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Any Advice Please!

Guest ladyjay

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I will appreciate ANY advice - conventional or hollistic, or even advice for me on how to cope.

I'm so very sorry to hear your news. :bighug OS is a particularly nasty cancer to fight, and since it's already metastisized to her lungs, there's not much that can help. :( Spoil her rotten... feed whatever she loves, spend as much time with her as possible, take lots of pictures, manage the pain with effective doses of meds, and cherish every minute you have with her. Be strong in her presence, and cry when she can't see or hear you. These puppers are so very sensitive, and you don't want to worry her any more than necessary. Pebbles lives in the present only, and doesn't see what's ahead. Keeping you both in my prayers for comfortable days ahead and much more quality time with your baby girl. :hope:candle:hope


Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Guest WarmheartedPups

I am so very sorry. You are not being dramatic...like so many others..I have gone through this as well.


Circle of Grey...enjoy your time....and prepare to stay ahead of the pain. Appropriate pain control before the pain gets to bad is really important...stay ahead of it.


I will be saying prayers and sending positive thoughts for you and your pup.

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Guest adriahna

Breathe deeply, and take strong comfort in that you are here for her, and able to give her the most wonderful experience, with the time she has left. My own girlie was basically taken from me in a couple of days - even with that short bit of time, it was beautiful, just being able to spend it with her - laying at her side, singing softly to her, whispering my thanks to her, feeding her special treats... just quietly celebrating her life, and all that she meant to me. My fellow and I slept alongside her all night, and that was such a blessing, I cannot even begin to explain.


Just be there for her, and take care of yourself. Honor her, love her, and let her know at every turn that you are listening to her, and loving her just as you always have. When her time comes, she will let you know. And as difficult as it can be at first, accepting that moment almost forces you to surrender to what your heart knows - that she will be safe, happy and at peace in the embrace of heaven.


Please take good care of yourself, and of your beautiful girl. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to PM me.

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I am so sorry. :grouphug Sending prayers. :hope


Our grey with osteo was only 6 when he was diagnosed and amputation was not an option for him. I agree that your baby will need more for pain. OS is very painful. My Charlie was on morphine but we had to let him go when the morphine was not helping. We only had 2 weeks with him after diagnosis.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest adriahna

YES... agreed with the above folks. Stay on top of the pain concerns - do all you can to keep her from suffering. Her time will be much easier, and as such, more valuable.


Please be well - you are in my continued prayers.

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Hugs to you and your Pebbles. Snowman to has os. So far we are able to keep him pain free (it has been 2months) He too isnt a candidate for amp so I am living every day for him and as long as he still "lives" not just exists he will be with our family

Cassie: Pikes Clara Bell Swoop: My Man Swoop

BRIDGE ANGELS Psi:WD'S Aleford 3/17/00-4/25/10 Snowman: Gable Snowman 1/9/96-2/14/08

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Guest longdogs

It's a terribly hard thing to deal with. The only comfort I can offer is that it's a lost worse for you than for your dog. She doesn't know what is happening and the only issue for her is pain control. Don't let things go on too long. I wish you the best time you can have together and the consolation that being able to relieve incurable pain is a great and wonderful thing.

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I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this.


Since I lost my Pup to Osteosarcoma, I know the pain. :brokenheart It took me the longest time to even be able to read others threads about their dogs having it. Almost two years later, I still broke out in tears when I read about your sweet girl.


The best advise I can give you is to spoil her rotten, and try to tell yourself that she is NOT dying TODAY (so you can be with her without crying). I felt so bad for my poor Pup, as he could tell how sad I was - and I'm sure that this made him sad too.


Feed her all her favorite foods, and when she gets to the point where she doesn't want to eat, scramble up eggs with lots of cheese and bacon and mix a bit of her kibble in it. Do what you can to keep her eating. She needs all the nutrition you can get into her to fight this battle.


And one last thing ---- Please take the time to take lots of photos of her. They will be so very precious to you in the years to come.


Sending hugs to both of you,


CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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Guest hushpuppi

I know this is going to help save your beautiful grey, but please spend every moment with her cherish your time left ....and have the courage to let her go when it's time *you will know in your heart when it is * I've lost 2 wonderful dogs within the space of 6weeks Tammy last week & my heart & soul dog Penny pup (Belgian Tervueren) 11/11/07 both taken before their time....both girls died in my arms with my tears to help them along their own journey.....Penny pup got suddenly sick one day ...after a week at the vets and a huge bill I brought her home to die in her home she had chronic renal failure and had only days to live after the drip support was taken away, I spent the remaining time with her she had perked up a bit being home and had me all to herself I only had a couple of days with her it wasnt fair .......I made the decision ( the most hardest thing I have ever or will ever do ) to let her before she had totally crashed (a horrible way to go ) a friend who is a greyhound vet kindly came and helped me send Penny on her journey ........the hole in my soul & heart will never be healed nor replaced ....then Tammy I came home to find her dying of gastric torsion I only had minutes to spend with her to tell her how much I loved her & was proud of her .it's not fair not fair she wasn't even 2 years old she only just realized that people where kind to her that grass was soft & fun to roll in & tummy rubs BOY did she love them .. she was addicted to tummy rubs throwing herself with gay abandon on her back for the rubbed down :) she had a whole yard to run in and friends to play with ..... please cherish your time together now you have given your girl the best love a dog could ask for thats all we can do .please I'm thinking of you both and know that my prayers will be with you & your girl .......


Jenni & the gang

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I have no good advice. I can offer my 'been there and done that' not once but twice. When we got the news that there was not a lot we could do, we just spoiled our dogs and kept them as comfortable as possible. Take lots of pictures, lots of snuggling nose to nose. Circle of Grey is also very helpful. You are not being dramatic, just normal.


Please accept hugs for you and Pebbles.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Ruby2sday

There is nothing I can add to the touching sentiments already expressed. We are facing the same awful disease in our beloved Echo, and I know how your heart is breaking. I'm so sorry.



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