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Marble Left For The Bridge

Guest 2greygirls

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Guest 2greygirls

I will post in Rememberance when I can up load some photos ( still no internet at home) and write her a fitting tribute, this is still too fresh. But I just wanted to let everyone know that My sweet Marble is gone. I can't believe it. Ithappened so fast, The girls are twelve, or almost twelve, and Leda has been slowing way down..her back end goes now and then, so I have been expecting her to be the one ot leave first. Marble has always been so healthy and robust, a fiery little thing, and she was 'til the end. She had started to go into kidney failure, there was nothing that could be done that wasn't a bandaid. I made a promise to her race owner that I wouldn't let her linger, or be in any pain or suffer. In the end, the little girl who tried to play ball four hours after her toe amp refused to go on a walk and I knew it was time. She was so stoic, that for her to show pain, she must have been feeling very badly. Leda looks for her, but I think she knew. Leda has been very peacceful since Marble left. ( I had her PTS Friday) I feel Marble around me. I knwo this is what we sign on for when we take the responsibility of sharing our lives with these amazing hounds, I know I did right by her, and I held her as she left, I know that death is part of life, but these things don't help me when I am alone in bed and the spot she always slept in is cold and empty. I am thankful for Sweet Stretch, who in all of this has been gentle with the old ladiers, and a complete Doofus Maximus, keeping a smile on my face. I think he looks for her more than Leda. Leda knew. she really did. I am sorry for the rambling of this post, I knwo there are a few out there who would like to know. I will check in when I can, and I will figure out a way to get some images up for her.


Sonya, Leda, Stretch

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Guest jettcricket

...I'm so sorry. It was obvious that you loved her very much and her you. Sending you peace and white light..... :grouphug:f_pink

Edited by jettcricket
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Guest IndysDad

I'm so very sorry..Marble had a wonderful home and a loving, caring person to help her when she needed it the most..


Godspeed sweet Marble and run with the Angels

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