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Guest Kyle241

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Let me introduce, Charlie, who we adopted on 09/08 with the wonderful help of Gay Lattimer and volunteers. Charlie will be 5yrs old in November and he is a red fawn with a wonderful, endearing personality. He joins the rest of our family, Peanut, a Rat Terrier and Angie, a Pug. We do not have enough words to describe this handsome boy, he is all we ever wanted and comes at a time to mend our hearts. We recently lost our Dalamatian, Josey, who was also known as Angel for all the right reasons. She left us at 14.5yrs after we felt her battle with Glaucoma that took her vision, an enlarged heart that took her energy and arthritis that took her dignity was enough to bear for such a brave soul. It was the hardest decision for my wife and I and we carry the guilt of having to make the decision when Mother Nature wouldn't do it herself. We truly believe she led us to Charlie as the wonderful person who helped cremate her has two Greys of her own. After seeing this wonderful pair, we wonder if Josey's last gift of love was to lead us to adopt a creature that we have pondered for some time. Perhaps it's all coincidence, we will never know.


To our bridge angels, Josey (Dalmatian) and Chester (German Short-Haired Pointer), we will see you again someday. You seared our souls with your love and will be in our hearts forever more.







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Guest Chynagirl


What a handsome boy you have there. Wow, is his tail really that long?


I am also sorry for your loss and although you can never replace a beloved friend, I hope that it helps to ease the pain.

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Thank you everyone for the welcome. We are very happy to have adopted Charlie and can't say enough good things about Greys.


Chynagirl - yes his tail is really that long. I didn't think they were supposed to be so he had earned the nickname, Kangaroo Butt!




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Guest hamiesmom

I'm so sorry for your loss of Josey. I do believe that Charlie is now with you because that was what she wanted and felt was right for you. I, too, have a beautiful red fawn boy who is 9yrs old who was named "Husker Hamilton" after the NASCAR driver, Bobby Hamilton.

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Welcome! Charlie is a beauty! I also lost my "long time companion" recently. Kramer was put down on April 20, and I brought George home on April 23.


It's never going to be the same, but George and I are doing great, and I'm sure Charlie is helping to fill the hole in your family.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest jurishound

What a handsome fella - congratulations! My sincerest condolences on losing Josey. There is nothing harder than saying goodbye to a good friend - but easing her discomfort was a wonderful gift. Looks like Charlie has settled in nicely!

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I'm so glad that you and your family understand that the love given is so much stronger than the pain of loss. Welcome to our world of hounds. May you enjoy this new boy and many more to come..... Because come they will

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest Tenderhearts

First of all, condolences on the loss of your Josie! I know how difficult that decision is to make :grouphug


Congratulations on bringing Charlie into your hearts and home! If your red fawn boy is anything like my red fawn boy, you're in for lots of love, silliness, and laughter at your house! :nod:D

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