 8:30 tonight.




Edited because I'm tired and can't spell...

Metamucil will puff up their poop so if glass was swallowed, it will pass without problems.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

No bowel movements from Sadie yet, but eating and drinking fine.


Spud had a bowel movement last night and everything seemed fine, no blood in the stool.


We've passed the incident from 12- 16 hours with no apparent distress.


They both slept in my bed with me and Spud wants his morning cookie. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the good thoughts, we'll still keep an eye out, but I Think we'll be ok.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

ON a side note, how do I get his nose to heal. If I put anything on it, he just licks it off. Should I just keep it clean?


He opened it on the dog door this morning.

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Those naughty dogs! My b/f's dog (a senior rott/lab mix) ate an entire 8 x 8 pyrex pan of brownies....pyrex pan and all. He took him to the vet and they gave him lots and lots of bread, water and put him on antibiotics to prevent infection. He still has the x-ray showing the glass inside of Ralph...dog intestines are spriral shaped...who knew?! He only threw up a little bit, they could hear the glass gurgling inside of him. He mostly pooped it out.


Ask the vet about antibiotics for them to prevent infection if there are any cuts in the digestive tract as it passes. And more bread!


Please keep us posted, it sounds like they are doing well.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest BlackandBrindle

The vet told me in no uncertain terms to not feed a cotton ball soaked in cream. They didn't give me an explanation as why.




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Guest MorganKonaAlex

When Morgan had a nasty squirrel bite on his nose, the Vet glued it. Cinder got a squirrel this week and had a similar looking cut on her nose. We got it to stop and just left it alone. It reopened when she ate her next meal, but then was ok.

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Guest greyvettech
The vet told me in no uncertain terms to not feed a cotton ball soaked in cream. They didn't give me an explanation as why.


I agree..I would def not feed a cotton ball to my hound.(honestly, I've never heard about the cotton ball thing or bread)./I don't see how it would help this situation at all...only make things worse for the gi system!


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