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Good Intentions Gone Bad

Guest onedollar

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Guest onedollar



I picked up wipes at Petsmart for tear and saliva stains. I used them 1-2 times a day for about four days and then things started looking a lot worse. She had little tiny stains around the edge of her lips, now the stains are gone and the discolored parts are dried, flaking, cracking scabs! Her face is puckered too! Looks like the stain remover burned the skin under the hair. (Same on both sides) Any ideas of what I can do to help her, besides leaving her alone. I feel terrible. :(

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Guest greytexplorer

First of all, have you contacted Petsmart about this product? Please do and save the rest of us a lot of misery!



Probably you should do nothing for her, other than maybe some pain meds? Coated aspirin would work fine.


You could rub some vaseline (clear kind, not the carbolated) on her lips, might make it feel better (like chapstick does for us). It won't hurt her if she licks it.


If you end up having to take her to the vet, I would make copies of the paperwork and send to the company for reimbursement.

Sorry you have to go thru this, but I thank you for letting me know. I won't buy that product!!!

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Ouch! I like plain aloe vera gel for skin irritations. Soothing & non-toxic. Make sure what you get doesn't have alcohol in it, just aloe vera. Thank goodness you didn't use it near her eyes - what a terrible product. :(


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Guest WhenIGiveIn

I would see about getting some antibiotic ointment possibly with an itch relief because it will help keep the skin moist and stop the cracking. It will also speed healing and prevent infection in the cracking skin. Something like neopsorin will work fine or any other triple antibiotice cream or ointment. If she licks at it a lot after you put the ointment on there give a little spray of bitter apple but make sure that all the cracked skin is covered with ointment or it will sting.


My guess is she had an allergic reaction to something in there. Compare the ingriedients to regular baby wipes and after she is healed try to use regular baby wipes once a day to see if that will help with the staining. If she doesnt seem to have a reaction then you can try once a day.


You probably dried out the skin, a dog isnt used to having their skin that clean so the oils werent there to protect her skin.


Oh the most important step, give the baby a hug kiss and cookie!!

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Ouch, that does look a bit sore. I agree with the Vit E or Vaseline. It'll moisturize and protect.


If the staining bothers you (I don't bother with it since I don't mind it), then wiping their face with warm water on a cloth after they eat is sufficient to control it. I don't believe in wipes or "saliva stain removers".

Best I can figure is that there must be bleach in it which would burn the skin.

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Oh no! That is horrible. You need to contact the manufacturer. Sending gentle hugs....that looks so sore. :grouphug


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You can put the dental liquid in the water and that will cease the stains, it does for my poodles eye tear stains and also Darius's mouth stains. Older dogs do tend to get them worse. If not feed a Tums 2 x a day. Before I started this I would just use a little soap and water it did the trick.

"To err is human, to forgive, canine" Audrey, Nova, Cosmo and Holden in NY - Darius and Asia you are both irreplaceable and will be forever in my heart beatinghearts.gif
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EXACTLY the same thing happened very recently to my Sunny with what I am thinking were probably the same wipes. I cleared it up by putting on a Comfrey and Calendula balm (which is in a sunflower oil and beeswax base) liberally several times a day. I also washed the area every day with a baby shampoo to remove some of the scaley bits of skin followed by a gentle rub with a towel and another application of the balm. This regime made a difference very quickly but it took about a week to ten days to clear up completely.


Needless to say, we won't be using the wipes again.


Good luck.




When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

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Poor girl! :( I would contact both the shop and the manufacturer. Are they peroxide? It could be a bad batch that got the dilution wrong? :dunno


I buy the tear stain wipes, but over here they are just cetrimide. They don't really work well though.


Jack has horrible saliva stains .. I wash his face daily with a washcloth dipped in a very dilute solution of dog shampoo for white coats and dry it carefully, but the stains persist. Occasionally I do wipe them with peroxide, but I think you need to do them regularly for it to have any effect, and my vet suggested only 1% solution, which I can also use as a mouthwash.


Ah well. He's clean, even if he and I are the only ones who know it. :lol


She is a gorgeous girl! :wub


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Guest vahoundlover

YIKES! Poor baby.



You can put the dental liquid in the water and that will cease the stains, it does for my poodles eye tear stains and also Darius's mouth stains. Older dogs do tend to get them worse. If not feed a Tums 2 x a day. Before I started this I would just use a little soap and water it did the trick.


What kind of dental liquid?

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Guest rosebudd
Bag-balm will cure your baby , rub it on to the skin , get it at walmart or farm store all Greys should come with a can of bag-balm about 5 dollars , works on humans too.

Love that stuff works great for chapped lips! and cracked paw paws in the winter time! Lasts forever too! I hope the poor baby feels better soon!!

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