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Everything posted by FRISBYSMUM

  1. What a beautiful tribute to a very much loved boy. Those pictures were worth a thousand words. He was so gentle and so happy. He had a great life and you couldn't have done more for him. Run free sweet Wilbur.

    Wilbur ....

    I'm so very sorry for this, the worst possible outcome. Thinking of you.
  3. Hi and welcome from another UK GTer. As you've found this is a great place for help and information.
  4. Welcome to you and your three handsome boys from the UK
  5. Hi and welcome from Bedfordshire, although a frequent visitor to Hampshire
  6. Frisby doesn't do kisses, but he will stick his nose in my face and give a nice big belch.
  7. Frisby has been exactly like this since last Friday night. Pooing about every hour from 1am to 6am. He's also been off his food, both morning and evening and even his pig's ears. Then on Tuesday night he was vomiting all night. About eight times in all. Took him to the vet's yesterday and he also had a very high temperature. The vet thinks it is an irritated and infected bowel. So after injections of steroids antibiotics and anti sickness drug, he is now also on small meals of chicken and fish only, which he has eaten. He is very lethargic and doesn't really want to go out and I hated leaving him today. I took yesterday off work as I didn't want to leave him and I was very tired through being up all night.
  8. What a terrible thing to happen. I am so very sorry for you.
  9. My deepest condolences to you and your family. It is a dreadful disease.
  10. What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful girl. You have my deepest sympathy and I know she will be sorely missed.
  11. That is so terribly tragic. I am so so sorry. You did the best thing you could with the advice given to you. Please don't blame yourselves.
  12. Hi Could you please add me. Frisbysmum - Elaine from Leighton Buzzard UK

    My Sweet Jazz

    I am so very sorry. You have all my sympathy.
  14. Frisby had super soft fur and skin, but as soon as he starts wearing his coat in the winter he gets dandruff. I think it is just the coat rubbing when he runs, which he does constantly in the snow. I have tried fish oil, but as soon as the coat goes on we get dandruff even with the fish oil.
  15. Welcome from the UK. He sure is a beauty and so is your daughter.
  16. Iam so sorry. This is a tragic event, but at least the pit bull owner has taken responsibility. There are no winners here, just four dogs losing their lives and two devastated owners. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  17. Frisby had a toe removed about three years ago and recovered really quickly with little or no pain. The only problem now is that the next toe is swollen and has arthritis due to the extra strain put on it.
  18. Hello and welcome from a fellow Brit. This is a great place. I just love to read all about everone's greys. Don't forget the pictures please.
  19. Hi and welcome from UK. He really is a very handsome boy. Those first two pics are great. Actually they are all great. Keep 'em coming
  20. I followed your original thread with many tears in my eyes and it was obvious what a special and deeply loved girl she was. I am so sorry you had to make that terrible decision so soon, but know that now she is pain free and will always be with you in your heart.
  21. I am so so sorry. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful girl.


    I am so sorry for your sudden loss. You've brightened up our days with so many wonderful pictures of a beautiful and much loved little girl.
  23. What a wonderful tribute to an obviously well loved girl. So sorry for your loss.
  24. They are soooo cute. I'm not surprised they were getting cuddles Oops double post.
  25. They are soooo cute. I'm not surprised they were getting cuddles
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