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Leg Break, Probably Os

Guest jamhuss

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Guest jurishound

I am so sorry that you and Christoffe are facing this. I absolutely recommend emailing the radiographs to Dr. Couto/OSU for an opinion. It can take a while for a response, so a phone call is a good idea. Whatever decision you make will be the right one - only you know Christoffe best and how he will likely respond to treatment. There are hounds who are a year and even two years out from treatment - amputation and chemo - but that decision can only be made by someone who knows Christoffe best. You may also wish to read Carrier's, Winslow's and Darcy's threads, which describe their owner's experiences and the course of their treatment in a very positive way. Sending very, very best wishes to you both as you take this journey together.


Carrier's Thread:




Winslow's Thread:



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Checking in to see how your boy is today after surgery. Thinking good positive thoughts for you and him.

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Guest jamhuss

Didn't mean to keep everyone in suspense. It's been a long day, besides the surgery, one of our 16 month old twins had a 104 fever this morning. Christoffe came out of the surgery just fine. I'll post more details tomorrow.


Thanks for everyones wonderful thoughts. They surely helped. He is resting comfortably at the vets and we should be able to bring him home tomorrow.

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Sending prayers for Christoffe. :hope

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest jamhuss

Christoffe had to spend another night at the vets. His heart rate was high and his urine wasn't concentrating. That has all changed as of this morning. His heart rate is still a little elevated but his urine is looking better. He has started to eat and drink, bruising is about the same but not worse. He stood for me this morning for about 10 minutes while I petted him and talked to the vet. I'm hoping he gets to go home at the end of today. He is still on IV pain meds but they are going to be reducing the amount throughout the day to see how he handles just having the patch and oral pain meds.


I believe he is at the point where he is stressed about being away from home and not the pain so I really hope we get to take him home tonight.


As a side note, I love the fact that my vet went to trouble to contact OSU about their amputation protocol after we talked and he changed things around a little and was very receptive (he is an oncologist as well by the way).


Here's hoping we get him home today.

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Guest jamhuss



Do you have a list or know where I can locate one for the drug/behavior you're talking about?


Thanks for the heads up!


His urine output is still low so it looks like he'll be staying another night but we'll know for sure this early evening.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

My Morgan also had a reaction to pain meds. After his amputation, he became more and more restless as the week went on. We kept increasing/changing his medication thinking he was in pain. It took me a week to figure out his more agitated times were when the meds should have been the highest in his system. I stopped his pain meds and he calmed right down. We now know Morgan can't have any pain med that is opiate based. He causes him to pant and pace.

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Guest jamhuss

Well, we finally got Christoffe home on Saturday. As can be expected he is resting more than usual. Everything has been going well except for the swelling/water retention.


The bone was sent for pathology to confirm the osteo. Once that's confirmed, we'll probably begin chemo.


It took him about 12hrs after coming home, ~2am on Sunday, to urinate. Since he has been going every 4 to 8 hours. He's had 2 BM's, pretty firm actually. He is eating almost normal, ~2/3 of what he usually eats. Drinking normal so the only concern is the fluid retention.


Instructions are to get him up every 3 to 4 hours and get him moving. It's really hard to get him up and out when he doesn't want to. He does actually quite well when he wants to go out. Requires a little support from a sling but I'm really amazed at what he can do already.


He's back at the vets this morning for their assessment.


Sorry for being incoherent but lack of sleep will do that to you.


Keep the good thoughts coming. I have no doubt they are really helping him.

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Know that my heart and prayers are with you both. :grouphug


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Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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