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Everything posted by tamborine

  1. Also ask the vet about diabetes insipidus, which causes excessive thirst & urination. It's caused by a deficiency of ADH (anti-diuretic hormone). I've seen it a lot (in people with brain injuries). and from what I've just googled, dogs can get it too. Although for a simple UTI!
  2. tamborine


    I'm so sorry. Deuce was such a brave boy. He's at peace now, but my heart aches for you.
  3. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  4. I'm not familiar with Cerenia (just googled it, though). But when my Odd Cat was on chemo, I was giving him Zofran. It was expensive (I paid about $300 for 9 pills), but it worked. My vet didn't stock it - they gave me a script & I went to the drugstore. I frequently give it at work to nauseated patients & it works like a charm. Like Lynn said, just let her eat whatever she wants at this point, even if it's only milk bones or whatever, as long as she's keeping it down.
  5. Just reiterating what others have already said: Soul's already well-hydrated from IV fluids, so that's probably the reason the manboob isn't absorbing. The warm compresses sound like a great idea. Should give him some comfort.
  6. Just saw this now....sending lots of healing thoughts to Soul & to you, Amber. Hope Tufts figures out what's going on soon!
  7. A TPN line is just a regular central line (IV) inserted into a large vein, closer to the heart (as opposed to a peripheral line, a plain old IV in the leg or wherever). It shouldn't cause her any pain. I'm sure they explained TPN to you, so I won't go into that, but the line itself shouldn't be a problem for her. And she's in the ICU, so central line care is probably second nature to them there. I have no experience with dog central lines/TPN, only human....but same principle.
  8. When my Odd Cat was on chemo for mast cell cancer, I read in a couple of places that the reason dogs tolerate chemo so well is that they get nowhere near the dosages humans get of the same drugs. This is done mostly to make the chemo more "tolerable" for the human owner. Is it possible that Penny somehow got what would be a "human" dose? Regardless, she's in my thoughts & prayers for a complete recovery from this episode....
  9. Glad Kitty's toe is back in position! Soon after I adopted Royal, she dislocated her toe. Took her to the vet, and they just snapped it back into place & sent us home. Sure enough, she dislocated it again a couple of days later. This time they put it back in place & put a soft cast. The foot stayed casted for a couple of weeks, and over the next 8 years Royal never dislocated that toe again.
  10. I'm sorry to hear this, Shelby. Hope you and Deuce have many more good days to spend together.
  11. I know it's usual for people, and I've always followed the same principle with my dogs/cats. They don't want the person/animal to aspirate any stomach contents into their lungs when they're under anesthesia. Some vets may be a bit more lenient on this issue and allow some water.
  12. Here's a link to Dr. Stack's site: http://www.greythealth.com/ If you scroll down on the left, you'll find the above-mentioned article. She has lots of other good info, too. My Tammy suffered from LSS, too. I brought Dr. Stack's article to my vet, and they tried it. Unfortunately, Tammy's case was too advanced (and she was almost 14). Good luck to you & Roo.
  13. I'm sorry. I'll be keeping you and Polli in my thoughts & heart.
  14. Magic - hemangio. Odd Cat - mast cell Royal - lymphoma
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