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Posts posted by Josie

  1. If he has a corn, it may just be that. There are times when Turbo's corn is scarcely even visible and his toe become so senstive he doesn't want me to so much as touch it. If your pup had dislocated a toe, you'd know it - they're pretty obvious and beyond the normal greyhound crooked toes.


    Do you have a therapaw for your dog to wear? That may help.


    Hope it's nothing serious - either the corn or maybe a pulled muscle.


    yes he has a therra-paw for his corn... but he hates wearing it :( Tufy let us touch his paw with the corn... we can press it and he does not move it away...

    thik it's more musles (or ligament?) realated... will see what the vet thinks...

  2. well Tuffy was all happy and joyfull yesterday, He played in the yard with his friend Tiger..running around..

    after a little nap we went to the evening walk...

    Tuffy found a spot to pee, He does not lift his leg but strech out to pee..funny big boy...

    He started walking again but He was limping from his back right leg... It seemed very painfull... The walk was cut short.. returning home Dh and I look at his paws thinking that it must be his corn acting up again... but the corn is the same (no bigger at all), found nothing in the paws (no piece glass, no splinter)...

    I gived him a massage and put hot towels on his leg. Gived him half a small dose aspirne...


    This morning He is still limping.. walking on 3 leg... When standing still he just put his toes on the grown...

    There's no apparent swelling anywhere.. 2 back legs the same size...

    could it be a dislocate toe? Tuffy toes are already crooked when we adopted him...


    So I have a appointment at 3 with his vet...it's 8h20am right now... day will be long... Did not get much sleep last night.. I slep on the couch near Tuf... :unsure



  3. How long since he has been checked? Is the "stain" where the position would be urine, or on the side (my guys drool or lick the sides)


    Vet check-up last May... everything was fine...

    The spots are anywhere on his bed... Tuffy changes position a lot... like every hour He gets up, stretch and lay in a other position... :unsure

  4. I agree. Most likely a lick spot, but also, yes, if they drink a lot their urine can be almost colourless - Jim's was like that most of the time, but it would smell a little, and maybe a lot after it had been there a while (he was a pee-er on carpet). :)


    the bed is a costco one with cedar in it...do you think that the cedar is masking the odor???


    I really dont know what to think..

    Tuffy pees ok, it's golden yellow, no weird stuff on the tip of his penis... should I go check him out to the vet?

  5. You would smell something. It's likely from her licking herself (or a kong, etc). I wouldn't worry unless you start to notice other symptoms of a UTI.


    and witch symptoms should I be looking for?

    I observe him ( :lol )peeing this morning and it seems ok.. yellow... :unsure no greenish secretion on his woo-woo either.. :blush

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