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Poor Jac-foo

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I was at work...DD came over to check on the dogs with all the wind...She calls me in a PANIC and says she thinks the house was broken into..


She is going to call her BF and see is he will go in with her....can hear the dogs, but the privacy screen was wide open....she knows I lock both dead bolts.


I leave work and am on my way home and she calls and says Jax is a mess and needs to go to vet. I am about 15 minutes away now...It is 1 am. (Monday)


I get home and poor Jax is just TORE UP!! She has a rip on her side about 3 inches wide and 6 inches long. Just skin damage no muscle damage that I can see. Call vet and tell them we need 30 minutes to get there. WE ARE ON OUR WAY. Shock has set in...I tell DD to keep the rip wet and put her in a blanket to keep warm. (Hope I did right..)


Jax has a 2 hour surgery. Stitches in the side and 4 drain tubes. Financialy wiped is out....After we get her home she rips the stiches and has to go back for staples.


As to what happened? We have no idea. No a single dog here has a scratch on them except for Foo-baby. She had to have gotten at least one bite in. We see on the news that the coyotes are getting more daring and jumping 6-8 foot fences. (jump and crawl really) So at this point we think a coyote got in and got Jax and the rest of the dogs heard the commotion and came outside and scared the coyote off.


We spent today building a run off the deck for them when I am not home. A very small pen really. Just so they have someplace to potty. With the protection of the pond and the house. Not all out in the open now. When I am at work they no longer get to play outside. And to think we bought this place for them to run and play.......


So my question is: If you had a "pack" of dogs do you think that Jax could have gotten this beat up by her own with not a single puncture on anyone else???


Thank you for you imput guys........

Edited by GreyAcresMom

Sheila and CO

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I am a little confused....so how did the privacy screen get ripped open? Is it possible something scared her and she hurt herself trying to break out? Was it for sure bite wounds? Coyotes can be bold but I would be pretty surprised if this was coyotes. Around here they wouldn't bother you if you had a bunch of dogs like that. Coyotes are not stupid by any means....they are actually very intelligent. A coyote would have smelled all the dogs even if they weren't present at that moment. Not saying it isn't possible but I have a hard time believing it to be true. Could something else have gotten in there? Or could she have hurt herself on something?


How was Jax before the surgery? (as in her disposition) Did she seem scared of the other dogs? Did she seem obsessed with any particular area of the house/yard?

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This is so crazy. I know...I have a lot of unanswered questions myself.


Yes, definitely bite wounds. Vet said that there was no doubt. But she also confirmed that the other dog/s would have a bite or two also. NONE of the other 5 have anything on them. Jax was in shock when we got home from the vets and did go outside but would not leave the little deck we have on the side of the house. Very wide eyed and scared. All dogs have pee'd in the house today like they are scared to go out alone....


I was talking to a man at the hardware store and he said a feral dog jumped his fence and got one of his dogs. He caught/killed it. (I wanted no information..he said he took care of that dog)


Tonight we had a HUGE dog about have the height of our largest 75# boy and about 90# easy..go to the corner of the fence property and cry like it was hurt...(we were outside working on the gate, so we heard the cry and thought Jax was hurting) anyway, as soon as all the dogs went to the corner where it was..s/he jumped on the fence and started to bark and growel....(kinda body slammed the fence). FREAKED ME OUT!! DH ran after it (very cute :wub:) to do what to it? Who knows..but something hurt his heart baby.....He has cried more this weekend I think than me....we close.....


I had a Cocker Spaniel that used to "climb" our 5 ft chain link fence. We had to always have him on a chain in the yard. So I know a coyote can do this. Also....you hear about the packs of coyotes here sending a female do to "lure" the male dogs out to the waiting pack of coyotes. We live in a VERY RURAL area. So we do see and hear all kinds of coyotes all the time. And the do come up to the fence a lot. But we always thought my dogs were safe in their 2.5 acres of fencing.


Still have no idea on the screen door. I may have forgotten to lock, I really don't think so....but if I did, maybe someone saw the whatever fighting Jax and beat on out door thinking someone was home....I have no idea on that either.



*****to add*****


I gave the vet a little t-shirt to put on Jax to keep her clean and not licking so she does not have to wear a e-collar and I just cleaned all her tubes...she has a 8 inch wound on her upper arm (left) with stiches also. Remember Jax is a tri-pod and at a somewhat disadvantage I would think..along with only being 16 months old.



