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Everything posted by tamborine

  1. I'll bet ahicks51 will know what it is!
  2. Could it possibly be a Chiari malformation? I wouldn't have normally thought of a CM with a dog, but I just admitted a (human) patient with that dx today, and she has numerous neurological problems, including blindness. Basically it's caused by the lower part of the brain protruding down into spinal cord territory, where it shouldn't be, of course. Treatments include steroids & surgery, depending upon the symptoms. I'm glad Jane did well with the MRI, and am keeping her (and you) in my prayers.
  3. Some of my dogs have had a sinus arrythmia, too. It's usually just a normal variation, and not indicative of any problems.
  4. Sending many prayers for Alan's recovery...
  5. tamborine

    Cassie Jo

    What a beautiful girl! I'm so very sorry.
  6. I'm so sorry, DeVon. Don't ever think you failed her - she knew how much you loved her, and that you did all you could for her.
  7. Tammy had on & off problems with her back since I got her in 1998 at age 6, but was doing fine on glucosamine. November/December of 2005 it really started to flare up. Tried Adequan injections, and Dr. Stack's depomedrol protocol to no avail. Had to put her on morphine and tramadol for the pain; zonked her out but didn't seem to help the pain much. I let her go to the bridge last February - she was 2 months shy of 14 years old. If she'd been a few years younger, I think I would've tried decompression surgery, but it was out of the question because of her age.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free now, Pammy...
  9. Rest well, dear Scrimage. You were loved, in the end.
  10. What a beautiful tribute to your Ozzy!
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free, Beau.
  12. I'm so sorry.... Run with the angels, Rob Roy.
  13. Hello & Welcome! Buksi is beautiful!
  14. tamborine


    I'm so sorry for your loss...
  15. tamborine

    Ec Lori Ann

    I'm so sorry... Run free, Lori Ann
  16. Today is one year since my beautiful black boy Odd Cat went to the bridge. I miss him so much. He was truly my heart dog; I never had, and don't think I ever will have, a connection with any other pet like I had with him. He's been in my dreams almost every night for the past couple of weeks - the dreams always involve him being lost or taken from me, and I keep searching for him. I pray that there really is a Rainbow Bridge, and someday I'll be with my boy again. Odd Cat, I'll always love you, my baby boy.
  17. I'm so sorry... Tyler's pictures are beautiful - you obviously gave him a wonderful, love-filled life.
  18. I entered 3 tickets, but have 5 matches (I didn't acknowledge anything yet).
  19. tamborine

    Bronty Episode

    I'm so sorry..... Run free, dear Bronty
  20. I'm so sorry - Godspeed, Pegasus
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