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Posts posted by Josie

  1. Well Tiger is doing greyt. No more limping and acting ok...

    the vet (who knows nothing about greys and never saw one before seing Tiger, it's a e-vat, not Tiger vet...) come up with an big diagnostic without having done blood test, more x-rays... our rescue group people totally disagree with that and says that the medical file should be transfer to Tiger's vet... Tiger did not had any other signs of illness (no temperature, no wait lost (he gain weight since last vet visit), no swelling)... so this is just a pull muscle... metacam and rest resolved everything...


    thanks for all your concern and prayers... Tiger is himself again to the relief of my friend (and me too) :colgate


  2. Talk to my friend, she did not go to work today to stay with Tiger...

    It's stable for now...metacam really help...

    wont be until wednesday that she will have news from the vet about the x-ray...


    She says thank you for all your thoughts and prayers...


    Tuffy and Tiger taking it cool at my house last year:


  3. My friend call me yesterday... Tiger started limping Thursday (He was ok in the morning, returning home after work Tiger was limping)... We taught he had slip and pull a muscle but on Sunday he was not doing better (after aspirine and musle massages)...

    She went to the vet yesterday... they did x-rays of is leg (back leg, part femur, knee articulation and lower leg).. something wrong on the x-ray... the vet does not know what it is exactly... little pump...like an outgrowth on the tibia near the knee articulation... could be an old frature, or something worst....very small... the vet is going to get other opinions from his collegues...

    Tiger is on metacam for now... doing a little better... waiting on the x-ray result...


    He is 5...

    Please keep him in your prayers...



  4. So happy everyone loved their gifts!!! :colgate

    The rabbit was a special pick out by Tuffy. :P

    When I red about the passing of Jazz best friend it really touch me and I had to put something in the gifts about that...

    and could not past aside the ''roller coaster''... behold the power of e-bay... :P



    Josie and Tuffy

  5. Dear SS from the UK,

    mom told me your name in the card!

    and as I understood you are not a girl greyhound...but sure act like one! :P I'm happy to have a new friend in the UK!

    Thank you for all the gifts in your package!

    I loved the yellow teddy (mom name him Mr.Ted) and the fluffy Ball!!! that is sooo cool! You guess right for the tennis bal... but I'll give it to my friend Winston who is a golden retreiver! He will be so happy! :colgate

    I'm so handsom in my second collar! Mom says that you make really nice collars!!

    And the blanket will keep me warm! :inlove

    Everything was really cool!

    and Mom loved her chocolat!


    here's some pics :

    First encounter with Mr.Ted



    My new friend:



    Playing with my new fuzzy ball



    I was so tired I fell asleep with my new collar..




    Thank you!!!


  6. Hi my new friends form Ontario! Mom tells me it's not far away where you live! and that you have snow too! :colgate

    Thank you for everything in your package!

    Wow! I'm so happy to have a stuffie squirrel!!! :offwall

    and all those goodies !!!! I had a few cookies and a piece of that delightfull treat in the white bag! oh boy! that was good!! Mom did not give it all and she says that the plesure will be longer if I dont eat it in one bit... :unsure I have to convince her to bring me to that bakery sometime! (she knew that we had one like that in our town!!! and she did not mention that to me!! can you believe??? :angryfire well I forgive her.. it's x-mas after all)

    Here's some pics...


    Hi new stuffy..let me sniff you..



    Oh you're so fluffy Mr.Squirl!



    When mom says there's cookies in the gifts:



    My new friends (Mr.Squirl and Mr.Ted from my UK SS)



    Thank you!!!



    PS Mom love the chocolat and the cards!!! She says thank you :colgate

  7. My second SS pakcage came this Saturday morning! :banana

    Thank you SS from Kitchener Ontario!!!


    Can I open it Mom??? Pleeeeaaaassse....



    ''No sweetie X-mas is in 3 days'' mom says...





    Look at all those gifts under my tree!!! Some are from my UK SS, others from my Ontario SS and there's olso birthday gifts for my mom ( her birthday is on the 30th, so Dad wrap her gifts and put it under the tree... she is so curious to know what it is!!! :lol )




    Is x-mas ever gonna come???



  8. Ok so today Mom went outside to put up x-mas ligths on our home. When she got back home we open one of the gifts that contain the festive collar!

    WOW!!! Thanks UK santa!!!

    It says Merry Chritmas all over!!!

    Am I handsom with it?



    Boy I cant wait for Christmas morning to open all the other gifts in your box!!!

    Thank you!!! :xmas


    Is Christmas never gonna come? :blush




  9. Dear UK SS,

    mom told me that this week-end we are going to open one of your gift, a new collar for me, that you told us was a festiv one...

    It's feeling like x-mas here because we had a snow storm with a 1' snow fall... So I can be in the x-mas mood with your collar too!

    So mom will take pics of me with it so you can see how handsom I am :blush


    kisses and hugs


  10. Josee', oh darling, you Marc and Tuffy.....The most beautiful portrait of a brindle greyhound angle from Kevin Z. It will have a place of honor in the living room. It looks so much like our sweet Peatie. I shed many tears when I opened it. I just wish I was close enough to give you the hug you deserve for this wonderful surprise. Now I'll feel him with us all the time, flying above, watching over us.


    The minute I saw that print I teared up and knew you needed it, somewhere in your house.

    Someday I'll hug you for real, but for now :bighug



  11. Hi Santa in the UK!

    wow you better check your reindeer to see if they are not abusing of power drinks... :blink:


    Yes mom took care of the sqare box... :P but she did not open it :lol:


    Now we have to put up our christmass tree so the gifts be put under! well this wont be today because we put a real tree... :blush


    Big Kisses!!

    Love you Santa!


    Now I'll go sleep and dream of my gifts...




  12. One of Tuffy's SS is a really fast one!! :yay




    We received a package already!!! As a Evil Elf forward a pm from SS we open up the package...


    ''Come on Mom, stop taking photos and open the ''Open this first!' !!!'







    We are going to wait untill Christmass to open our gifts, Tuffy and I. :blush

    Thank you SS!!! The only thing we know is that our SS lives in the UK! :P


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