Edited by GreyAcresMom

Sheila and CO

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That is pretty wild. :blink: Did she have more than one bite wound? I wonder if something spooked them....like a feral dog or coyote....and then they sort of turned on each other with Jax being the victim. You would think at least one would have some sort of a wound but who knows....anything is possible I suppose. I would also think that if one got in your yard that there would be more wounds too on other dogs unless it got out just in in the nick of time like you mentioned. Also...could it have been something more feline like? Like a bobcat or a lynx? Not sure how common they are....would think if it was a cougar there would be more wounds cuz I doubt a cougar would run without first defending itself. But who knows.... Did you talk to your neighbors? I would maybe do that to see if they saw or heard anything. Pretty scary not knowing what happened. :grouphug Hope she recovers quickly! :hope


And to add...yes....indeed....coyotes have been known to use a female in heat to lure a single dog out to a pack. I have never seen a coyote scale a fence that high but like you mentioned...I am sure some are capable of doing it if they are 'that' hungry.

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DH does not think that we have any "cat" animals that could do this. I did just find a pile of poopie in the garden that the dogs are not allowed in because of the pond and I can't keep kala and Angel out of the water!! So where did that come from? It just gets more crazy.


I don't really have any neighbors to talk to....


Again: not a single scratch on anyone else. I will try to get a few pictures tomorrow..she looks so good compared to monday am. And if "whatever" got her had got her neck 1/8 inch over...she would have been dead by the time DD found her...........


ETA*** my chain link fence is only 5 FT. we thought that would be tall enough........ :weep

Edited by GreyAcresMom

Sheila and CO

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Whoa, that's spooky. It could be coyotes, could be a loose or feral dog. As Meakah pointed out, it's also possible that the others were freaked out by the intruder and turned on her in a fit of misplaced aggression. Hopefully all is quiet soon, and Jax is quickly on the mend!


Makes you want to put those little spy cameras around your house, doesn't it? :unsure

Edited by GreytNut

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Interesting....was the 'pile of poopie' of the canine variety? Around here, coyote poop tends to contain a lot of hair and berry seeds. Not sure if that is the same down there but it is very very obvious here. That is pretty wild. Not sure if whatever it is got into your yard or not but if it did...scary! And still scary if it didn't cuz your pups may have attacked in the midst of the adrenaline rush. Regardless....poor Jax. :( It does seem strange none of the others have ANYTHING. That makes me think more and more that your pups may have ganged up on her in an adrenaline moment and she never really had time to react. ??

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Whoa, that's spooky. It could be coyotes, could be a loose or feral dog. As Meakah pointed out, it's also possible that the others were freaked out by the intruder and turned on her in a fit of misplaced aggression. Hopefully all is quiet soon, and Jax is quickly on the mend!


Makes you want to put those little spy cameras around your house, doesn't it? :unsure


I thought this myself...it was my first thought.....but as tore up as she is....even the Vet thinks that SOMEONE would HAVE to have something on them from the fight...

Sheila and CO

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Last year I came home to a few drops of blood on the kitchen floor. Checked all three dogs over and could not find any injury. Double checked and found this on Gizzy.




Not a mark on anyone else. No blood anywhere else in the house. No sign of a struggle. The only evidence we found was the "degloved" part of her ear rolled up on the living room rug. We never did find out what happened.


Hope that your baby has a quick recovery.

Carol Ann


Molly Weasley Carpenter-Caro - 6 Year Old Standard Poodle.

Gizzy, Specky, Riley Roo & Lady - Our beloved Greyhounds waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.

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If I remember correctly, Jax is a tripod gal too, right?


I'd wonder if it was a coyote or loose/feral dog who came over. She could be seen as the "weak link" in the pack and could be easily viewed as prey. If coyotes are anything like wolves (I'm not familiar with the former), they tend to go for the weakest member of their 'prey'.


This is why having a dog door, or allowing the dogs access to the backyard when not home, scares the beejeebers outta me.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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If I remember correctly, Jax is a tripod gal too, right?


I'd wonder if it was a coyote or loose/feral dog who came over. She could be seen as the "weak link" in the pack and could be easily viewed as prey. If coyotes are anything like wolves (I'm not familiar with the former), they tend to go for the weakest member of their 'prey'.


This is why having a dog door, or allowing the dogs access to the backyard when not home, scares the beejeebers outta me.



Pretty much what we were thinking..


Here are some pictures. First of Jax and the boo boo....


front left



left side



And what we are trying to finish to give them protected pens..







She is getting around today and outside with the others. but still very sore.


Thankx all



Sheila and CO

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oh, how awful!! a coyote could scale a 5' fence easily...they are know to scale 8' fences out here. I have no idea what happened...how does she seem around the others, is she frightened of them? could she have had a seizure? I'm not really sure that just because the others aren't hurt, doesn't mean they couldn't have done it...some dogs won't fight back at all...



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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