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Help Again!

Guest wrldruler

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Guest wrldruler

Well, Nelly is at it again. Just a minute ago she snatched a thin fleece glove off the table and seems to have eaten it in its entirety. she keeps making a funny "somethings stuck in my throat" noise but other wise is fine----so.....do i


1. give her peroxide to make her throw it up

2. call e-vet and take her there immediately

3. just wait to see if it passes and she poops it out tomorrow

4. scream


(see this link for details of glove http://www.landsend.com/pp/ThermaCheck100S...p;origin=index)



please help

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Guest greyladydown

Be very careful of soft stuff - something like that could easily cause an obstruction and if that happens you only have a few hours to get the dog to surgery.

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Guest KennelMom

She ate it whole!?!? I'd be worried if she threw it up she might choke and if it passed, it might get stuck b/c a glove is pretty big. I'd call a vet. My guess is they'll say to wait and see...but I'd at least call.

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Guest wrldruler

oh yes, she ate it whole--the good thing is its a very light weight thin glove from lands end, the bad news is this is the second pair she has eaten this winter--dumb mommy--last time this happened i didn't realize the gloves were missing util they were all passed safely


the last pair was a bit smaller--she actually ate both the gloves, pooped one out and threw one up


this time i am freaking cuz i know it happened as we wrestled the second glove for her jowls


called e-vet but upon their recommendation we have decided to monitor her tonight, first thing in morn we call regular vet, bring her in and go to e-vet at that time for xrays if we have to


unless she gets sick tonight then we go right to evet


either way, she is laying around like usual, so we will wait and see


aaahhhhh, you can view my weekend post regarding her chewing up our coffee table on saturday--that was after a 2 mile walk!!!


Love her love her love her!!!





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How is she doing today?



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

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I would just watch for distress for now.


While my boy Chico was stlll in the race kennel he ate a little girls glove (she had been in the crate petting him). No one realized he had gotten it until it showed up about a week later in his poop.


I hope it turns out to be just as uneventful an experience for Nelly.




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Guest wrldruler

Update 2/24:


We called 3 vets. The e-vet said "bring her in immediately, and bring your best credit card" -- OK, I made up the credit card part. The other two vets said just to monitor her. So we've been monitoring.


The glove incident happened on Wend night, and it is now Sunday morning. No sign of the glove yet. 100% normal eating, 100% normal poops, and our normal happy dog. I (DH) have examined every poop and no signs of any glove fabric.


She has thrown up a little bit twice. Once on Friday night, and once this Sunday AM. But they look like her "normal" vomit (yes, she upchucks every now and then). The first one looked like an empty stomach vomit, and the next had some kibble. Just her normal orange color. These vomits *may* have coincided with her recent interest in eating large amounts of snow. I have put a stop to snow eating.


This has been driving us crazy. Where is the glove? Is it in her tummy? is it in her intestine? Is it possible she didn't eat the glove? Is it possible there was no glove in the first place? Is is possible we don't even own a greyhound? Is it possible she is just a poltergeist, sent here to make random accesories disappear, and to drive us crazy?


Now the serious question: So it has been 3.5 days with no real signs of stress. Could a glove still be in her, but not come up in a vomit, and not cause any blockage in the intestines? Is there some gut pergatory that it could be sitting in? Could it really take a week to pass like with Chico? Is it possible that she 100% digested the light-fleece material?


Thanks everyone,



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Guest jettcricket

...if she were my girl, I'd take her in so they could x-ray to see if and where it is. Like stated earlier, although the gove was thin, it's still a lot to be in her system.


Just for peace of mind.....

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Yes, it could still be in her and not causing any harm, but you do need to keep monitoring vigilantly.


I seem to remember hearing several tales here on GT of dogs eating socks and gloves etc and no sign of them for quite some time and then they're either thrown back up or passed. Personally, I'd get back to the vet you trust most and have another word with them. Let them know how long it's been and ask them what they recommend.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest Greyhoundbaby
...if she were my girl, I'd take her in so they could x-ray to see if and where it is. Like stated earlier, although the gove was thin, it's still a lot to be in her system.


Just for peace of mind.....

Yep - pretty much what I would do...IF they could x-ray without putting her under...

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Guest wrldruler

We have a glove !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:yay :yay :yay :yay :yay :yay :yay :yay :yay


After exactly 4 days, she upchucked the entire glove today. I don't know where in her gut this glove has been hiding, but it finally saw the light of day again.


We're a very happy mommy & daddy.



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:yay:yay:yay for the save delivery of a healthy glove. Glove and pup both doing fine?



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

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