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Blitz Is Not Feeling Well

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Well, the poor boy's been vomiting since Monday morning, and I took him back to the vet last night (we went on Friday for his new patient well visit). We did check for pancreatitis, and that was negative. He's not dehydrated, but with the volume of vomit that is coming up, it's clear that the water he is drinking is not all staying down, especially since he hasn't eaten since Monday morning. Dr. Patty thinks one of two things - that he has a bacterial infection that took advantage of the stress of the move (and he may very well have been stressed again at the Greyhound Welfare picnic on Sunday even though we kind of kept to ourselves and stayed only two hours), or that he has a blockage. He is at the vet again today for radiographs, and I am waiting for an update. Dr. Patty did give him an injection of an antispasmodic last night, but that did not work. There's another anti-vomiting drug she could give, but if he does have a blockage, it would just make things worse.


I'm worried about my boy. Thankfully I am too busy here at school most of the day to be able to think about it, because when I do, I start feeling not so well myself.

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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I am so glad I got to meet Blitz in person! What a gorgeous, sweet boy! I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers!

Maggie and Sonny had the big D when we got home from our trip...I think it was the stress from the trip :(

I hope it's nothing serious!


I am glad I got to meet you in person too, Deanna :)

Suzie Collins

Owner/Artist Skinny Hound Designs

Greyhound decals, magnets and signs.

Fur kids: Isabelle and Petey

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Sending prayers for Blitz and for you.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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I gave the vet a call before I headed home (which I'm about to do...).


They were able to do the X-rays without sedation. The rads showed a lot of gas in his stomach. The nurse was not able to get Dr. Patty's assessment and plan of action though, before they both got called into other appointments. The nurse says she'll be able to get back together with Dr. Patty around 3.


He WAS gassy while he sat with me at the vet's while I worked my shift, and I was trying to figure out what was causing the gas if he hasn't been eating....


The nurse says he has not vomited in the roughly six hours he's been there so far, but he did vomit in Brian's car on the way over, so he should be due any time now.... :unsure


So I'm about to leave school and head for home, and the nurse said I should call when I get there.


Any ideas WHY he would have a bunch of gas in his belly?

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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Deanna I am so sorry to hear about Blitz. I didn't realize you were standing right beside me in Sheena's booth while I was splurging on one of her beautiful necklaces until I walked away. I wanted to meet Blitz, but couldn't find you after that. Anyway, I hope you get to the bottom of what's ailing Blitz and that sweet boy recovers fully.

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Well, just talked VERY quickly with Dr. Patty as she was in between appointments. She sees nothing on the rads, and says the gas is in his colon and due to the vomiting. He still has not vomited since 8 or so this morning (I forgot to ask if they've been giving him water though, since that's all he's had in the past 40 hours or so). She says she's going to treat "it" very aggressively, and we're scheduled to pick him up at 4:50, her first available time. Just not sure what "it" is, though we did very quickly discuss his probable IBD diagnosis from his previous owner's vet right before they returned him.


Nice thing about working there now is that if I should forget to ask her something tonight, I do see her tomorrow when I work my shift. I'm so glad I happened to mention my need for a summer job when, unbeknownst to me, they were in the middle of doing some hiring.


So hopefully he is done vomiting, and we can get some food into him - he dropped 3.5 pounds in between Friday afternoon and yesterday evening. I think I'll also get in touch with our acupuncture vet and ask her if she thinks she would be able to help him if he does have IBD. I'm still worried about him, but at least I have tomorrow off from school because of the Jewish holiday, and I'll feel lots better if he does start eating and acting better. If not, I'll just take him in to work (at the vet) with me again.


Oh, and at Friday's appointment, we did send out some bloodwork to help rule out some other things that might be troubling him and to help confirm the IBD diagnosis. Hopefully that bloodwork has all come back - it hadn't as of last night. His FT4 values have come back, but I believe they are within normal ranges for a greyhound (I'll double check that, of course).

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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Guest needlenosemom

Hope he is on the mend. Plain Stoneyfiel organic yogurt also does wonders for the tummy, once he is keeping food down. Just 1/3 a cap daily. They love it.

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Well, turns out he did vomit at the vet. Dr. Patty also thinks it's his kidney that is sensitive (pain on palpation), and there is something suspicious looking on his films in the area of his kidney. I suggested ultrasound, and she said she would've done it if they had one. So after hearing he had vomited again, she decided to call over to the referral center and beg for an appointment for tomorrow, even though it normally takes three weeks to get an appointment. That turned into getting him admitted through the emergency route, so we have an appointment there at 7pm, when he will be admitted for 24 hour care. Apparently, they have much stronger anti-emetics than centrine, and they'll be able to do fluids or whatever else he needs to be supported until they do the ultrasound tomorrow. They also have an endoscope if needed.


I'll start a new thread when we return from that appointment.

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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